Lando Norris - Comfy is the new turn on

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A/N: Requested by Onceuponxwars . I love this meme boy, so I really enjoyed writing this one .xx

"I'm not gonna lie, I'm really turned on by that"

With the ever so gloomy and bitter cold weather in London - which I can never get used to even after flying here so many times - today's weather was worse than what we experienced in the past month as it began to rain.

My break from campus was only a week long before I was back to studying so I'm trying to take as much advantage of this break as possible.

Lando stayed back at his apartment whilst I spent the day doing a little shopping, I unfortunately didn't finish because my hands were full and well it was getting colder by the minute, I was not prepared for this cold weather.

Coming from a country that experiences heat for almost the whole year, winter back home is nothing compared to the kind of winter experienced in European countries.

Since Lando was busy doing a whole gaming livestream with Carlos, I didn't bother to disrupt him so I just took a taxi back to his apartment which he doesn't know about.

The front door was already unlocked, thank god. I almost tripped my way in from trying to open the door whilst carrying the numerous shopping bags in hand. I pulled one of those moves where your mum calls to help with the packets full of groceries and you try to pull off carrying everything at once so you don't have to make a double trip.

"I'm home !" I yelled as I dropped the bags on the sofa. "You're home already ?" He asked from across the room. I walked closer to him, where he sat at his simulator, "Yeah, why is that a shock ?" I asked as I furrowed my brows.

"You could've called me to pick you up" he said as he then took a quick glance at me. "I'm mad at you now" he shook his head. "And why's that ?" I questioned as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Your clothes look like they're soaking wet, you could get sick ! And might I say again, you could've called me" he said in an obvious tone. "Chill out babe, it was only this once and I didn't want to be a bother knowing you were busy playing with Carlos online" I huffed.

"But this is my personal time, I only have a few days left with you and besides that, with my car I could've been there in like 5 minutes or less" he wiggled his brows. "Please don't ever think that you're a bother to me. I'll be more than happy to drop what I'm doing just for you" he smiled. "Clearly, you posted that embarrassing meme after the Canadian GP. When your girlfriend says she's home alone" I mocked and rolled my eyes.

"You gotta admit, that was a good one" he chuckled. "Wait...can your fans hear us ?" I asked with worry. " they can" he said as he clicked on the screen of his PC. "Hey guys !" I stepped into view of his camera and waved. "Carlos says hi" he smiled up at me. "Hope you guys are having a good time watching this boy lose in FIFA, I'll be off now. Enjoy !" I said enthusiastically. "Hey !" He whined as I walked off with a smile.

I removed my damp clothes and changed into something more comfortable. Bless him for turning up the heater so theirs no need for me to dress up too warm. I had on black knee length socks, an oversized pastel pink knit sweater and my damp hair in a messy bun.

The sweater was a size too big for me so it looked like a mini dress as it stopped just below my bum. To kill some time whilst Lando was busy, I packed away the clothes and makeup that I bought.

I laid back against the headboard as I switched on the TV to watch a movie on Netflix. I've been searching for a good couple minutes and still couldn't settle on what movie to watch, that's until Lando came into the room. "Thank god you're finally free, I need help on picking a movie" I said as I crossed my legs and sat up right.

"I'm not gonna lie, I'm really turned on by that" he grinned as he sat next to me on the bed. "By what ?" I asked confused. "By what you're wearing. It's hot" he said as he trailed a finger from my thigh down to my knees. "I'm shocked you say that because this is how I dress most of the time" I said as I glanced down at my sweater and then looked into his eyes.

"All the time ? Why don't I get to see you like this more ?" He asked in disbelief. "That's because I dress like this when I'm at home" I pursed my lips. "If I keep you more at my place then would dress up like this more often" he grinned. "Of course, if we're not going out then why the heck not" I shrugged. "Okay good" he smirked proudly. "Now back to Netflix, I need help picking a movie" I pouted.

He pulled me over to straddle his lap as he sat against the headboard, "How does Netflix and chill sound ?" He asked eagerly. "Sounds good but we need to find something to watch first -" he cut me off, "Minus the Netflix part" he said as he pushed my hair over my shoulder and held me at the back of my neck to pull my face closer. "That actually sounds better when you put it that way" I cheekily smiled as I glanced between his eyes and his lips. "I thought you'd say that" he said as he bit his lower lip briefly before closing the gap between us.

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