Baby shower

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* some week later *

" Sarah called Danny early next morning to say that she Hannah Kathy and Emma is planning a baby shower she had also called Shura and Samuel and said that they could stay at her house until the baby shower so they can suprise Jess at the same time she asked if he could take out Jess on a shopping day or something and then drive to Sarah's house but he was not gonna tell her something Danny and Sarah talked for a little while before he hanged up and went to make Jess some breakfast to serve it on the bed "

" good morning babydoll I made you some toast and egg " Danny smiles "

" good morning handsome " Jessica smiles and sits up in the bed "

" enjoy your breakfast because today we are gonna shopping for you and our little princess "

" oh really but i thought you didn't like go shopping ?" She smiles "

" I don't but I love spending time with my wife "

" awe how sweet but it's ok Danny I can call Sarah and ask if she wanna come with me instead "

" no no I go but we can go to Sarah after we been shopping or after you been shopping " Danny smiles "

" ok but don't you need new clothes too "

" no don't start that again Jessica nothing is wrong with my clothes "

" gosh I mean that maybe you need new pants or something "

" oh eh yeah I can look at some new pants or a shirt maybe "

" you hungry my little princess huh " Jessica smiles and moves up her shirt to look at her belly "

" has your belly been bigger and I'm not calling you fat now ok" Danny smiles "

" it has yeah oh that's good for you " Jessica laughs "

" you better give her some food we don't want out princess to be a little monster " Danny laughs "

" nah I don't think she's gonna be as her father don't worry babe " Jessica winks "

" thanks " he sighs "

" Jessica ate her breakfast and got dressed She put on some jeans and a white blouse before she and Danny took the car to the mall first they got some pants to Danny and a stretch mark cream for Jess at the same time did Jess took the time to buy more shirt and pants before she and Danny walked out from the mall and went to a baby store "

" awe Danny look at this cute little shirt "

" yeah it is really cute " Danny smiles "

" awe why can't this little girl come out now "

" I'm glad she isn't out yet I mean I want her to be of course but I want to spend some time with you more before she comes " Danny smiles "

" mmh yeah you has right you can stay for a little while then "

" thanks " Danny laughs "

" they looks at some clothes a little while before they both goes back to the car Danny drives over to Sarah's house and knocke on the door "

" hey Jess and Danny come in " Sarah smiles "

" thanks oh i missed you so much Sarah "

" yeah it was a while ago I saw you and you Danny "

" yeah I know "

" you two can go to the living room I will come soon "

" smiles come babydoll " Danny smiles "

" they walks over to the living room and everybody jumps up yelling SURPRISE "

" oh sweet Jesus my heart " Jessica laughs "

" welcome to your baby shower babe " Danny smiles "

" wait you knew about this "

" yep I did Sarah called me today and told me about it "

" oh but awe I'm glad to see you all " Jessica smiles "

" awe look at you mom " shura and Samuel smiles "

" thanks you two and ah Ryan darling " Jessica smiles "

" you look absolutely gorgeous Jess " Ryan smiles "

" awe thank you so much "

" here is the cake " Sarah smiles "

" awe it looks delicious " Jessica smiles "

" I hope it is so now Jess honey before you gonna be able to taste the cake or open your gifts so are you gonna tell what your little princess name is gonna be " Kathy smiles "

" oh nah I don't know "

" come on " everybody says "

" fine if it's ok for Danny " Jessica says and looks at Danny "

" it's fine let's tell them they has been waiting long enough " he laughs "

" Danny has right and we don't wanna wait any longer " Sarah says"

" ok fine you wanna say it " she smiles and looks at Danny "

" no you can do it babydoll tell them her name "

" fine her name is gonna be... Hope Phyllis Lange Hutson " Jessica smiles "

" awe " everybody says "
" you had right she has a beautiful name "Sarah smiles "

" yeah our little Hope " Danny smiles and kisses Jess "

" ok now I want cake and awe cupcakes and macaroons " Jessica says in a sweet voice making everybody laugh "

" you go ahead mommy Jess " Sarah smiles "

" eh I mean it's not for me it's for Hope "

" yeah sure babydoll " Danny laughs "

* gift time *

" ok here Jess " Sarah smiles "

" Jessica takes up a baby jumpsuit with the text " I'm Sarah Paulson's little tequila " I'm so knowing didn't buy this in a normal baby store "

" nope " Sarah laughs "

" thanks Sarah I'm sure Hope gonna love this" Danny laughs "

" after opening all gifts they enjoy the baby shower and talked and had a lot of fun "

the reason I named Jessica and Danny's daughter to Hope is because I really love that name and I know it's a word but it's a beautiful name to have :)!

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