Charles Leclerc - Mini Leclerc (Part 2)

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A/N: Requested by @IzzieCxx . Thank you all for these baby requests bc they're my fave to write if you didn't know. Hope you all enjoy. Much love .xx

8 Years Later

It felt like just yesterday I held (Y/S/N) for the first time in my arms and now he's all grown up. Where has the time gone. He's finally 7, the age Charles just couldn't wait for him to start karting. I couldn't wait to see him on the track either, I was probably just as excited as Charles or probably even more.

As Charles was still on a break before he starts the season, he thought it was about time we fly out to Italy and get (Y/S/N) started on karting. We drove to the airport in Nice to take a flight to Brescia.

Once arriving at the airport we checked in, went through immigration and finally sat waiting at the gate until the flight was boarding. (Y/S/N) was so excited, it was clear on his face since he aspired to be like his dad and also we promised to treat him to ice cream later if he does well - we're going to treat him to ice cream even if he doesn't but I'm sure he will because I believe in him. Before we knew it, the flight was boarding and we were heading to Brescia.

When we landed we had a driver take us to our hotel to check in first before we head to the track. After checking into our room and leaving our luggage we were finally off on a half hour journey to the Lonato's South Garda Karting circuit.

Once the driver came to a stop, he opened the door for us and you can guess who was out of the car first. "Be careful !" I shouted after him. He was stood by the fence of the parking lot as he watched the current session going on. "Excited ?" Charles asked from behind him. "Very" he said with the biggest smile on his face.

Charles lead the way as he knew this place better than we did. We had to wait for the current session to be over before (Y/S/N) could go race in the next session. Charles filled in his details as (Y/S/N) and I both stood aside to watch the other kids racing. I'm ecstatic and nervous for my child. Anything can happen and I'm only hoping for the best.

Charles had actually packed his bag with his racing gear in it for (Y/S/N) to use today for the first time. "Well, whilst this session is on, would you like you to change now ?" I asked. He nodded his head in response, "Okay then" I smiled down at him then glanced at Charles. "I'll take him, don't worry" he smiled back at me then held his hand to take him to get dressed.

I sat on the stand, which I wasn't alone as I was surrounded by many other parents who were here to support their kids. I scrolled through my phone for a while to kill time but was disrupted when I heard a familiar voice yell, "Mummy !"

I looked up from my phone to see (Y/S/N) running towards me. "Awww you look so cute, a mini Eclair for sure" I smiled proudly as I then started to snap as many pictures as possible. Charles was smiling behind him, "He looks a lot like you now. Happy ?" I asked as I raised my brows. "Very" he smiled. "But I look like mummy everyday" (Y/S/N) said. I burst out laughing and Charles joined in. "You look like the both of us. Now everyone's happy" I said as I held his face and placed a kiss on his forehead.

Just then they announced that the session had ended and racers for the next session to come in. It's time. "You'll be perfectly fine. We'll be right here cheering you on. You got this okay...and please be careful" I said as I gave my last few words before engulfing him in a hug. He nodded his head and muttered "I love you" before following Charles.

When Charles got back, he sat next to me and the session was just about to begin. "I'm scared" I said as I glanced at him for a brief second before looking back at the track. "Don't be. He's going to do amazing. Like you said, he's a mini Eclair" he said as he held my hand and caressed the back of it. My lips curled into a smile as I laid my head on his shoulder.

They announced the session beginning, Charles and I immediately bolted to our feet to catch a glimpse of (Y/S/N). The lights went off and off they went. 16 laps and it's his first time oh my gosh. He started off in 6th place and just when he came past the stand he was in 3rd place. "Oh my god. Look at him go" I said in shock.

Charles and I were the only parents on our feet to watch our son, also not forgetting the most nervous as well. By the 8th lap he managed to overtake and steal 2nd place. "Come on baby !" I screamed as Charles applauded for him. "He's going to come out first" he muttered beside me. "You really think so ?" I asked stunned. "Just watch" he had a cheeky smile as he crossed his arms over his chest.

It was the 2nd last lap of the race and he was still in 2nd place. That was until he picked up speed - I guess getting used to the track and having a better knowledge of how to move through the corners - he stole first place and was now the race leader. "That's my boy !" Charles yelled from beside me. "OH MY GOD" I screamed in excitement. We got a few looks from other parents but we couldn't care because me we were so proud. I engulfed Charles in a hug in which he held me around my waist and spun me around.

Just when the race was over, Charles pulled me along with him to the grand stand that they had here so we could view him proudly standing at the top. When they called out his name, we cheered and applauded him as loud as we possibly could. He smiled and waved at us when he stood at the top. We both took pictures of him. A truly picture perfect moment. Once they were done taking their pictures, he ran over to us and pulled us both for a hug. "You made us proud" I said as I ruffled his hair. "A mini me for sure" Charles said as he then nudged my elbow. "So how would you like to celebrate ?" I asked as I bent down to his level. "I want ice cream" he said enthusiastically.

Just then a guy who I wasn't familiar of walked out way, he greeted Charles and pulled him aside to converse with him. I wonder what they're talking about. When Charles walked back to us, I raised my brows for him to speak up about what the guy had to say. "He is amazed by your performance for a first timer, he said that it would be great to have you here
at least twice a month to eventually take part in championships which you have it in you to win" he smiled proudly. (Y/S/N)'s mouth was wide open in shock.

"Big things happening all so quickly for my baby... this calls for a double celebration. Please let's go eat" I whined at the end. "When are you not making some excuse to eat" Charles laughed. "I would say something inappropriate but we have a child around, I'll save it for later" I winked at him as I then pulled (Y/S/N) to walk in front of me. Charles raised his brows at me in shock, "Okay then" he smirked.

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