Daniel Ricciardo - Friendzone (Part 1)

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A/N: Thank you to @TheDremar for the request. Shoutout to these lovely girls, RuinaSantori , DannyRicc17 , Wilshies , Lewilca and f1stan for their lovely comments. Check out their books bc they're amazing ! Hope you all enjoy, I got inspo from my breakdown last night lmao.

Warning: Language

You know what sucks ? Being in the friend zone with someone that you've fallen in love with, damn it's the worst. Even worse when they haven't noticed your love for them and they complain about finding someone else when you're right there like 'uhh hello did you forget that I exist and could be your potential girlfriend'.

Daniel and I have been best friend for the last 3 years now, we met through Michael at a party and damn that day was truly a dream. He's so handsome, charming and literally everything a girl could ask for in a man, yet he still complains when I'm around that he can't find himself a girlfriend like am I not good enough ?

I was scrolling through my social media until I came across an article of Daniel. The headline read in bold 'Daniel Ricciardo's newest love interest no longer private', what is this shit that my eyes are reading. I skimmed through the article learning that this girl is a model and also from Perth, Dan's friend also follow her yet I'm not aware of this ? What the fuck is going on ? Is this a damn joke.

I decided to call Michael first since I'm just as close to him as Dan, or so I thought, maybe he could answer my questions. "Are you busy ?" i asked without greeting him. "Hello to you too" he laughed. "What's this shit I'm reading about Daniel having a girlfriend. Is it true ? Did you know about this all along ? DID YOU SET THEM UP ?" I bombarded him with questions.

"Calm down. I haven't met her, maybe it is true I honestly don't know, Daniel hasn't told me anything...Why does it matter to you ?" He asked curiously. "Are you an egg ?" I asked sarcastically. "Is this one of your puns ?" he asked confused. "No, because you are an egg. Are you also just as blind as Dan to see that I like him ?" I admitted with immediate regret. "You like Daniel ?" He asked in shock. "No, what are you talking about ?" I laughed off. "You just admitted to liking him" he said in a serious tone.

"Okay fine. Yeah I like him but I thought you as my best friend would know this by now. Damn you boys are blind" I said as I shook my head even though he couldn't see me disappointed. "I mean, I figured but I didn't want to say anything" he said. Just then I had an incoming call from Daniel. "He's calling me" I said as I began to panic. "Well, then answer it" He said in an obvious tone. "I don't want to talk to him after what I read" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"You my friend need to get your life together" he said. "He's still phoning me again ugh...Mikey you know how organised my life is, you know what, forget this call even happened because I'm going to sleep-" I said as I was about to end the call "(Y/N)!" He whined, I yelled bye and hung up. Yet again the 3rd time Daniel is calling me and I don't want to answer. I left my phone on the table and put it on silent as I jumped onto my bed ready to call it a day even though it was 11am.

My doorbell went off the first time, thinking if I continued to sleep and didn't answer then the person would go away but I thought wrong. Their was a knock at my door whilst the doorbell went off, "I know you're in there, (Y/N/N)" said the all too familiar Aussie. I huffed in frustration and walked over to the door then opened it to be faced to face with none other than the only person I've been dreading to see this morning, "What do you want ?" I asked annoyed.

"I've called you so many times and eventually I had to phone Michael to ask about you because no one else knew what happened to you" he said as he began to grow angry. "Well, I'm clearly alive. Bye" I said as I was about to shut the door but he stopped it with his foot and came in. "I don't want to deal with you right now. I just want to sleep. Michael himself knows not to get me in a mood when I'm about to sleep so I suggest you leave" I said as I pointed to the door whilst I walked back to the bedroom.

I totally forgot that I was just wearing an oversized sweatshirt with no pants whilst answering the door since I'm the only one who lives in my apartment, well who cares now.

Just as I was to enter my room he caught hold of my wrist, "I wanted to go out today but you ruin it by being in a mood. What has gotten into you ?" He asked. I pulled my wrist from his grasp and walked into my room, "I don't owe you any explanation ! I'm clearly not your best friend and I mean nothing to you all these years" I said as I let a tear fall. His face softened to see the tear rolled down my cheek, he reached to wipe it away with the pad of his thumb but I stopped him. "Just go Dan. I need space" I said as I closed my room door behind me.

He sighed then walked out of my apartment as I heard the front door shut. I curled myself into a ball under the sheets as I let the tears fall, why can't I ever be happy ?

Daniel's P.O.V

As I walked out of (Y/N)'s apartment it made me wonder what could've gotten her this sad. What did I do wrong ? What did she mean by we aren't best friends and she meant nothing to me ? She means everything to me.

I decided to call Michael, he would know what's wrong. "Mate, I just left (Y/N)'s apartment and she's crying now" I said as I hit my forehead. "Well, what did you say to her ?" He asked worriedly. "I just asked her why she wasn't answering my calls and what has gotten into her. Then she says that she means nothing to me and that we aren't best friends. Is their something I'm missing here ?" I asked confused.

"Oh gosh...okay, just leave it to me and I'll talk to her" he said. "Okay, thanks mate. I appreciate it" I said lastly before ending the call.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I hadn't realised I fell asleep until I was disturbed by my doorbell going off again. Who could it be this time ?

I opened the door this time to be greeted by Michael. I pulled him in for a hug as he hugged me back. "You look like a hot mess" he said as he looked down at me. "Thanks Mikey, that makes me feel so much better" I faked a smile. I invited him in and sat next to him on the couch. "So, why did you cry ?" He asked as he interlocked his fingers. "I don't think that needs an explanation, you know why" I said as I rolled my eyes and played with my fingers to avoid his gaze.

"I really like him Mikey, why can't he see that already ? What's so good about that girl anyway ? She's older than him, she's a model and I get that she's from Perth but that doesn't sound like a match to me" I said as I laid my head on his shoulder as he stroked my hair. "Well, I have a plan if you're up for it" he suggested. "I'm all ears" I said as I sat up intently to hear his plan. "Make him jealous" he said.

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