Charles Leclerc - Kittens

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A/N: Requested by @ilinca66 . Hope you all enjoy this one on my boy, Eclair. Much love .xx

I spent the day alone at home since Charles had left to Maranello for the reveal of the Ferrari livery for this season.

I thought of killing some time by watching something on Netflix, I hadn't even started watching a movie and my phone began to ring.

"Hellooo" I answered without looking at the caller ID. "Hey girl ! How are you doing ?" this voice could only belong to my best friend, it's so obvious by her accent. "Well much better now that I heard your voice, its been forever !" I said as I laid back against the couch. "Awww so sweet, you know we literally spoke like 2 days ago" she said, I could just imagine her furrowing her eyebrows. "2 days is long okay" I said as I continued to skip through my list of movies. "Anyways, how are you ? How's work and also your fam ?" I asked curiously. "Everything's really good, can't complain other than I'm missing you a lot and life is quite boring without you" she said as her voice dropped towards the end.

"Awww I miss you more" I pouted. "How's your man doing ?" She asked, I could just picture her cheeky smile right now. "He's doing well, he's not at home at the moment so I'm feeling quite lonely" I sighed. "Where's he gone ?" She asked curiously. "Maranello for the livery reveal" I said. "Ahh okay then what are you up to ?" She asked. "I'm currently searching for a movie on Netflix but can't find anything" I sighed again. "Just watch 'The Notebook', Ryan Gosling will make you feel some type of way" she squealed as she mentioned Ryan. "Thanks for the recommendation, I guess I'll just watch that. What are you doing ?" I asked as I finally selected 'The Notebook'.

"I'm just scrolling through Instagram now and- OMG !" she screamed which I actually had to pull the phone away from my ear so I don't go deaf from her screaming. "Might want to tone down the screaming" I suggested. "I couldn't help it ! I just saw my cousin - you know the one that stays near by you guys - yeah she has a litter of kittens that need a home. Ugh I wish I could have them" she sulked. "Omg really ? I want them !" I whined. "Do you really ? I can arrange them for you if you want" she said. "I'm dead serious, I could use some fluffiness in my life as I said I get lonely" I said as I played with the hem of my shirt. "Okay great ! I'll speak to her right now then send you the details" she said enthusiastically. "Yay ! Looking forward to hearing from you. Byeeee" I said lastly before ending the call.

She messaged me back after 10 minutes that her cousin had 2 ragdoll kittens left, which I agreed to wanting them, I know I didn't discuss this with Charles but this could be his little surprise for tomorrow. I sent my address so she could give it to her cousin as she'll be dropping off the kittens tomorrow morning and that too Charles comes back tomorrow, he's in for a real surprise.

Next Day

After getting a phone call early in the morning from (Y/B/N)'s cousin as she sent my number to her, she just informed me that she was on her way to drop off the kittens.

"Hey, it's so good to finally meet you" I greeted her as I answered the door. "Hi ! It's a pleasure, I've heard a lot about you from (Y/B/N)" she smiled. "Aww well I hope she didn't embarrass me" I laughed nervously. "No nothing to worry, she always talks good things about you" she laughed. "Oh okay that's a relief" I said as I sighed out. "So here are your 2 new babies" she said as she stepped aside to reveal the 2 kittens placed inside a little box. "Oh my gosh they're absolutely adorable" I cooed as I bent down to hold the both of them in my hand.

"They're both female, I've gotten their vaccinations done already so not to worry. I even brought a spare little bed that I had at home, I won't be needing it now so I thought I might as well give it to you" she smiled as she looked down at me. "Aww thank you so so much really" I said as I got up to hug her. "No problem at all" she said as we broke away from our hug. "How come you're giving these babies away ?" I asked. "Well, I already have about 5 cats now and I don't think I'm able to deal with more so I gave away 6 already" she said. "Oh wow that's a lot" I said as I then looked back down at them.

After a short conversation we finally said our goodbyes. I carried the box and the small bed along with me inside. I placed the bed in the corner of the lounge first, then I carried the kittens out of the box and onto the bed. Just then I could hear Charles' Ferrari pull up outside, oh gosh I wonder how he's going to react.

"I'm home !" He yelled as he unlocked the door. I walked over to him and pulled him in for a hug. "So how was it ?" I asked as I wiggled my brows. "Really good, I can't wait for testing to start" he said as we broke away so he could put his bag down. He walked back over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, "I missed you" he pouted as I loosely wrapped my arms around his neck. "I missed you too" I said as I pecked his nose. He smiled at me before pulling my face closer to place his lips on mine. The kiss was short and sweet as I was the one to break away when I felt my ankles being tickled.

He looked down and tensed up as soon as he saw the 2 kittens. "(Y/N)...what is that ?" He asked as he looked down. "Don't say 'that', they're kittens Eclair" I scolded as I bent down to hold them both in my hand. "Mon amour, how can you get them without asking me ?" He asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I thought it would be a cute surprise" I smiled. "Oh it was definitely a surprise" he said sarcastically. "You can't possibly be mad about me getting them" I said as I began to pet them.

"Well I am" he said seriously. "Ahh come on Charles ! Just look at them, they're so fluffy" I cooed as I cuddled them closer to me. "Bébé, when we're not at home who's going to look after them ?" He asked. "I actually didn't think about that" I laughed nervously. "Well I can always drop them off at (Y/B/N)'s cousins house since I bought them from her" I smiled. "You do some crazy things whilst I'm away and I was only gone for one day, imagine what you'll do in one week" he said in shock. "Probably buy a car or go on a shopping spree" I nodded my head with a grin. "Yeah you're not staying home alone any more, you have to travel with me from now on" he said as he shook his head at me.

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