Artem Markelov - First Time

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A/N: Requested by my girl Wilshies . Hope you all enjoy. Be sure to vote and comment. Much love .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

The time had finally came around where both Artem and I were finally on a break. I was only told a few hours before we left - he apparently planned this for quite a while - that we're going to Maldives, his treat. I was really excited to go on an island, just the two of us, and so relieved that their wasn't much packing for me to do as their isn't really much one wears when they're on an island.

When we landed in Maldives, we had to take a boat to the resort and might I say that we had a really warm welcome. After we checked in, the first thing that came to my mind was going to the beach. The room was really cool since their was a king sized bed that had a view of the beach which is meters away and the bathroom was even better since their was a tub with an outdoor vibe, plus 2 showers one outdoor and one inside, this place is truly amazing.

After much exploring in the room, I took a seat on the bed, "Can we please go to the beach now ?" I asked. He then took a seat next to me and fell back on the bed, "I was actually hoping to catch some rest but sure" he said as he shrugged his shoulders and stood up on his feet. I went to change into my bikini in the bathroom, as I was changing I heard the door shut which he probably left to go to the beach.

Interesting story, even though Artem and I have been dating for quite a few months he hasn't seen me naked, let alone even in a swimsuit or a bikini. I thought this holiday away was the perfect time to tell him that I'm ready for us to move a step further. He's been patient and he has respected me, unlike the other boys I've been with before who pressurised me into having sex with them but not Artem.

I put on my teal Triangl bikini and threw over my black lace kimono. If I'm being honest, I am self conscious so I don't know how I'm going to find the confidence to remove this kimono when I get there. I spotted him laying down on a sun bed under the shade, his hands were under his head and his eyes were closed. "Hello" I said to catch his attention.

He opened his eyes to look up at me, "Oh hey" he said slightly nervous. "Are you really that tired ?" I asked as I sat down on the sun bed next to him. "Not anymore" he laughed as he sat up and turned to face me. "Oh really...Then how about we go for a swim ?" I suggested. "Okay sure" he smiled as he stood up and pulled my hand to walk along with him. "Wait" I stopped him, I pressed my lips together as I removed my black lace kimono. He bit on his lower lip as he watched me then looked away just when I looked at him.

Since it was so hot, a feeling of the cold clear water helped to cool me down a bit when I stepped foot on the wet sand. I walked further in till the water was by my waist, Artem was slightly further away since he's taller than me. He gave me a cheeky smile just before he splashed water towards me. "Oh it's on !" I yelled as I started to splash water at him, as I walked backwards he walked closer to me. I tried to make a run for it when I reached the shore but he caught up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind as he spun me around. "Babe put me down" I said as I held onto his hands.

He gently put me down then turned me around in his arms. He pushed a strand of hair away from my face as he slowly leaned in, our noses had just touched and he finally connected his lips with mine. My hands were placed on his chest as his arms were wrapped around my waist.

Just before he could deepen the kiss, I pulled at his bottom lip just to leave him wanting more before stepping back and walking away. "How can you do that to me ?" He asked in disbelief as he followed me to the sun bed. I threw on the kimono and turned to face him, "I just can" I giggled as I ran back to the room whilst he trailed behind me.

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