Lewis Hamilton - Attention to my love

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A/N: Thank you to @amjhurk for requesting. Hope you all enjoy ! Please don't forget to vote and comment .xx

WARNING : Mentions of depression (It gets fluffy)

Today marks 6 months since my one and only best friend had passed away. I question myself how am I still alive these past 6 months without her, she met in a terrible car accident which by the time she reached the hospital she hadn't made it. It was not her fault. The men who were drunk driving who had knocked her are having charges pressed against them, all I seek for is justice.

Little did Lewis know that I was suffering from depression. I've become an insomniac in the last 6 months that I've started to take sleeping tablets to get me to sleep.

She has always been there for me, whether it be to keep me company whilst Lewis was away or if I had to go to one of Lewis' races and didn't want to be alone. Now it just hurts to not hear her voice anymore, she would usually phone me at least once or twice everyday, sometimes she would surprise me by popping in unexpectedly. She was basically my twin, to now not have her around has shattered my heart which will be take time to fix.

I can't go a day without thinking about her, she's been their for me in my dark times and I've always been there for her when she needed a shoulder to cry on. I wish I could turn back time and save her but unfortunately that's not possible. I break down almost everyday just thinking about her, why did she have to go ? Why her ? My depression worsens when Lewis isn't around as my parents are on the other side of the world and I'm alone at home.

It was yet another ordinary day at home, I had woken up in the afternoon as my sleeping pattern was off. I did my daily routine then thought I'd eat for once as I haven't been eating lately and its been clearly showing as I've been losing weight. I thought I'd make some pancakes as they were the only thing I could think of at this time. Just as I was trying to flip the pancake which didn't budge I thought I'd use my fingers to help flick it over which I just ended up getting burnt. I winced in pain and hadn't felt the tears stream down my face as it became a normal feeling.

I switched the stove off and grabbed an ice pack as I then headed outside to catch some fresh air. As I began to take a few breaths in, I started to cry again. "You can't do anything right" "You're so useless" "You're not worth it", these words were all running through my mind as I let the tears fall freely. I wiped the tears from my face then headed upstairs to have a shower again, I need a cold shower. I stripped off my clothes and stood under the cold water for a good few minutes and let my tears run freely.

Lewis P.O.V

Its been a while since I came home and damn did I miss it, more especially I missed (Y/N). My nose was engulfed with a delicious smell as I opened the front door. "Babe" I yelled, "What are you making ? I smell something good" I said as I made my way to the kitchen. I was shocked to see the state of the kitchen, a burnt pancake left on the frying pan as it was placed untidily and a bowl of batter left next to the stove, this isn't like (Y/N) because she's usually a neat freak.

I entered our bedroom to see no sign of her but heard the shower running in our en-suite. I saw an unfamiliar box placed by her bedside table, I walked to it and held it in my hand as I read the description on the box. Sleeping pills, why is she taking these ? "(Y/N) !" I yelled her name from where I was stood. No answer. "Babe !" I yelled again as I walked towards our en-suite. I unlocked the bathroom door to hear muffled cries.

Their she stood under the shower crying. "Oh my god. (Y/N), baby what's wrong ?" I asked as I ran over to her with a towel to cover over her. She pulled me in for a hug as she cried into my shoulder, "I can't deal with this anymore Lew" she said as she looked up at me. I ran my fingers through her wet hair to move it away from her face. "Let's get you changed first into something warm then we can talk, okay ?" I suggested in a softer tone. She nodded her head as she followed behind me to the room.

She changed into her undergarments and then took one of my sweaters to wear. I laid on the bed as I watched her, trying to read her body language and figure out what's going through her mind that has gotten her like this. She looked so innocent yet so cute with my sweater on her frail frame as she played with her fingers. I patted the spot next to me on the bed, she crawled over to me then had her arm wrapped around my torso and her head laid on my chest.

I ran my fingers through the damp strands of her hair, "I missed you" she murmured. "I missed you too baby girl...Now tell me what's on your mind...and take your time" I said as I looked down at her. "I miss her Lew. You don't know this, but...I've been in depression for the last 6 months. I can't stop thinking about her, I can't think straight and I really miss her because she was basically my twin. When I didn't have you around then she was always there to comfort me and I was always their for her when she needed me the most. We've been through a lot together, now for me to not have you and her around hurts me" she said in a weak voice as she played with the hem of my shirt.

I rubbed small circles on her back, "Is that why you've been taking these ?" I asked as I pulled out the sleeping pills. She looked at me with guilt in her eyes. "I'm so sorry Lew" she said as she sat up straight and crossed her legs. "You shouldn't be apologising, I should actually apologise for not noticing you go through so much in the last 6 months and that too I was barely there for you when you needed me. I'm really sorry baby" I said as I pulled her onto my lap as she straddled me. "It's not your fault either, you're busy and that's part of your job to travel all the time. I'm just afraid of losing you too, Lew" she said as she laid her head on my shoulder.

"You deserve better, someone who can give you 110%" I murmured into her hair as I had my arms wrapped around her. "Don't say that ! I love you no matter what. Just don't leave me" she said as she lightly punched my chest which we both started laughing. "I'll never leave your sexy ass. I love you too much babe" I said as I then cupped her cheeks and placed kisses all over her face which she would scrunch her nose, and begin to blush.


A/N: My first time writing something like this which actually got me all sad, I tried my best to make it a happy ending. Hope you all enjoyed it .xx

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