Family day

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" Jessica woke up next morning in a empty bed she puts on some clothes walks downstairs and see her family at the table "

" good morning " Jessica smiles and sits down next to Danny "

" good morning babydoll "

" good morning mom"

" so how did you all sleep ?" Jessica smiles "

" good " the all says "

" so what do you all wanna do today?"

" we can go to the beach " Adah smiles "

" that sounds like a perfect idea "

" yeah it does actually " Shura smiles "

" well let's pack for the beach and then can we go " Jessica smiles as she starts clean away the breakfast "

" ok Adah llse go and pack you're swimsuits" Shura smiles "

" are you all done with eating "

" yeah eh I'm gonna go and do a thing I can come after you all later" Samuel smiles "

" oh ok "

" ok what ever you gonna do see you soon "

" thanks sis "

" you're welcome " Shura smiles "

" ok Danny can you clean away the breakfast I'm gonna go and pack for the beach "

" let me help you mom "

" oh sure "

" as Danny cleans away from the breakfast and Samuel leaves goes Jess and Shura up to her bedroom "

" can you give me two towels from th bathroom " Jessica smiles as she puts on her bikini top "

" sure so you really love Danny " shura yells from the bathroom "

" Jessica puts on a beach skirt { I have totally forget what it calls } and a top over her bikini " yeah I really do "

" Shura gives Jess the towels " well I can see that he really loves too"

" yeah it's pretty easy to see " Jessica smiles and puts down the towels in a beach bag"

" so no little langesters ?"

" Jessica starts laughing and looks at Shura " have you spoke to Sarah ?"

" yeah how did you know ?"

" Sarah did say it to me and Danny a little while ago "

" oh well she told me that I say so no little langesters " Shura smiles "

" well she just hops that Danny and I gonna have child "

" well a little sister doesn't sound bad " Shura jokes "

" I'm to old "

" eh no you not "

" ok enough talking about me let's just have a great time now at the beach"

/ at the beach /

" first into the water is a fish " llse yells running "

" I'm not a fish " Adah yells running after llse "

" Shura smiles and runs after her kids "

" Jessica pulls off her top and lays down "

" Danny looks at Jess and a smirks "

" you look so hot "

" thanks darling "

" Danny smiles and leans over Jess to give her a passionately kiss "

" mmh Mr Huston " Jess moans in the kiss"

" what babe " Danny smirks "

" eh I just miss what was the Axeman said now in the apartment " Jessica smirks "

" oh I think I know "

" can you say it "

" let's table love then what about sex good old-fashioned great sex " Danny says in a deep sexy voice "

" oh yeah that was what he did say " Jessica jokes and smiles "

" you like the Axeman don't you "

" yeah I really do like that man "

" well he likes his Fiona "

" oh well the soon gonna meet again "

" yeah the are "

" you two are like glue to each other " Samuel sighs "

" hehe well " Jessica laughing "

" you know I have to keep an eye on her so she don't do something bad " Danny smiles "

" well I don't wanna destroy something but I'm always gonna be her favorite " Samuel jokes "

" yeah I could guess that " Danny laughing "

" well Samuel is more easier to handle " Jessica smiles

" I'm not a child anymore don't forget that "

" you will always be a child upin my eyes "

" oh yay perfect "

" be happy you have a hot mom" Danny smiles "

" oh too much information now "

" Jessica and Danny laughing and the all enjoys the hot sunny day at the beach


So I hope you enjoy the part and I know that everything goes pretty fats but I have many ideas for this story so that's why// I'm gonna uplode this part again because the three last parts at wrong place

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