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" Jessica have talk to ryan and told him that she not gonna come beacuse of what happen to Hannah Sam and Jessica took a flight to new york and the did leave their stuff in Jess apartment before the both took a taxi to the hospital "

" Jessica and Sam walks to Hannah's room and see everyone sitting there "

" hey how is she ?" Jessica says worried "

" she is much better now " Shura says smiling "

" so it has change that's good " Jessica says smiling and sits down on a chair "

"  it's fun to see you two I just wish it was in a better place " Shura says "

" yeah same but everything is ok with you two right and the kids "

" yeah I'm fine and Adah and llse is fine too " Shura says "

" I'm fine too " Samuel says "

" ok good "

" and you and dad everything ok with you two too ?" Shura says"

" yeah of course it is " Sam says "

" Jessica gives Sam a stern look"

" everything ok mom ?"Samuel says "

" no actually not but I don't feel like it's the right time now to talk about it"

" come on it can't be that bad we already in a hospital beacuse of that Hannah have been in a car accident " Shura says looking at Hannah " how bad can it be ?"

" Jessica sighs and looks at both Shura and Samuel " Sam and I are gonna divorce "

" wait Jess we did never say something about divorce "

" what why I don't understand you two don't look unhappy " Shura says confused "

" well we was not really happy but that fact that Sam did go to LA for a week to be with another woman made me think at get divorced "

" oh come on Jess I told you I was sorry about that "

" and I told you I don't wanna hear it "

" Samuel and Shura looks at Sam with anger in their eyes " how could you do that "

" look I'm regret it so much but Jess it was a stupid mistake of me and why can't you just forgive me "

" actually I would forgive you if you did just sleep with her once but I don't know how long you tow have been going on with each other so no I'm not gonna forgive you Sam "

" why should you just forgive me if it did happen just once "

" we can talk about this later .. where is Adah and llse now ?"

" the are with their father I didn't wanna bring them here now " Shura says "

" ok tell me if you need any help you know I love bee with them "

" yeah I know " Shura says smiling "

"for how long are you two gonna stay " Samuel says "

" I can only stay one week I'm working and Sam I don't know how long he is gonna stay"

" I'm staying as long as i needs here " Sam says "

" Jessica and Sam stays at the hospital some hours before the takes a taxi back to her apartment "

" serious did you really need to bring that up when Hannah has been in a car accident and Shura and Samuel already is sad " Sam says angry "

" well did you wanna keep it in a secret I mean the wonder if everything was ok and I don't like to lie for my kids and you know that but well it is you so"

" what do you mean with that "

" well you was gonna tell me that yiu been in LA with anther woman so lying is something you most like to do huh?"

" no I don't I have tell you I regret it but one little lie was not gonna hurt them not when it was out us and gosh we haven't even talk about divorce "

" it doesn't matter Sam and I wanna divorce and I don't care if you wanna do it or not "

" and what did you mean with that you said at the hospital that you could forget me if I just did have wlep with her once "

" it doesn't matter good night Sam "

" Sam looks at Jessica walking to their bedroom" we not done with this conversation Jess "

" we are pretty done with everything Sam " Jessica yells from the bedroom "

" Jessica lays down in the bed and checks her phone and see that a unknown number has called her she calls up the number too see who it is "

" hello" Jessica says as she hears that the person picks up "

" Jessica hey how are you Ryan told me what happen " Danny says "

" oh it's ok how did you get my number "

" oh Sarah give it to me I hope it was ok "

" yeah of course " Jessica says smiling "

" how is our daughter ?"

" she is better thanks "

" and Sam ?"

" I'm pretty tired of him "

" I can understand that "

" ugh I just wish all this was over I could go home all my children is feeling ok and Sam left here in New York "

" is Sam not gonna go with you home "

" he is gonna stay here as long as the need his help "

" oh feel free when you come home then " Danny says laughing "

" oh I'm gonna feel so free " Jessica says laughing "

" well I'm good let you sleep take care of you Jess "

" the same to you Danny "

" call if you wanna talk some time bye "

" I will bye "

" Jessica hangs up the phone and adds Danny to her contacts she writes Danny but then changes it to handsome "

" much better " Jessica says for herself smiling "


Thanks for reading and i have some plans now for Jess and Danny 😉 but it will go a little bit slow 😘{btw I know that it's Sam apartment but it's a story so I'm changing a little bit }

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