Daniel Ricciardo - Make Up

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A/N: Requested by @aurora_ric . Hope you enjoy. Also, Merry Christmas my loves .xx

"I was wondering how long you two were going to make out like that before you realize you weren't alone."

Christmas was right around the corner, not only at this time of the year should we expect a lot of gifts but invites to parties as well. A good friend of mine, Chloe, had invited me as her boyfriend was hosting a Christmas party.

Her boyfriend is known as Scotty, as in one of Daniel's best friends, which means he's most likely going to be there and I have to face him. I'm sure everyone understands the pain and discomfort to see your ex when you've recently broken up.

Its been 4 months since I last saw him and spoke to him. We did agree that we will be on a friendly terms after our breakup but we all know how that goes. Him being the sweet man he is, he still tries talking to me or commenting on my pictures but I say nothing at all as if I have a ton of work to do.

It hit me hard after our break up because not only was he my first boyfriend but I truly believed we had a future after being together for 3 years. He reassured me the moment it all went down that I was not at fault to encourage his decision but I still can't help but think that I've done something wrong.

Chloe and I had became really great friends when we were first introduced to each other through our boyfriends and ever since then it was a must for us to meet not only on race weekends but whenever our boyfriends were to meet as well.

I tried my hardest to come up with a lie to Chloe that I couldn't make it to the party but she knows me too well unfortunately. She knows about Daniel and I but she reassured me that she will be with me as much as she can through the evening.

I was dreading for this evening to come but I have to face him some day right ?

I had a shower a few hours before the party, proceeding to do my makeup and then curling my hair. I thought nothing screams Christmas like a red dress so that's exactly what I wore with a high slit on my left leg with thin straps sitting on my shoulders.

A little sprits of my favourite perfume and I was ready to leave with my purse in hand. I called an Uber a while back because theirs no way I can drive in heels to the party.

During the drive my leg would not stop bouncing and I couldn't even distract myself by looking through my phone. It wasn't until the driver came to a stop that I was pulled away from my trance and exited the car.

The party's held at Scott's house, it's the first time I'm coming here and I already feel like leaving. It's so unlike me to behave and feel like this as I'm usually the type of person to face their fears or confront someone about a situation that upsets me but this time I don't have the will or confidence.

I had to give security my name before being escorted into the house. The first familiar face I recognised was luckily Chloe and I was so relieved that she noticed me as well. She walked towards me with the brightest smile on her face, "Oh my god it's so good to see you !" She said as she engulfed me in a tight hug. "I'm so glad to see you. Its been ages" I smiled when I pulled away from our hug to see her face.

"It has ! But otherwise, how are you doing hun ?" She said as she held my hands. "Do you want an honest answer or the one that I always give everyone ?" I asked as I tilted my head to the side. She widened her eyes at me, "Of course an honest answer" she said. "Well, I was doing good until you practically begged me to come here and I realised I have no choice but to see him" I pouted. "He's not coming" she said plainly.

"Wait, what ?" I asked in shock and lowkey disappointment. "Oh my god you should see how depressed looking you were just a second ago" she giggled as she cupped my cheeks. "I hate you" I rolled my eyes. "It's so cute that the love is still their. He's an idiot for dropping your fine ass because just look at you, you're looking gorgeous" she said as she looked at me from head to toe.

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