Car accident

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" Jessica walks upstairs with the basket of new washed and dried clothes to leave them in the kids bedrooms Hope was playing on the floor with her dolls and Danny was at the park with Dylan as Emmylou was still having her nap Jessica finish as well putting all the new when clothes in the kids room she goes to see if Emmy still is sleeping before she walks downstairs to start with the lunch Danny walks threw the door with Dylan "

" hey how was the park ?" Jessica yells from the kitchen "

" fun I love this son and dad days Dylan and I have start to have I never had any special days with Stella" Danny smiles "

" well I'm happy to see my two boys having fun " Jessica smiles "

" what's for lunch?"

" oh pasta and meatballs does that work ?"

" yeah of course is my baby princess up ?"

" oh I don't know but you can go and check " Jessica smiles "

" ok I'm upstairs if you need me " Danny smiles before leaving the kitchen "

"yup" Jessica smiles before she sees Dylan sitting on the floor looking at his mother "

" hey baby boy " she lifts him up and gives him a little kiss on his head "

" Dylan giggles and plays a little with the necklace that Jessica is wearing Jessica smiles and walks back to the stove to continue with the lunch while holding Dylan "

" Danny can you put plates on the table ?" Jessica yells "

" ok I'll be down in a minute " he yells "

* later *

" babe have you seen my keys ?" Jessica sighs "

" aren't they in you're purse" Danny smiles "

" no I looked and they not there I been looking everywhere "

" take my car then I'll look for your keys I think I know where they could be " Danny chuckles "

" oh ok thanks see you soon " Jessica smiles "

" yeah drive safe " Danny yells walking upstairs "

" Danny walks around looking for Jessica's car keys and laughs when he sees them lying in her other purse " yeah she really looked everywhere " Danny chuckles before he walks downstairs and puts Jessica's car keys on the table before he goes upstairs to get Emmylou that's now is up Danny walks downstairs with Emmy and Hope and puts them in the living room before he lifts up Dylan "

" let's watch a movie " Danny smiles and turns on the tv soon they all falls asleep to the movie Danny wake up of the house door and sits up "

" babe ?"

" no it's me why haven't you answered ?" Hannah says upset "

" oh sorry Hannah I been sleeping what's wrong ?" Danny asks worried "

" mom has been in a car accident you have to go to the hospital "

" omg " Danny tears up "

" just go i can take care of Hope and the babies Liam will take over as fast as he gets here "

" ok thanks " Danny says rushing out from the house "

" Danny drives to the hospital in a high speed he runs into the hospital and asks for Jessica Lange the receptionist asks him to wait in the waiting room Danny sighs and sits down he lays his head in his hands as he starts cry and starts thinking all negative thoughts"


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