Max Verstappen - Daddy

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A/N: I'm sure we all agree that Max has a daddy kink so that's exactly what's going to go down in this imagine. Hope you guys enjoy ! Be sure to comment and vote.

Warning: Slight smut

Max and I have been dating for almost 2 years. These 2 years has had its ups and downs but we got through it together. We didn't let the long distance get to us and we both made the effort in our relationship to see each other whenever either of us were on a break.

Its been a while since my parents had seen Max, so after the Italian Grand Prix weekend my mum had told me to invite Max over to our house for dinner.

Max and I had taken a flight out on Monday morning and arrived in the afternoon. We drove to our hotel and checked in - despite having an open option to go to my house to get ready, Max had chosen to stay at a hotel so that we're less of a hassle for my parents - we were tired out from being jet lagged and a long flight but we can't cancel dinner plans.

I had a shower first since I would've taken longer than Max. After having a shower, I wrapped myself in the bath towel and started with my hair. I blow dried my hair then curled it, for my makeup I went for a very natural look since I'll only be seeing my family anyway. Just when I was done with my makeup Max walked out of the bathroom already dressed. He wore a white button up with his sleeves rolled up, black jeans and black loafers.

I eyed him from the mirror where I was as he walked to the dresser table to spray on deodorant. I bit my lip as I watched him run his fingers through his hair and then put on his watch as his veins had popped along his arms. I was dead in that moment.

"Ready to go ?" He asked as he turned to look at me. "Clearly" I faked a smile, clear sarcasm in my voice. "I honestly don't mind, you look sexy anyway but only problem is I won't be able to control myself around your family" he said as he walked closer to me. I walked into the bathroom to change into a checkered crop top and matching skirt that hugged my figure in all the right places.


Just as I clipped on my black choker I heard someone clear their throat behind me

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Just as I clipped on my black choker I heard someone clear their throat behind me. "Have you been eyeing me this entire time ?" I asked in shock. "Indeed I was" he said as he leaned against the door frame. "That's invasion of privacy" I said as I brushed passed him to our room to grab my purse and phone. "Not when I'm around" he smirked as he grabbed my waist and swiftly turned me to face him.

His hands were placed on my lower back as they slowly moved towards my bum. He pulled me in for a kiss and I instantaneously melted for him. As much as I would have loved to go on I broke away from the kiss, "We have to go or we're going to be late" I warned.

He grabbed my bum then spanked me just as I turned away from him. "You're in for some tonight" he said as he grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers. I gulped and hadn't uttered a word to him. The drive to my parents house was quiet but Max would tease me from time to time as he would rub his hand on my thigh and would slowly move closer to my core. Even though I would try to brush his hand away he still had continued his ways.

I was so relieved when we had finally reached my parents house since Max became clingy. Any other day I wouldn't mind but not in front of my parents. I unlocked the front door and went straight to the kitchen where I assumed my parents would be, "I'm home" I shouted as I walked towards the kitchen.

My parents rushed towards me and pulled me in for a hug as they missed me. "The house is dead without you" my mum said as she held onto me for a little longer. "Max, my boy how are you ?" my dad asked as he shook his hand. "I'm doing great thanks and yourself ?" He said. "I'm doing fine. Hope you're taking good care of my daughter" he said a bit seriously. "Dad !" I interrupted. "He treats me like a queen so nothing for you to worry can we skip to the part where we're all eating ?" I asked.

My dad nodded his head and lead the way to the already set dinner table. I held Max's hand and squeezed it to reassure him not to stress. He smiled at the gesture and followed me. We sat across my parents on the dinner table. We sat in silence as we commenced eating dinner.

I decided to break the silence by commenting on the food, "Thank you for taking your time out of your day to prepare this lovely dinner. I know how busy both of you are with work so I really appreciate it" I said. "Yeah this tastes amazing and thank you for inviting me" Max said.

"It's no problem, I'm so glad you both could come" my mum said. My parents then got into their own conversation whilst Max and I continued eating. I shivered at the feeling of Max's hand on my thigh which slowly traveled closer to my underwear.

When his hand had travelled under my skirt to my underwear I started coughing, "Uhm, Daddy can you please pass the water ?" My eyes widened when Max's arm was about to reach out for the water but I quickly stopped him by placing my hand on top of his in my skirt. Well that was a close call.

Max started teasing me as his hands rubbed small circles on my underwear. "I think we should get going, Max and I are really jet lagged from flying plus he has an early morning tomorrow at the gym" I said as I faked a yawn. I greeted both my parents as Max did the same. "I promise to stay longer another day" I smiled and waved my parents off as I got into the car.

"Could you not control yourself ?" I burst as soon as we're both seated in the car ? "Around you I can't" he admitted as he turned to look at me. "You're so naughty...we could've gotten caught" I said as he laughed in reply. "Now hurry home safely because you have to finish something you started" I said as I bit my lip. "Sure thing baby" he smirked as he sped off.

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