Sebastian Vettel - Alone time

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A/N: Requested by @NevergiveupSV . Hope you babes enjoy .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

"I can't wait until we're alone. There are so many things I want to do to you right now."

On Sundays if it isn't race day then it's family day. Unfortunately today I have to spring clean the house so Sebastian has to take over today which he of course doesn't mind since he's not at home as much.

This morning he refused to let me leave the bed. He had his arms wrapped around me as he peppered my face with kisses. "Seb stop" I giggled as his facial hair tickled my face. His kisses trailed down to my neck, "I can't wait until we're alone. There are so many things I want to do to you right now" he said as he nuzzled his face in my neck. "Later...if you manage to get the kids to stay at your parents house then you got yourself a deal" I said to which he then looked up at me in surprise. "Are you serious ?" He asked as his face lit up. I nodded my head with a smile, "Okay then, I can do that" he smiled down at me.

He left early this morning with the kids to visit his parents and the rest of his family. I'm sure the kids would love to see their grandparents after so long and more especially play with their cousins.

Luckily I started early so it was a relief that I was done early in the afternoon. Just as I finished cleaning the counter top my phone rings. It read 'The Husband', is he calling to give the good or the bad news ?

"Hellooo" I answered happily. "Liebe, what are you doing ?" He asked. "Well I just finished cleaning and now I'm going to have a shower. Whatsup ?" I questioned as I walked to our en suite. "Did you forget about our deal from earlier already ?" He asked, I can already picture the cheeky smile on his face.

"No, that's actually the first thing that crossed my mind when your name popped on my screen" I said in a seductive. "Oh I see...want to take a guess of what's going on now ?" He said. "'re coming back home with the kids because you couldn't do it" I joked. "We know each other for like 6 years, do you still not know me at all ?" He asked in disbelief. "Of course I do babe but you're probably just playing" I shook my head to myself.

"Don't you know I have my ways, anyway I'm coming home empty handed so I'll see you just now" he said. "What did you do ?" I asked in shock. "Well they got carried away with the other kids that were over and my parents wanted them to stay so I said that's perfectly fine with me" he chuckled. "That's a first because usually they always want to be around you" I pursed my lips as I stripped off my dirty clothes. "True but it's about time we're alone for once, you need some loving from me to" he said in a playful tone. "Couldn't agree more. Anyways I'm going to shower so see you in a bit" I said as I turned on the shower. "I'll join you. Bye" he said lastly before ending the call.

I stood a little in shock at his last words, he's actually going to join me. Okay then. I stepped into the hot shower and immediately felt my whole body relax under the warm temperature. It felt more soothing than usual, especially after spending hours of cleaning.

I washed my hair first, humming to myself and looking around in hopes that theirs no demon in the bathroom with me. After rinsing my hair I felt a pair of hands placed on my hips. "Waiting for me ?" He asked as he whispered into my ear. I shook in fright and turned around to look at him, "Holy bejeezus you scared me" I said as my arms covered my chest.

He chuckled at my reaction, "Sorry, I couldn't help myself" he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me flush against his chest. As his hair got wet from the shower head above, I pushed his hair back with my fingers. "Now that we're finally alone-" he paused as he pressed his forehead against mine. "You're all mine" he finished before closing the gap between us and pressing his lips against mine.

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