Charles Leclerc - #14

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A/N: Requested by @noellalaurax . After the disappointing race in Bahrain for my boy, I thought we all need a fluffy Charles ASAP so here it is. Much love .xx

14. "So we order a bunch of food and 🐷 out?" "Pretty much."

The second race of the season is here, the Bahrain GP. I know the first race for Charles didn't go as he had hoped as he finished in P5, not the greatest weekend for Ferrari but then again its only the first race.

I unfortunately couldn't be in Bahrain for the race as I had to go to work and couldn't take leave just yet as I'd much rather wait until the Monaco GP, but that doesn't mean I wasn't keeping track of how his sessions were going.

I was extremely proud of his performance this weekend as I knew he could do it, he's so talented and he honestly deserves nothing but success in his career as he's so passionate about racing, not forgetting how hard working he is. Saturday came around and I was over the moon, he finished first in FP3 and let's not forget when qualifying came around - luckily I was at home at the time - I was screaming and jumping for joy to see him finish in pole position.

Everyone was just as happy as I was to see Charles finish in pole position, my social media was filled with posts about him and how he's the 99th driver to finish in pole position, that too at the 999th race. Phenomenal.

Race day finally came and gosh I was feeling anxious and thrilled at the same time. Anxious because anything can happen and thrilled because this could possibly be Charles shot at getting his first podium, that too he could finish in P1.

The start wasn't that great but he came back in Lap 5 as he overtook Sebastian. He was doing great throughout the race and I honestly couldn't have been more proud than right now. It was at Lap 50 when he reported that he's having issues with the car, an issue with the turbo charger (MGU-H) caused him to slow down. He even mentioned how he felt like crying and I was about to cry myself. Theirs 7 damn laps to go, why does this have to happen right now ? Ugh.

Lewis had to eventually overtake him and as well as Valterri, but they couldn't do anything as they didn't have issues with their car. Thank god for the safety car that he ended up finishing in P3 so he still got to be on the podium. My heart shattered to hear him apologise on the radio to the team, honey what are you apologising for ? It's not your fault baby. I was gutted to see his face after the race.

He tried to keep a smile on his face and make it seem like his happy but we all just know. Good on everyone for realising the true champ of that race, it warmed my heart to see Lewis giving him so much credit for the way he drove all weekend.

Ugh I just really would like to give him a hug right now, he needs it and that too I really miss him. I hesitated on phoning him, I thought I should give him some space and rather he call or message me tonight when he's ready to talk.

I was in bed at the time scrolling through my social media, pictures of Charles flooding my timeline, the sadness in his face breaks my heart. When he isn't happy, I'm not happy. I felt like crying after seeing a couple videos of him during the post-race interview and press conference, just then my phone goes blank for a split second as he calls me.

"Bébé" I answered as I couldn't help but smile at the same time. He lowly laughed, "Mon amour" he said. "How are you doing ? I was going to call or message you but I said I'll wait till you're free" I said as I shifted and sat up against the headboard. "I'm doing okay, would've been great to finish P1 but I guess today wasn't my day" he sighed.

"Okay bébé, hear me out. I know how disappointed you are and it's not your fault so please don't be so hard on yourself. You were the real champion out there today, everyone knows you deserved that win. Know that you haven't let anybody down with how you performed today, you gave your absolute best all weekend and it shows just how specially talented you are. You have 19 races to go so always look at the bright side, I'll always be here to cheer you on no matter what. It may have not been your day today, redemption will be yours some time this season. You're the true champion in my eyes, okay ? I love and miss you so much" I said as I sighed and pouted at the end.

"You're always right. I really needed to hear that. I always appreciate your support...I honestly don't know what I'd do without you. I don't deserve you" he said. "Don't day that !" I scolded which he just chuckled. "I'm going to call it a night since this race is history, I'll see you tomorrow, okay ? I love and miss you so much, mon amour" he said, I could already picture the smile on his face now. "Okay babe, sweet dreams and can't wait to see you tomorrow !" I squealed at the end. "Night bébé. Je t'aime" he said lastly before I ended the call and called it a night as well.

Next Day
I knew Charles was arriving sometime late in the afternoon as he had a long flight ahead of him. I drove over to his house early so I could catch up with his family before he arrived, all of us talking about about the race and also just keeping up to date about general things.

Arthur and I were watching TV, I was attention was drawn to everyone rushing to the front door, we know Charles is back. As he walked further inside, I saw his face and couldn't help but smile. I waited for him to hug the family first before I went last. He smiled with arms wide open as he engulfed me in a hug, I wrapped my arms around his neck and nuzzled my face in the crook of his neck. "I missed you bébé" he murmured into my neck. "I miss you too babe" I said as I released from our hug and cupped his cheeks before placing my lips on his.

"I know you're still not the happiest" I said as I looked up into his eyes. "What makes you think that ?" He asked. "I know you too well, it shows on your face" I said as I caressed his cheek. He looked down for a brief second before looking into my eyes again. "I have a solution to our 'depression' after that race" I smiled. "And what's that ?" He asked curiously. "Food ! We are going to eat till our hearts content" I smiled as I wiggled my brows. "So we order a bunch of food and 🐷 out?" He asked to be sure.

"Pretty much" I said as I pulled him to sit on the couch in the lounge. So I did the job of ordering us food such as pizza, burgers, fries and well we didn't need ice cream since we already had some in the freezer.

He looked at me in shock at all of the food laid out before us on the table. "You expect us to eat all of this ?" He asked as he raised a brow. "Consider it your cheat day, that too we aren't eating all of this food for ourselves. The rest of the fam are going to eat as well" I said as I grabbed a slice of pizza.

We took the food to the lounge as everyone was seated on the couch watching TV. I grabbed a pint of chocolate ice cream from the freezer and sat on the empty seat next to Charles. I took a spoonful and fed him the ice cream first before taking a spoonful for myself. I was happy to see him have a genuine smile on his face again, he really needed this.

I suggested on watching a Disney movie which we all settled our decision on The Lion King. Charles laid his head on my lap as I then started to play with his hair. He turned to look up at me, "Thank you for everything, you always know how to make me feel better" he smiled. "Don't thank me. It's the least I could do since you were unhappy, I couldn't stand to see you like that" I pouted. He caressed my cheek, "I don't know what I did to deserve you" he said. "I ask myself the same" I huffed. He chuckled at me as he pulled my face towards his and gave me a short kiss. All we needed was a little loving.

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