Valterri Bottas - Birthday Sex

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A/N: Thank you to MariGraceRose for this request. I really hope you all like it. Be sure to comment and vote. Much love .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

This year is going to be a sad birthday spent without Valterri as he of course had a race coming up this weekend. I couldn't fly out unfortunately as I had work to finish back at home even on my birthday. As much as I like birthdays, I don't like boasting about mine coming up as I don't like to be in the spotlight. I know birthdays are an exception and it's great to get presents but I mean you're getting a year older so what's so exciting about that ?

My birthday came and I was flattered by the amount of messages I got from friends as well as my family, everyone I know of had wished me except for one person, my man. How could he of all people forget ? Had it been someone else I wouldn't have been upset but I mean really Val ?

My family had planned to take me out for my birthday as a surprise since they felt bad I wouldn't be able to spend it with Val, now that I'm thinking of it I wouldn't want to since he forgot my birthday. I hadn't put up a post on my social media just yet until I was finally in bed just before midnight from having dinner. I was scrolling through my social media and smiled when I saw posts that my family as well as friends had tagged me in. I frowned when I scrolled back to the top since I hadn't heard from Valterri all day. I decided to put a post up on my story to thank everyone for their wishes and presents.

Not even 15 minutes of wasting time on my social media, my phone is bombarded with messages from Valterri.

My boy Val

Hey, sorry I got caught up with the team
Love I'm so sorry
I love you so so much and I wish I could be with you to celebrate.
I'm so so sorry
I feel so bad right now

Just after reading his messages he starts phoning me which I end up declining his call. I don't even want to talk to him right now. I switched my phone off so I'm not disrupted by the vibrations of my phone if it's on silent. I turned around in the bed and covered myself, maybe I just need some sleep to cool down.

The next morning I was disrupted from my sleep by the ringing of the doorbell. Who could be at the door at this damn hour ? I padded barefoot downstairs and smoothed down my hair to look somewhat presentable. I unlocked the door and looked at the unfamiliar face, "Can I help you ?" I asked. "Are you (Y/N) ?" He asked as he looked at a card in his hand then back at me. "Yes, that's me" I said. "Great ! These were sent for you" he smiled and walked to the delivery van to reveal 6 large bouquet boxes of red roses and mixed flowers.

Oh my. I moved aside from the door to let him bring in the boxes and once we has done I thanked him. I read the card that was placed in one of the bouquets,

To my love,

I'm so so sorry for forgetting your birthday, I know how upset you must be right now. Please answer my calls. I love and miss you so much. Let me make it up to you, I have a surprise for you if you switch your phone back on.

Val xoxo

I laughed at the end of the note, of course my curious ass is going to see what surprise he has up his sleeve. I switched my phone back on and got more messages than last night probably from after switching my phone off. As I was scrolling through the messages my phone started ringing again. I rolled my ayes and thought flip it just answer the call. I waited to hear his voice, "You can't be telling me that you answered the call to ignore me" he laughed. "I honestly don't even want to talk to you right now but the bouquets you sent just came now so I said I should at least thank you" a smile crept its way on my face.

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