Lewis Hamilton - Prank Wars (Part 1)

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A/N: Thank you guys for 2K. Hope you guys enjoy ! Be sure to vote and comment. ❤️

Warning: Language

This past week building up towards the US GP, Lewis and I have been constantly pranking each other. I'd say the prank that really got to me was him revealing that he so called cheated on me with Nicki whilst he was in Dubai and I was back home. Their was a constant argument between us for some time and it took me a lot of convincing that it was just a prank and nothing more.

He posted it on his social media and of course everything will get blown out of proportion as fans will make their own assumptions. I wouldn't blame them for believing it either since she was at his TOMMY X LEWIS collection launch party and I wasn't there so people assumed we broke up.

It took many phone calls, FaceTimes and eventually meeting each other face to face for me to be convinced that he was just pranking me.

We were in Austin for the US GP, Day 1 of free practice and I thought I would start with classic basic pranks. I woke up earlier than he usually does, had a shower and got dressed. After doing so, I put powder into the blow dryer as I knew for sure that he'd be using it after the shower. I put it back into its original place and went to sit on the couch in the bed room. I decided to wait some time playing games and going through my social media.

I was disrupted when his alarm went off, he stirred around in bed to turn to his bedside table to switch it off. He turned back around and reached his arm out on the bed. He peaked his eyes open to look at me sitting on the couch and staring back at him. "Couldn't you have stayed in bed a little longer today ? What's the rush babe ?" He asked as he got out of bed. "Thought I'd wake up early today for a change" I smiled. He nodded his head and went into the bathroom.

After hearing the shower switch off, I waited for the sound of the blow dryer and before I knew it he was shouting my name. "(Y/N) !" he yelled. I rushed from where I was on the couch to the bathroom and tried to hold in my laughter. I opened the bathroom door to half naked Lewis messed with powder on his face and hair. I burst out laughing, I just couldn't hold it in, "You think this is funny ?" He questioned as he began to grow angry.

"Heck yeah it is, I'm loving the new look" I said and took a quick picture of him. My new wallpaper for sure. "I'm going to get late. This is all your damn fault" he said as he started the shower up again. He ruffled his hair and managed to get some powder out but he still needed another shower. "Love you" I said as I blew an air kiss and closed the bathroom door.

I left the room and decided to wait in the lobby where Angela as well as his driver would be waiting. I burst out laughing as I saw Angela waiting patiently for us. "What did you do this time ?" She asked as she started giggling with me. "Powder in the blow dryer and boom" I laughed out with her. I took out my phone and showed her the picture I took, she laughed more with me but we have to cut our fun short when Lewis started walking towards us.

He had his sunglasses on and hoodie up, Angela began to gather her things and proceeded to the car as we followed closely behind her. As we both got into the back seat of the car, I pulled off his hood and ran my fingers through his hair, "Your hair is damp, you know how cold it is out here and you can catch a cold. You should've called me to dry your hair" I said. "It's fine, just leave it. War is on" he said as he lowered his sunglasses and winked at me.

When we reached the paddock, he went to his drivers room to change before he had interviews to do and start FP1. After his interviews I spotted Daniel riding his scooter around the paddock. Perfect idea. "Hey Dan. When you're done, can I please have the scooter ?" I asked. "Yeah sure, you can actually take it now because I'm done. It was fun while it lasted. Thinking I should get one of my own" he said as he got off and handed the scooter to me. "I see Lewis has set a trend. Thank you and see you around" I smiled at him and started to ride the scooter to the Mercedes garage.

Lewis P.O.V

As Daniel was walking back to his garage empty handed I looked at him confused, "Mate where's the scooter ?" I asked. "Your girl asked for it so I gave it to her" he said. "Are you fucking kidding me ?" I began to shake my head and walked towards the garage. "Is something wrong ?" he shouted. "No but she's up to something" I shouted back as I started jogging to the garage.

"Where is she ?" I asked Angela as she was the first one I spotted. "Haven't seen her for a while" she lied. "You're siding with her aren't you ? I see how it is" I said and walked over to Toto. "Have you seen (Y/N) ?" I asked. Someone must have seen her come here. "I have seen her" he said as he shoved his hands in his pants pockets.

"Well, where is she ?" I asked. "Somewhere around here probably" he said. "Oh my god. First Angela, now you as well. Where is this girl ?" I yelled in frustration. "She went to your drivers room mate" Bono said as he walked past me. "Finally someone tells me. Thank you" I said as I walked towards my drivers room. "What did (Y/N) ever do to you ?" Angela asked Bono. Bono got speeches from the staff for being a snitch.

Just before walking into the hallway of my drivers room I heard her laugh. I turned to the side to see her through the small glass pane. An idea clicked in my head when I saw a fire extinguisher nearby, I smirked as I unlocked the door and walked slowly behind her. "Babe you're so hot, let me cool you off" I said before she was drenched in foam.

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