Lewis Hamilton - Bowling Battle

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A/N: Requested by @amjhurk . I really hope you all enjoy this one as much as I did, I love my boy Lew. Much love .xx

It was the Japan GP, the first GP I would be attending as Lewis's girlfriend. Exciting and a bit nerve wracking if you ask me. We FaceTimed quite recently which we spoke about going public, he admitted that he thinks it's about time that we show the world that we're an official couple.

Rumours aside about Lewis being with a model or a singer because I'm coming through. It was a mutual decision about us going public, he didn't want me getting hate and I wasn't ready to be in the spotlight just yet but it's all good now that we both agree after 6 months we're an actual item.

Cameras were flashing non-stop as we held hands and walked through the paddock. We got a few stares from others but I didn't mind it, I kept the sunglasses on till we were in the garage. Thank god I had Angela with me so I'm not exactly alone.

It felt good to meet the main members behind the team such as Bono, James and Toto himself etc. They were all delighted to meet me as they all said they heard so much about me from Lewis. He actually kept to his word to ask me to come for this GP - he actually told the team that he was going to ask me to come this weekend - which I couldn't be happier right now. For once we don't have to be in secret around each other which is such a relief and it just warms my heart.

I gave him a kiss and a few words of motivation before he had to leave for the race. Whilst Angela was away with him, I actually ended up making a small conversation with Toto which Bono would join from time to time but once Angela was back, then of course all of our focus was on the race.

I stood nervously next to Angela as I watched him lead the race, I know that he got this but I couldn't help but stress if something happens, everyone knows how unpredictable this sport can be at times.

He crossed the chequered flag landing in P1, the whole garage erupted with applauds and screams which I joined in as well. I went with the team to parc fermé, for once I'll be watching him live on the podium take his win that he deserved.

When got out of the car he jumped into the open arms of the team which I just giggled. Once he was finally back on his feet, he caught a glimpse of me and motioned for me to come closer. He then engulfed in a tight hug before he had to break away to do a quick post-race interview before the podium ceremony.

We didn't have to wait for long until they called Lewis's name, which we all began to scream and cheer for him as well as Valterri previously. I ended up getting messed with some champagne but it's fine since I could always change later.

After the podium ceremony and post-race interviews we were all back in the garage which Lewis made an announcement, "Guys ! So tonight I rented out a whole bowling alley for us. Be there at 8" he yelled which everyone erupted in cheers. "This should be interesting" I said as I then turned to look at him. He threw his arm over my shoulder and led us to the car to go back to the hotel.

I had a shower and changed out of my messed clothes into black jeans, a pair of white sneakers and threw over one of Lew's hoodies.

Once we were finally there, Lewis got handed a mic to make his announcement, "Firstly I'd just like to thank you all for coming. So I know we all have to play, theirs 38 lanes so I think we should do 3 players per lane. Yeah...again thank you all for coming. Have fun !" He said which everyone applauded him. I was stood next to Lewis as he was busy talking to Toto whilst I spoke to Susie. They're such wonderful people, bless them.

"So Lew, you may have won the race today but can you also win at bowling ?" I asked as I wiggled my brows. "Are you challenging me ?" He asked as he narrowed his eyes. "You know how competitive I am" I grinned. "Okay and what does the winner get ?" He smirked. "Hmm...the winner gets the loser to do whatever they want" I said as I shrugged my shoulders. "Okay, fair enough...you're on babe" he said as he held his hand out to shake. "Challenge accepted" I smiled as I shook his hand.

Paul overheard our conversation and ran over to us to record, "So Lewis and (Y/N) have just challenged each other to see who's going to win. Take the poll on who you think is going to win, I'm on Team (Y/N)" Paul said to the phone. "Hey !" Lewis whined. "Thanks Paul" I giggled as I bumped fists with him. Toto tried his best to play but I believe Susie was doing better than him, they're just the cutest.

Lewis went first and I couldn't help but criticise his technique, "Under pressure" he said as he didn't get a strike and still had two pins. "Excuses...but what even is this bowling technique ? Did James tell you to do this ?" I laughed at my remark. "Haha" he faked a laugh which made me laugh more.

When it was my turn, I ended up getting a strike on my first try, "How ?" he asked in disbelief. "I'm just that good, suck it up babe" I said sassily. "I'm gonna get you, watch me come from the back" he grinned.

It was Lew's turn again, "Lewis, this is your chance to prove that you can bowl" Paul said as he recorded him. "Okay" he nodded his head before knocking out 9 pins. "Ahh damn that was close" he said. On his second attempt his knocked out the one pin, "That was pretty good" he said. "Not bad" Paul said as they bumped fists.

I was doing pretty well, I was still leading until Lewis finally got a strike which my jaw dropped, "You'll catch flies babe" he said as he closed my jaw. I narrowed my eyes at him which he laughed.

When his turn came around again, Paul said "As every year, Lewis is the last one bowling because he wants to break his own record but this time he'll be trying to beat (Y/N)" as the camera then panned to me which I just waved. He didn't get 2 pins in on the second attempt which he turned around to look at Paul "Stop fucking filming" he said repeatedly as he shook Paul playfully. "Paul keep rolling" I laughed from beside him. On my last try I got a strike again which I was pretty proud about, until Lewis went last and like he said he'll come from the back.

I kept a straight face when he turned around to look at me, "What did you have to say about my technique ?" He said as he cupped his hand over his ear. I pressed my lips together, "According to the polls, everyone wanted (Y/N) to win" Paul said as he walked over to us. "Well at least I won the poll" I said as I shrugged my shoulders and started to walk away. "Aww babe don't be sour that you didn't win" He said as he walked behind me. "You can't tell that to someone who's competitive" I said as I turned around to glance at him.

"Well, I believe you being the loser has to do something for me" he smirked. I sighed as I stopped in my tracks which he stood in front of me, "What do you want ?" I asked uninterested since I was quite bummed that I didn't beat him but anyway. He took a step closer to me and moved my hair over my shoulder, he had his hands on my neck as he sucked and nibbled on my sweet spot. "Lew !" I scolded as we were in public but not that anyone caught us since we were behind the whole team. "I'm just dropping a hint" he smirked to see the lilac bruise form on my skin. I pulled my hair to the front to cover up the hickey, "Are you down to do that tonight ?" He cheekily grinned. "I thought we were doing that anyway" I winked as I walked ahead of him.

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