Charles Leclerc - Honeymoon Avenue

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A/N: Last request for @musicalem21 and @f1stan (Tumblr). Hope you guys enjoy this ! Much love .xx

Warning: Slight smut

Its been 6 months since the Monaco GP, even though Charles' race finish may not have went as planned that day as he ended up getting a DNF, the day was memorable for the both of us and finished with a happy ending as he proposed.

We've been together for almost 3 years and its been the best 3 years of my life. He really brought tears to my eyes that day as I never thought I'd see that day come so soon. Time has flown by so quickly this year with him getting promoted to Ferrari and our wedding coming up, this year couldn't have been better for the both of us.

We decided to have a private wedding in Monaco with just Charles' and my immediate family as well as our friends during the small break between the Mexico GP and the Brazil GP.

A lot of people had thought that we were rushing into this too quickly and that our lives aren't going to be the same, all I had to say for them is that I chose to marry him, as long as we're happy and we're the same couple in the future then that's all that matters to me.

We decided to go on Honeymoon in Italy and stayed at a hotel near the Amalfi coast. It felt as if I'm living a dream because my younger self would've never imagined my future self married to my best friend and travelling the world as Mrs. Leclerc. It's crazy thinking about it.

Nothing went down on the first night if that's what you're thinking, we were both sloshed from the after party of our wedding and we had our flight to catch in the evening from Nice to Italy. Luckily our bags were already packed so we just needed to freshen up and get comfortable.

As soon as we arrived at the hotel, we both changed into our pyjamas and called it a night as we snuggled closely.

Next morning, I woke up due to the sunlight shining in my eyes, turning from side to side in an attempt to avoid the sunlight was a fail. Charles began to stir in his sleep, he turned to face me and wrapped his arm around my waist as he laid his head on my chest. "Why are you so restless this morning ?" He asked in his morning voice. My gosh I could melt. "The sun is shining in my eye, I can't go back to sleep now so I'm wide awake" I huffed as I got out of bed.

He caught a hold of my wrist and pulled me back in bed. "Stay a little longer" he said as he started to place small kisses along my collar bone and along the side of my neck. "Not now babe" I gave him a kiss on the cheek and went straight to the bathroom.

As I was in the shower the water temperature had suddenly changed from hot to cold which made me let out a scream. "Oops my bad, sorry babe" he yelled. Once I was done I got dressed as he had his turn to shower.


As Charles got dressed I decided to go out in the balcony to admire the view from our room

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As Charles got dressed I decided to go out in the balcony to admire the view from our room. Leaning against the railing, I felt his all too familiar presence behind me as he wrapped his arms around my hips and his head laid on my shoulder as he placed a kiss on my cheek. "Ma vie" he whispered in my ear. I turned around in his arms to face him, he looked down at my outfit with wide eyes, "Are we ready to go ?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You know it's our honeymoon, if you're going to wear clothes like this then how do you expect us to leave from here ?" He said as his face was inches from mine. I rolled my eyes as I began to smile, "No one said our honeymoon is one day, we have all the time in the world to do what you want to, I just want the two of us to go out like old times" I pouted. "Not even for a little while ?" He said as he nuzzled his face in my neck. " my lips...later" I said as he huffed and followed me back into the room.

I grabbed my purse and held his hand as we went downstairs to the lobby. We walked to a nearby cafe to have breakfast, it was so cute as it was so small and the smell of pancakes instantly caught my attention. After ordering and eating, he spoke up "So what do you want to do today like old times ?" He asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Well, a lot of people doubt that a married couple can have fun and I want to prove them wrong because I know theirs no way that we are boring" I said.

"Sounds like a plan, how about we go to a fun fair ? How does that sound ?" He said as he held my hand and caressed the back of it. "Omg really ?" I asked in enthusiasm. He nodded his head as he smiled. We paid for the bill as he then called for a driver to take us to the local fun fair.

As soon as we were there I felt like a child again since that was probably the last time I've been to a fun fair. He interlocked our fingers as we went on different rides together as well as playing games which we were both every competitive at. He eventually won a big panda bear for me and I couldn't be happier because I absolutely love pandas.

The sun was beginning to set and we decided to leave the best for last which was the Ferris wheel, a real cliché moment but I couldn't care because we were having fun. We sat together in silence with our fingers interlocked. "Thank you for today, I got to relive my childhood and spending it with you, my husband is even more that sounds even more crazy saying it out loud" I giggled. "Believe it or not I am your husband, I still can't believe that you're my wife, I'm so lucky to have you in my life baby" he said as he kissed my forehead.

"You're going to make me cry. Stop being so cute" I pouted. As we reached the top we lived the cliché moment to view the beautiful sun set on the horizon. It's as if he thought what I was thinking as he turned my face to him and connected our lips, the sparks from last night was back again, it was sweet and short. He placed one last peck on my lips before I laid my head on his shoulder.

Once we were back at the hotel I left my purse and the panda with the rest of my belongings. Charles caught me off guard as he carried me to the bed. He laid me down as he hovered over me. "You made me wait all day whilst you wore this outfit, that's not fair" he said as he began to caress my thigh. "I don't see why you're rushing -" I was cut off as my words turned into moans. He began to nibble on my sweet spot as my hands instantaneously went to his hair and tugged on a few strands which also got him moaning.

He kissed along my jawline, down my neck and to the valley of my breasts. I connected our lips which we were both clearly hungry for each other, he held my face with one hand whilst his other traveled down to the waist band of my silk shorts. My hands moved under his shirt as I felt his abs, he playfully bit my bottom lip and tugged on it making me want him even more. Just then one of our phones began to rang which ruined the perfect moment. "Leave it" He said against my lips. I switched our positions as I straddled him, I removed his shirt and tossed it to the floor. "You've waited all day for me, now I can't wait for another second for you" I said as I removed my top and met my lips with his once again.

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