Lewis Hamilton - Things you do to me

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A/N: 1st imagine that I had in mind recently as I've seen this video on YouTube and learnt the dance. Hope you guys enjoy and let me know if I should make more like these. We're starting the book off hot 🔥😏

Warning: Slight smut

Here I am, living my best life as I'm currently in Italy and get the opportunity to travel the world with my boyfriend, Lewis Hamilton. I couldn't complain about life as I got to travel to different countries to see him and he makes me the happiest I've ever felt in a while.

Might I say that long distance relationships are not easy, this being my first yet I'm glad we're still going strong. We both make the effort to travel to see each other every other week so we don't have to sulk and be emotional every time we have to Skype each other.

I had taken 2 weeks leave from work and promised to Lew that I would fly out to Italy to see him race. I still haven't seen his sexy face all day though he gave me his room details so I could tell the receptionist at the hotel to give me a spare key card.

He messaged me last saying that he was at the gym, I decided against disturbing him from his training session so I just laid in bed and took a nap.

An hour and a half later I woke up and still no sign of Lew. I was getting frustrated by the minute as I really want to hug and cuddle him, especially since I'm proud that he got P2 at the Belgium GP and kept his cool that he didn't achieve P1. I know this boys temper well enough by now that I'm used to dealing with it.

During my flight, I occupied myself by watching YouTube videos in which one had intrigued me as it had Nicole Sherzinger as the thumbnail aka Lew's ex-girlfriend. No hate to her as she is gorgeous and I was a fan of her in my younger days when she was in the Pussycat Dolls.

The video was a choreographed dance to their song 'Buttons' which she had featured in with Carmit. As I was a fast learner it hadn't taken me a long time to learn the dance due to watching the video on replay. I've always loved dancing from a young age so it was a must for me to learn the choreography to this song.

In Lew's suite was a massive mirror which I thought would be perfect for me to perform in front of as I can watch my actions and know where to correct myself. I connected my phone through Bluetooth to one of Lew's Bose speaker. I had the song on full blast and did a practice first before I went full on seductive.


I had acted the moves accurately to the video, especially when it was time to remove my shirt. I threw it across the room and hadn't noticed that Lew caught it, "Woah there" he said as held my shirt in his hand. "Lew !" I screamed in excitement and shock. I pulled him in for a hug despite not wearing my shirt. He held me tight around my waist, the tension slowly started to build in the room as the song continued to play.

"How much of that did you see ?" I asked in embarrassment as I pulled away from his embrace. "Too much to know that this shouldn't be performed for anyone but me" he smirked. "I'm sorry" I pouted. "What for babe ?" He asked in concern. "I'm dancing to your ex's song...you must feel uncomfortable" I said.

"To be honest not really because my eyes are only on you" he grinned as he pulled me by my waist again to be closer to him. Our lips were inches apart yet they hadn't dared to touch. "Now dance for me like that once more" he whispered in my ear. I smirked and pushed him towards the single seater couch. I replayed the song but only this time doing it as a lap dance in attempt to be sexy.

As I stood in front of him with my back faced towards him, I moved my hips from side to side and slowly moving my body down wards. He pulled me to sit onto his lap as I then grind my hips against his crotch. He spun me around so that I straddled him, he rested one hand on my cheek whilst his other rested around my neck. "The things you do to me. Damn" he murmured against my lips.

A/N: Please vote and comment your thoughts on my first F1 imagine, how do you guys feel about it / what are your thoughts ?

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