Sebastian Vettel - Family Man

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A/N: Requested by @NeverGiveUPSV . Hope you all enjoy. I lowkey want this to be my life but anyway. Much love .xx

As excited as the kids and I may be to watch Sebastian race on the weekends, we were even happier when the season is over since he'll finally be be back home.

Sadly during the whole season we've only been to one race which is of course the home GP in Germany, I can't leave the kids to travel with Sebastian as they have school and that too I don't want to seem as a bad mother to just abandon them with my parents or his.

The final race of the season may have been over but he had to stay for the post season Pirelli tyre test in Abu Dhabi. I last messaged him when I was up early this morning to make the kids lunch and get them ready for school, he was on a break at the time but I guess he got busy again since he hasn't replied back to my message.

We had a four year old boy named, Benjamin and a three year old girl, Eleonora. Thank god I have Benji and El to keep me busy otherwise I'd be too depressed at the thought of Sebastian not being around.

After dropping them off at play school this morning, as soon as I got home I started cleaning up the house before I had to go back at 12pm to pick them up. Putting the last dish away, I grabbed my car keys from the kitchen counter and was on my way to pick up the kids from school.

I could spot them running towards me from afar, they pulled me in for a hug as I got down to their level. "How was school today baby's ?" I asked as I held both of their hands. "Good" they both said. "So are you both excited that you'll are finally on a break ?" I asked as I got them both into the back seat and put their seat belts. "Yes !" They both yelled. "Then when do we go back Mummy ?" Benji asked as I drove out of the parking lot and was on our way home. "Next year mid January" I said. "When does Daddy come back ?" El asked in hope to hear soon. "I believe this week" I smiled. "Yayyy !" They both screamed.

Just as I parked in front of our driveway, I helped them both get out of the car and held their hands as we walked to the front door. I tried unlocking the door but the lock didn't turn as it usually would when it's locked. The door is open. "What the..." I said confused as I pulled the key out and pushed the door open. "I locked the door before I left" I said as I furrowed my brows. I pulled them along with me into the house, I tried to hear for any unusual sounds but to my dismay heard nothing. Something is strange. I pointed to the lounge couch, "Both of you sit there quietly, Mummy will be right back" I said. They followed my instruction as I went to the kitchen to grab the broom I hadn't yet put away, I had a firm grip on it as I padded softly to the staircase.

The kids watched me intently as I slowly and softly walked upstairs. The next thing I hear was a scream from downstairs, "Benji ! El !" I yelled for both of them as I ran downstairs to the lounge. "What hap-" I was shocked to see before me, Sebastian tickling them both. "Oh my god" I said as I sighed of relief and placed a hand on my chest. He hugged and kissed them both before looking up at me, "I hate you" I said as I glared at him before walking back to the kitchen. "What did I do ?" He asked confused as he followed me to the kitchen. "Couldn't you have told me that you were coming home today ? I thought someone broke in, I was going to hit you with this" I said as I held up the broom which he let out a chuckle.

"It's not funny, I was so scared... I was thinking I'm going to die and what's going to happen to the kids oh god" I shook the thoughts away as I put away the broom and leaned against the kitchen counter. "Sorry sorry, but then it wouldn't have been a surprise" he said as he leaned on the counter opposite me. "I didn't even start cooking yet, the kids must be hungry now and damn you must be hungry too" I said as I pushed myself off the counter to start searching through the freezer for something to cook.

He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, "I missed you so much, Liebe" he whispered into my ear before kissing my cheek. "I missed you too" I said as I continued to rummage through the freezer. He tried to grab my attention but I wasn't giving him any, he then turned me around to face him and pushed me up against the fridge door. His thumb caressed my cheek whilst his other hand travelled into my shirt. Our lips were inches apart and I was waiting for him to make the first move, he was a second away from closing the gap between us until we were disrupted.

"Mummy !" Benji yelled as he came running into the kitchen with El by his side. I cleared my throat and stepped away from Sebastian before the kids caught us in the act. "Me and El are hungry" he said as he looked at me. "I'm just about to cook so don't worry" I reassured them. "Daddy come play with us" El said as she looked up at him with her famous puppy dog eyes. He shared a look with me before looking at her, "Let's go" he said as he rubbed his hands together and left the kitchen with them.

As I got the vegetables and chicken into the oven, I could hear screaming and laughter coming from outside. It made me smile to see Sebastian back again with the kids as they all played together, it's sad when kids don't have both their parents around all the time, that's why I'm so glad he's finally on a break.

"Guys the food will be ready in 5" I yelled through the window. After saying that they all came back into the house as they helped set up the table. As I bent down to reach into the oven to get the food, I felt a spank on my butt, I turned around to see Sebastian have a cheeky grin on his face. "That was inappropriate" I said as I placed the tray of food on the table. "I'm your husband I'm allowed to be inappropriate, unless you want me to crack some dad jokes" he raised a brow. "I think we've heard enough, thanks babe" I faked a smile as I sat across from him. He was on the verge of laughing but held it in. This man.

After eating, I did the dishes and tidied the kitchen whilst Sebastian got into playing another game with them. Once I was done in the kitchen, I padded my way upstairs to fall back on the bed, gosh am I tired.

I forced myself to finally get up and have a shower, after changing into my shorts and crop top I walked into our room to see Sebastian sitting at the edge of the bed whilst he scrolled through his phone. "Where's the kids ?" I asked as I furrowed my brows. "I gave them both a bath, changed them into their pjs and now they're asleep" he smiled as he looked at me. "What ?" I asked confused, I didn't wait for his reply back as I walked to the room opposite us to see them sound asleep. "Aww my baby's must've been tired" I cooed. I softly ran my fingers through Benji's hair before giving him a kiss on his forehead, I did the same for El before closing the door behind me and walked back to our room.

Sebastian was already changed out of his clothes and was now in just a pair of boxers as well as a T-shirt. "You actually did that" I smiled proudly. "I did...shocked ?" He asked as I got into the bed. "It's just that you got back home today, you're probably tired yet you still spent time with the kids today. I've always admired you for your qualities, but today I fell more in love with you if possible" I giggled. He smiled as he looked at me, "Well of course I missed them so for me family time comes first. I may have spent time with them but I'm saddened I didn't get to spend a little more time with a special someone" he grinned as he caressed my cheek.

"Well we have all the time now during this break don't we" I pressed my lips together as I straddled him. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt to pull him closer. His hands moved to my lower back, "Let the sleepless nights begin" he said before closing the space between us by connecting his lips with mine.


A/N: I just want to thank you all for your lovely comments on my last post which may be deleted now, it really warmed my heart and has motivated me to keep writing. I will continue to write oneshots since you all love them and of course I do too, I will also be writing for my Dan book as well so don't worry. Just if I'm ever in need of a break, I will inform you guys so you know. Thank you all once again. I love you all so so much and can't thank you enough. Much love .xx

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