Hell of a sexy woman

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" Jessica got ready to leave she was going on a press conference for The Politician Danny was staying home with the kids while she was gone she walked downstairs dressed in what she was gonna wear and her hair was done "

" I'm leaving now "

" oh wow sexy lady " Danny smirks "

" Jessica smiles " kids behave now "

" wait I don't get a good bye kiss huh "

" of course " Jessica walks over and kisses Danny softly "

" see you later alright "

" absolutely " Danny smiles "

" Jessica kisses the kids before leaving the kids played with Jessica while she was gone "


" Jessica was now 18 weeks pregnant she was cleaning up in the kitchen while Danny was taking Jack for a walk and the kids was playing in the yard the whole family was at the cabin this week Jessica had made a pie that now was in the oven just as Jessica walks out from the kitchen Hope comes running holding a little baby Eurasian blue tit in her hand "

" mama look "

" Jessica smiles and looks down and sees the little bird "

" oh honey no let it go we don't wanna hurt the little bird "

" no it can't fly " Hope says sad "

" Jessica knee down as good as she could and looked at the bird "

" come we can go out and see if we could help it "

" Jessica and Hope walked back out to the yard Jessica took the little bird in her hand and looked it it "

"Come on try to fly " she says in a soft voice "

" Hope watched at the bird over and over again try to fly away but failing every time and fall to the ground "

" oh you poor thing "

" mama why not it's mommy come and help it "

" well " jessica sighs " this is the way for Mother Nature to show that if any animal isn't to strong to survive on it own it will be left outside it's horrible but sadly it's the way it is "

" oh " Hope says sad "

" don't worry Hope we can for sure help it " Jessica smiles as she looks at the little bird "

" Danny was already home and was starting the dinner Awelinn was sleeping Emmylou and Dylan was watching tv and Hope and Jessica was still outside helping the little bird am whole hour has almost passed and even if Jessica was tired and was sore in her feet's she knew Hope really wanted to see the little bird fly away Jessica moves her hand up and Hope jumps smiling seeing the little bird fly at dinner Hope couldn't stop talk about the little bird at the dinner table Jessica was happy listening at Hope after dinner Jessica bath the kids before putting them to bed Awelinn was sleeping in Jessica and Danny's bed Jessica and Danny ended the night with a bath before cuddling down in bed "

* one week later 19 weeks pregnant *

" Jessica Danny and the kids was home again it's vas early Jessica had just left Hope at school and Emmylou and Dylan at preschool Danny was at kindergarten with Awelinn when coming home Jessica threw herself on the couch resting while caressing her belly she really wanted this child to be out after a while Jessica turned on Spotify and started doing dishes and swung her hips singing to the music "

" My mama said you can't hurry love No you'll just have to wait She said love don't come easy But it's a game of give and take You can't hurry love No  you'll just have to wait Just trust in a good time No matter how long it takes How many heartaches must I stand
Before I find the love to let me live again Right now the only thing that keeps me hanging on"

" Danny walked into the house and looked at Jessica and chuckles "

"Pregnancy beauty " he smiles "

" Jessica jumps and turns around " oh gosh you scared me "

" sorry " Danny smiles "

" Awelinn runs to Jessica smiles " ma "

" hey princess come on dance with mama " Jessica smiles and takes Awelinn's hand and swings her body dancing singing "

" I remember mama said you can't hurry love No you'll just have to wait She said love don't come easy It's a game of give and take
How long must I wait How much more must I take Before loneliness Will cause my heart heart to break NoI can't bear to live my life alone I grow impatient for a love to call my own"

" Awelinn giggles dancing Jessica smiles singing looking at her Danny looks at them before he goes to the laundry room a whole day passes and all th kids was soon Jessica and Danny still haven't had time to found out the gender of their child the next day Jessica and Danny had got an appointment to check the gender after leaving the kids Jessica and Danny left to find out what she's having both Jessica and Danny got surprised of what their having after finding out they stayed at a bakery to buy four cupcakes with the sprinkles inside with the colour of the unborn baby gender when they arrived home Jessica oh the cupcakes on a plate and called the kids to the table "

" ok so if it's blue sprinkles inside the cupcake where having a little baby brother and if it's pink it's a sisi " Danny smiles "

" please pink please pink " Hope whispers with her eyes closed "

" no sisi no sisi no sisi " Dylan whispers "

" Hope opens her eyes and looks at her brother with and angry face "

" Hope " Jessica says "

" mama we no keep him " Hope says "

" well I spent 10 hours to push him out of my body so we are keeping Dylan now come in eat your cupcakes "

" the kids took a bite of th cupcake Awelinn kept playing with her not even paying attention Hope looks at the sprinkles and makes an angry face "

" no it's a boy oh man Dylan destroy it "

" no "

" oh no boy " Emmy sighs "

" Danny smiles happy " Dylan I'm happy it's a boy "

" me two " Dylan smiles "

" mommy do something " Hope says sad "

" sorry princess I can't "

" ugh it's daddy's fault " Hope mumbles angry "

" ugh it's daddy's fault " Hope mumbles angry "

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