Max Verstappen - Confessions

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A/N: For HonestlySeb . Hope you babes enjoy. I missed writing fluff 😩

"Keep talking all you want but you can't deny that you want me as much as I want you"

Working alongside Max as his press officer for over a year now has been a mission. As much as I love my job, I also hate it. But why hate, you may ask. Well, it isn't easy working with someone that you caught feelings for and not knowing if they feel the same.

On many occasions I thought theirs something between us. Like experiencing that moment when your eyes meets your crush's, as much as you want to look away you just can't help but admire them. To my surprise, he doesn't look away when I look back at him.

He even messages me off the job, could that mean something as well ? So many assumptions running in my mind but it may take a while to find out the answer or sooner.

Since the summer break had started, we're all of course on our own holiday somewhere in the world or we could just be chilling back at home, like myself.

Max currently being in LA, Jake had also tagged along with him. It's a good treat for Jake considering that his birthday is coming up. I felt so lost when Jake had messaged me the other day saying that he's having a party in LA with a few friends and if I'd like to tag along. No wasn't even an option because a few minutes later Max himself had messaged me saying he'll be seeing me in LA this weekend, they already booked my flight.

It took a while for me to take in everything. I really wish I didn't have to go, that way I wasn't left alone with Max. Nevertheless, I packed my bag and was already on my way to LA.

I didn't have much time to meet the boys before hand due to my long flight so it was quite a rush for me to go straight to the hotel, get ready and out I go.

I wasn't informed about my return flight so I packed quite a few sets of clothes - just in case. After checking in and settling in my room for a few minutes that I had to spare, I proceeded to getting together my outfit for tonight.


After getting dressed, I was already 25 minutes late but it's fine since I just arrived here anyway

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After getting dressed, I was already 25 minutes late but it's fine since I just arrived here anyway. I checked that Max sent me a text saying that they had sent a driver for me since they were already at the venue. As Max had said, a driver was indeed waiting for me and surprisingly knew me before I could ask if he was my driver. It's the dress.

Upon my arrival, a man dressed in a tux had opened my door for me. Taking in my surroundings, we were stopped in front of a tall building. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, what kind of party is this ?

"Right this way Ma'am" the stranger escorted me to the lift, pressing the button for the rooftop. "Enjoy the rest of your evening" he said as he waved me off. "Thank you" I smiled.

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