Daniel Ricciardo - Overprotective Boyfriend

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A/N: Requested by sof_vaz . Hope you guys all enjoy, I don't even know how I feel about this one but anyway. Be sure to vote and comment your thoughts below. Much love .xx

It was the Italy GP in Monza, a special one not only for Ferrari but also for Daniel since he was half Italian. He insisted on me coming since I didn't live that far from Italy and I'm sacrificing only one weekend of work to see him which I couldn't care as I could make up for it some other time during the year.

Race day had finally arrived and Daniel was really hyped to prove himself out there since he didn't even make it to Q2 which meant he started in P15. I knew he had it in him to do well since this boy was known for his late breaking and I was going to be right here to watch him too.

It was just after the drivers parade, he came back to the garage and said to meet him in his drivers room in 5 minutes. Yeah interesting story, I'm the sister of my boyfriends engineer. I nodded my head and watched him leave to get changed into his suit. I didn't realise I was day dreaming until I was snapped out of my daze by a tap on my shoulder. I then turned around, "Hey (Y/N) ! How are you doing ? I haven't seen you around here in a while" Max said as he then pulled me in a hug.

"Yeah it has been a while, I've been busy with work all this time so I didn't get the chance to see Dan race live but it's okay, as long as I'm here now right" I smiled. "Ahh okay I understand, well at least Daniel has a beautiful girl he's committed to and gets to see after a hectic race weekend" he said a bit shy. Is he trying to flirt with me ? God I'm so oblivious to everything happening around me, what would I know.

"Awh that's so sweet of you to say, thank you Max" I said as I then began to blush. He continued to ask me about my personal life which I didn't mind since Max had became my friend quite a while ago, that too he's my boyfriends team mate so their shouldn't be any bad blood. His press officer, James, then came over and stopped us in mid conversation as Max had to leave to go get changed. "Well, it was great talking to you and catching up. We should hang out some time" he suggested. "Yeah that sounds great ! I'd love to, just let me know when and I'll check when I'm free. I wish you the best of luck for the race, I'm sure you'll do great" I said as he then engulfed me in a hug.

"Thank you, I appreciate it. Anyways I gotta go now, bye" he said as he waved me off. I checked the time on my watch and 20 minutes had past, damn where had the time gone. Shit. I totally forgot about meeting Dan at his drivers room. I rushed over to his drivers room, I knocked on the door before opening it. "I'm so sorry for -" I started as I entered the room but was cut off, "Not now (Y/N) I'm busy" Daniel said as he was stretching which Michael was helping him.

"Okay sorry I-" I said but was cut off yet again, "Can you please just leave ?" He asked as he closed his eyes for a few seconds before meeting mine. I felt that, it really hit me hard. He's not only pushing me away but he basically embarrassed me in front of Michael. Flip him. His words had actually hurt me as I felt the tears well up at the brim of my eyes. I stormed off from the room and slammed the door behind me to emphasise how mad I am. I didn't know where else to go so I just stood by Simon.

Just before he goes on track, I usually always kiss him good luck or I give him a few last minute words of motivation. Not this time. I had my arms crossed over my chest as I watched him walk with Michael inside the garage. He came all the way in front of me to shake Simon's hand and he glanced at me as he did it but walked away straight after he was done as if I was a stranger. What has gotten him in such a damn mood that he isn't talking to me ? I rolled my eyes at him and just then Simon turned to face me. "What's wrong with the 2 of you ?" He asked confused. "I don't even know myself, he's just not talking to me all of a sudden" I said as I began to grow angry. He's acting so damn immature.

Just when he was finally seated in his car, I put on my headphones and watched as Simon said, "Radio check." "Yep" he said in his cheerful voice. Then why the hell are you pulling your face at me. "Ask him why he's mad at me" I said to Simon. "I can't do that" he said seriously. "I'm your only sister and when do I ever ask you to do anything for me ? Please just this once ask him" I pleaded. He let out a sign as he said into the mic, "(Y/N) wants to know why you're mad at her." Their was a silent pause for a few seconds before he replied, "No comment." This made me even more furious than I actually was. This little piece of shit is breaking my heart.

It was Lap 24 of the race when I started to see Daniel's car slow down as their was a puff of smoking coming from the back, he pulled off the car onto the grass. "Looks like we're going to have to retire the car. Sorry mate" Simon said "Understood" he said in a broken voice. I would say that's karma for being salty towards me before the race but I don't want to seem like a bitchy girlfriend.

I took off the headphones and sat next to Simon. I watched him come into the garage, he glanced at me briefly before going to the pit wall to talk to Christian. I tried to converse myself with Simon about anything right now to distract me from Daniel. The curiosity in me made me turn to glance at Daniel which he was looking back at me and was walking toward us. Shit I blew my cover. He stood behind Simon as he looked at me and I looked back at him. "Erm theirs someone" I coughed and pointed to Dan then turned to look anywhere but his face. Simon turned around to speak to him and just then I got up from the chair, thinking of going to the hospitality to kill some time.

Just as I walked past his drivers room I rolled my eyes, I hadn't noticed he caught up to me until I felt his hand on my wrist as he pulled me inside his room and pushed me up against the door. "You're the last person I want to see right now" I said clearly angry as I pulled my wrist away from his grasp. "And why's that ?" He asked oblivious. "When I came earlier you told me to leave and in a harsh way in front of Michael. You didn't even -"I stopped talking as I felt a hot tear roll down my face. "Please don't cry" he said as he wiped away the tear with the pad of his thumb then pulled me in for a hug.

"No... don't even hug me" I said as I tried to release myself from his embrace but I gave up when he didn't budge. He caressed my hair as his head laid in the crook of my neck whilst his arms were wrapped around my waist. We both know we needed this hug. "Why did you have an attitude with me earlier ?" I murmured against his suit. "It's nothing now...just leave it, as long as I have you with me" he said soothingly into my ear. "No Dan, tell me now" I said as I released from his embrace. "Ugh I don't want to say it but...I saw the way you were talking to Max and it ticked me off" he said as he looked down at me. "Are you bloody kidding me ?" I asked.

"No I'm not" he said seriously. "You idiot. I thought I did something wrong and meanwhile this whole time you were jealous ?" I asked in disbelief. He pressed his lips together and turned to look away from me. I held his chin in my hand and turned his face to look back at me. "If it was such a problem, why didn't you speak to me about it ?" I asked curiously. "Well, it seemed like you both enjoyed taking to each other and I didn't want to disrupt anything" he said. "Just cause Max and I are the same age, doesn't mean I'll go for him Dan. I only have eyes for one dork" I said as his face then instantaneously lit up.

"I see the way he looks at you and talks to you. I've heard he's into you as well so I have a right to be worried" he said defensively. "It's not like I'm single so you have nothing to worry about. I'm committed to you, I ain't running anywhere babe" I said as I then squeezed his cheeks. "Ugh never mind that...can I still get my good luck kiss even though it's of no use now" he pouted as he then pulled me closer towards him. "You know you don't even have to ask" I smiled before connecting my lips with his.

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