Charles Leclerc - #36

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A/N: Requested by f1lovesme . Hope you babes enjoy this ! Much love .xx

36. "You mixed the reds and the whites! I'm never letting you do laundry ever again!"

It was just another lazy Sunday at home - well for me at least - even though Charles May still be on a break, he had training to do and then he'd be back home.

I was sat in front of the TV scrolling through my phone, my messages were just dry like a desert. I was actually re-reading old messages to keep myself busy and entertained if you would like to call it.

I totally had forgotten Charles sent me a message before he left, I heard my notification go off this morning but hadn't bothered to open my messages until now.

Eclair aka Prince of Monaco

Mon amour. Please can you do me a favour whilst I'm away and wash the clothes. It's too late for dry cleaning and I need to use these clothes next week for testing. Merci beaucoup. Je t'aime.

Just saw your message now. I'm on it, don't stress. Enjoy your workout. Love you too, Eclair.

After hitting send, I face palmed myself for lying to him. I'm so useless. I can't wash clothes. I can do everything else but I wasn't taught how to do my own laundry. It's so embarrassing if I was to phone Charles and ask him. I would phone my mum but when I last phoned her earlier today their were visits at home so I don't want to interrupt anything.

My only resort to get knowledge on how to do this is probably looking at a youtube video and that's exactly what I did.

I grabbed the basket of our dirty laundry for the week, his team shirts from during the week of testing, both of our casual clothes such as T-shirts and sweatpants etc.

The video I watched hadn't warned me of the do's and don'ts of laundry, I just went straight in with putting some washing powder then tossed the clothes into the washing machine. Whilst the clothes were in the machine, I proceeded back to the lounge to waste some time by watching TV.

After about 45 minutes I assumed the clothes should be done and just my luck they were. I grabbed a bunch of the clothes handfuls at a time tossing them into a basket. I didn't bother to take a look at them until I went outside to hang them up.

I squeezed out the excess water and starting by hanging his team shirts, after that I grabbed a pink shirt. Wait. A pink shirt ? I don't recall putting a pink shirt in the washing, it couldn't have been mine or Charles. After squeezing out the water and fanning it out, I held it up to have a better look at it and that's when my face grew pale to see the Gucci logo on the shirt. Oh shit. Oh no. I'm dead meat.

How is that possible ? It was white before I put it into the machine. In frustration I ran a hand through my hair, what am I going to tell Charles ? Oooh he's going to be so mad. I thought I might as well phone him before he's on his way home so his reaction won't be so bad when he gets home.

"Eclair" I greeted. "Mon amour" he answered back. "We have a slight problem" I said as I pressed my lips together. "Well, I'm on my way home, I'll be there in about 5-10 minutes so tell me what's the problem" he said and I can already imagine him smiling ugh. "So uhm... please don't be mad" I uttered nervously. "I could never be mad you, tell me what happened" he chuckled. "Well you're going to be mad at me after you hear this...yourguccishirtispink" I said quickly. "I didn't hear a word you said" he chuckled again. " know your gucci white one" I said after a long pause. "Yeah ?" he asked confused. "It's pink" I said in a low voice. "I'm sorry, what ?" he asked. "You heard me" I said as I pressed my lips together.

After a long pause he finally spoke up, "You mixed the reds and the whites! I'm never letting you do laundry ever again!" I was at a loss for words, "I'm sorry babe" I said as I started to feel bad. "It's fine don't worry about it, I'll see you just now. Bye" he said. "Bye" I said in a saddened tone before ending the call. How could I mess up like that ? Damn. I hung up the rest of the clothes before going back inside to make myself a cup of tea.

I was still upset over the pink shirt and tried to get my mind off it, I hadn't took notice that it started to rain and the clothes are on the line.

"Bébé" he called as he entered the house. "Over here" I called from where I was on the couch. "Where's the clothes ?" He asked as he stood in front of me. My smile fell as realisation hit me that it's raining. "Shit" I muttered as I ran outside. "You left them on the line didn't you ?" He yelled after me. I didn't respond as I was too interested in getting the clothes off the line and into the basket.

I ran back into the house, thank god the rain had died down so I didn't get soaked. "Oh my god" he said as he saw me walk back, it was clear on his face that he was holding back his laugh. "You don't have to keep it in" I said as I rolled my eyes and walked passed him to set the basket onto the counter. He then burst out laughing. "I know...I'm a mess today" I huffed. "Correction...a hot mess" he smiled at me. "Thanks for that" I smiled back. He then walked up next to me to look at the clothes in the basket, everything was fine except for his Gucci T-shirt.

He held it up as he had a good look at it, "Disappointed but not surprised" he chuckled then turned to look at me. "Excuse you, Eclair" I scoffed. "You can have the shirt if you want" he said as he handed it to me. "Did you know, real men wear pink" I wiggled my brows. "In that case, I'll keep it" he grinned.

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