Sebastian Vettel - Hot Lap

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It was the Germany GP, which Seb couldn't be any more excited for as it is his home GP, his favourite one of the season. It warms my heart to see him this happy therefore I was really happy to be here as of course not only his engineer but also as his fiancé.

Friday had arrived before we knew it, FP1 had went okay but not as great as we had hoped for but it's fine since it's only the first practice anyway, I was stressing despite the result of FP1 since I was told before the session that I would be doing a hot lap around the track with Seb.

At the moment my hands were sweaty, my heartbeat was faster than normal and yet I still didn't understand why I'm acting like this, I mean what could possibly go wrong ?

After FP1, Seb came up to me whilst I was seated at the pitwall. "You look a bit pale, are you ready for our hot lap ?" He asked as he rubbed his hands together. "Clearly" I faked a smile then frowned. "You'll be fine. Let's go" he said as he grabbed my hand and guided me to the track where the Ferrari was parked off ready to be driven.

He handed me my helmet as he put his on, "Ladies first" he said as he held the drivers side door open for me. I gave him a look before taking a seat into the car and putting on my seatbelt. "You're going to judge me and that's what's nerve wracking" I said as I turned to look at him just as he closed his door. "You're not a professional and that's okay" he smiled. "Wow, that helps so much" I said sarcastically.

"Now let's get going, we don't have all day" he said as he put on his seat belt. I rolled my eyes as I then put the car into drive and accelerated. I of course was more worried about driving safely than driving fast. "You just missed the apex" he said as he turned to look at me. "I'm trying to do a lap here where we're both alive once this is over so excuse me for trying to drive safe" I said as I rolled my eyes. "This is too slow, it's called a hot lap for a reason Liebe" he eyed me.

"80kph is good enough" I said as I continued to drive. "At least try to hit 100" he said as he glanced between the track ahead and then back at me. "Could you just stop talking for one minute until this is over, you stress me out during races and this right now is not what I need" I said as I briefly looked at him then back to the track. "Okay, sorry" he said as he held his hands up.

When I finally came to a stop, he muttered "Finally" which I responded "I heard that." We switched sides and boy was I in for a ride because I know for sure he wasn't going to drive at the same pace I did.

"Now I'll show you how to really drive" he said as he glanced at me for a second before taking off. Just as he stepped up on the accelerator, my hand immediately went to reach for his. "Are you trying to kill us before our wedding ?" I yelled. "Wasn't trying to" he grinned. "Please don't let go of my hand, I swear if I begin to have serious heart palpitations and end up in hospital then I blame you" I said seriously.

"I'll never let you go and that won't happen" he said as he continued to keep his eyes on the road. I interlocked our fingers and gripped onto his hand a little tighter as he took the apex faster than I did. "Now that's how you do it" he said. I rolled my eyes once again at him criticising my driving. As we drove on the main straight again getting closer to the finish line, he began to slow down.

He turned to look at me, "Now was that so bad ?" He asked. "It was terrifying and exciting at the same time...remind me to not get in the same car as you if you're driving" I teased him. "Ahh very funny" he chuckled. "How about another lap around the amazing Hockenheimring ?" He said as he began to pick up speed again. "No thank you, I'll pass that offer to someone else" I said as I looked out the window. "Ahh it wasn't that bad" he said as he then came to a stop. "You're right it wasn't, it was terrible" I said as I turned to look at him.

"You're just mad that your lap time wasn't as fast as mine" he said. "Well, at least we know that we won't die if I'm driving" I said as I faked yet another smile and pulled my hand away from his grasp as I got out of the car. I shook my hair out of the helmet and handed it to one of the team members who was waiting for us.

"Who said I'm going to let you drive ? People would just be shouting komm mach, weg (come on, get away) the whole time" he laughed as he walked beside me. "Are you forgetting that I'm your engineer ? I'd like to see who would give you your race updates now" I said in a more serious tone and turned on my heel as I walked back to the paddock. "She can't be serious" he laughed behind me. "Try me" I yelled as I continued walking. Of course I was just joking but this could be fun.

I could feel his presence behind me as he followed me back to the garage. I went over to Kimi's side and was glad to find Chris, Kimi's race engineer. "Is it possible for you to be Seb's new race engineer this weekend ? Consider it an engineer swap" I asked Chris. "Please say yes to piss of Seb" I said lowly to him after. "I don't mind swapping for the weekend" he said louder. "Great !" I grinned. I turned around to look at Seb, "Meet your new race engineer" I said as I motioned my hands to Chris.

"Like as if it's that easy to swap, Maurizio will not approve of this" he said as he motioned between us. "Oh yeah ?" I challenged. "Watch this" I smiled as I walked over to the hospitality to find Maurizio. "Please just go with the flow" I said lowly to him before Seb came up behind me. "Is she allowed to swap with Chris for the weekend ?" He asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Sure, why not" Maurizio said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Ha ! I believe I'm done here so see you around, I have to go talk to Kimi" I said as I rubbed my hands together before walking away back to the garage. "I'm not allowing this" he said as he walked besides me. "I don't believe you have a say" I said. "If this is true then I'm reporting it to Charlie" he said. "Oh my gosh... so you're basically that kid that reminds the teacher about homework which I bet you never did" I laughed. "You know me so well...but I really want you to be my engineer" he whined like a child.

"I'm sure Chris is better than me, I mean he was even Michael's engineer, what a legend" I said. "Fair enough but I prefer hearing your voice over the radio, you motivate me to do my best and give it my all, also not forgetting how sexy you sound" he said as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders from behind me. "You whine like a child sometimes, do you know that ?" I asked as I stopped in my tracks and turned around in his arms to face him. "You love me anyway" he smiled as he looked down at me. "Damn right I do and as if I'd stop being your race engineer, you're going to have to try harder to get rid of me" I pouted as I looked down at his lips. "I guess I'm not trying hard enough" he smirked as he then pulled me by chin to connect our lips.

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