Charles Leclerc - A Happy New Year

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A/N: Thank you to @musicalem21 for requesting this. Hope you all enjoy ! Be sure to vote & comment. Much love .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

Charles' P.O.V

I can't believe how fast this year had flown by and after much thought I think I've finally made my decision. (Y/N) and I have been married for little longer than a year. Some people say that the married life changes you but I'd have to disagree with that because I believe I've only been happier with her in my life and especially by my side now almost 24/7.

I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful wife with an amazing personality that made me fall in love with her. Over these last few months we have spoken about having a baby but we haven't actually sat down and taken it seriously as I haven't been at home as much.

Now seeing that she has baby fever, it's the perfect opportunity for me to finally ask her if she's ready for this as I am. I know she'll be an amazing mother and ugh I can't wait to be a dad.

It's already New Years Eve, I had to lie to her that tonight we're going out for a party so she could get busy whilst I decorated the room.

It was currently the afternoon and I padded my way downstairs to be engulfed with the delicious smell of pancakes. "An off-season treat ?" I asked as I popped my head into the kitchen. "Glad you finally decided to join me, Eclair" she smiled as she flipped the last pancake, I then chuckled at the name she has for me as it hasn't died.

"I went out for a run" I said as I helped her set the dining table. "What kind of run are we talking ?" She asked as she walked from the kitchen to sit next to me at the dining table. "My daily cardio...please don't tell me you're thinking about a food run" I said as I glanced at her. "Never mind then" she said as she then took a bite of her food. "When are you not thinking about food ?" I asked as I then took a bite into my food. "God only knows" she shook her head and continued eating.

Once we were done eating, I was helping her clean up before finally telling her. As I set the last dish away, I leaned against the counter as I watched her dry her hands. "So we're going out tonight for a party" I said as I pressed my lips together. "Ohh okay cool, what theme or dress code ?" She asked as she turned to look at me. "It's a formal party so any one of your dresses would do" I smiled at her. "Great ! What time do we have to go ?" She asked as she walked up to me. "We should leave at about 10pm" I said as I took a quick glance at my watch. "What do you want to do to kill time ?" She stood in front of me. "How about a movie ?" I suggested. "Perfect !" She squealed as she pulled my hand along.

As we watched a movie of her choice on Netflix she fell off to sleep half way through, this was the perfect opportunity for me to buy what's needed for tonight. I went out to buy red roses and a few more scented candles before heading back home.

She wasn't on the couch anymore so I assumed she must be in our bedroom. I heard the shower running as soon as I entered the room, perfect. I lit up candles and placed them around the floor of the room, then after breaking rose petals and sprawling them on the bed and the floor as well. When I heard the shower stop I quickly went to the corner of the room so I could surprise her when she enters.

I watched as she padded into the room in her short silk robe and her hair still damp. "What's all this ?" She asked in shock as she looked around the room. I walked up slowly behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I placed a kiss on her cheek which she turned around in my arms, "I know how romantic you are but what's the special occasion today ?" She asked with her arms loosely wrapped around my neck. "Well, you know how we've been talking about having kids ?" I asked which she hummed in response. "I thought it's about time we start a family. I want us to have a mini version of us walking around at home or even at the paddock. I see how you are with other kids and I know you'll be the perfect mum and I'll try to be the perfect dad, I think we're ready for this" I said as my lips curled into a smile as I looked down at her.

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