Charles Leclerc - #38 #72

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A/N: Requested by @f1_girl97 . Hope you all enjoy it! Be sure to vote & comment. Much love .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

38. "Join me in the 🚿?"

72. "We haven't had sex in like a month, you're just going to tease me like that?"

After the disappointing Bahrain GP not only for Charles but for me as well, I had hoped that the Chinese GP would've gone better but unfortunately not. Charles had thought he could redeem himself and gosh I had hoped this would be the race he could win but there are many races to go so he has many other opportunities to show off his talent.

Race day had gone by quite quickly, we didn't know how else to spend the rest of the day so we just ate and cuddled in the hotel. As we laid in bed it was a calming silence as we both stared up at the ceiling in hopes to fall off to sleep but that wasn't going to happen any time soon since we're both jet-lagged. "Mon amour" he said as he turned to look at me. I hummed in response before turning to look at him. He then leaned on his elbow as he looked down at me, "So I want us both to getaway" he huffed. I furrowed my eyebrows, well this is news to me. "And where do you want to fly off to ?" I asked as I raised a brow.

"An island, more specifically the Maldives. Just me and you. I need to de-stress" he said as he smiled down at me. "You sound so serious and I'd love to go with you but-" he cut me off, "But what? I am serious" he finished. " you're being dead serious ?" I asked to be sure again. He raised his brows at me, "Do I look like I'm joking ?" He asked as he tried to look more serious. "With that face, no" I said before giggling. His face softened, "So when are we leaving ?" I asked. "Well, we're going to be flying all day tomorrow, we have Tuesday to pack our bags and we'll be off on Wednesday to the Maldives" he said casually.

"Wait, you already planned this? That too so soon ?" I asked in shock. "Yeah of course, you know how organised I am. What's wrong with leaving on Wednesday...what plans do you have ?" He asked as he raised a brow at me. After a short pause of silence I said, "Nothing, I'm just shocked how quickly you planned all of this" I sighed. "I'm full of surprises" he grinned. "Then you must be very eager to go on this trip considering you booked for us to leave on Tuesday" I wiggled my eyebrows playfully. "I am...I just want to spend as much time with you as possible before you're back at work" he said as he caressed my cheek. "Now other than the jet lag, you got me so excited about this trip that I can't sleep" I pouted. "Aww well that makes the both of us bébé" he said before pecking my lips.

When we finally reached home, the relief was that there wasn't much to unpack other than my clothes as I'd be needing more outfits appropriate for the warm weather on an island, so this called for a lot of bikinis, shorts, summer dresses and not forgetting sunblock as well as sunglasses. Even though we had Tuesday to pack, we had to leave in the evening as it was going to be a long flight ahead.

When we arrived on Wednesday morning, the scenery before us made us feel at ease, the aqua blue water, white sand and clear blue sky was truly breathtaking. We had taken a helicopter out to the resort, it felt as if this is all a dream. Damn, I'm truly blessed.

After checking in, I was in shock to find out that we have an overwater bungalow booked for the week. What in the world?

"Eclair, do you have something else up your sleeve because this is something people dream of doing for their honeymoon !" I yelled as I entered the master bedroom to find him laid back on the bed, "I told you I'm full of surprises" he smiled cheekily as he sat up on his elbows. "This is on another level honey" I said as I took a quick tour around the place. "Oh my god they have an outdoor shower and we have an infinity pool just outside our room. This is wild" I said in astonishment. "Well we better make the most of it" he said as he stood up and removed his shirt leaving him in just his shorts. "I'll go change" I said I went to my bag to start searching for a bikini.

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