Charles Leclerc - #5

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A/N: Requested by @emz353 . Hope you babes enjoy ! Be sure to vote and comment. Love you guys .xx

5. "Come cuddle me."

I was relieved to find out at the start of the week that I don't have anything due in the next 2 weeks for university or any studying to do , thank god, so I was free to fly this weekend to Baku for the race.

It was an odd feeling to travel without Charles this once but he had to fly out and be there on Wednesday whereas I was only flying out on Friday afternoon as I didn't want to miss out on any work in university. Look at me being responsible. I call this adulting.

It would've been nice to surprise him this weekend but earlier this week one of the days I hadn't answered my phone since I left it in the car whilst I went shopping and out for lunch with my friends. Charles knows I always have my phone and I almost instantly reply when I get messages. That day I was too lazy to walk all the way back to the parking lot to get it so I thought I'd be fine without it. Or so I thought.

We thought of shopping first and then ending our day by eating out or going for some coffee. Know that almost 4 and half hours have passed, still no phone in hand. So since Charles was concerned, he called up my mum to find out where I was and they ended up talking about the race, that's when my mum mentioned that I was flying up this weekend.

(Y/F/N) had a confused look on her face when she saw that my mum was calling her, this must be important. "Where are you ?" she questioned as soon as I answered. "I told you I'm out with the girls day the mall, what's wrong ?" I asked confused. "Ohh then where's your phone ?" she asked. "In the car, I was too lazy to go back to get it. Why ?" I furrowed my brows.

"Charles has been worried sick about you, he called you about 20 times before calling me. We had a nice conversation" she said in her lecture tone. "Oh my god. Are you serious ?" I asked as I giggled which I earned looks from my friends. "Do you think I have time for jokes right now (Y/N) ?" she said seriously. "Point. Poor baby, I'll call him when I'm in the car" I giggled. "Okay, I'll see you later then. Have fun !" She said cheerfully before ending the call. "Well, what happened ?" (Y/F/N) asked.

"Charles phoned my phone 20 times before phoning my mum because he was worried about me" I said as I couldn't help but smile. Bless him. "Awwww that's so cute" she cooed. "I wish I had a boyfriend like that" (Y/F/N) said.

Once I was finally in the car, I gave him a call and I swear he sounds exactly like my mum when I don't answer one of her phone calls. I don't deserve this boy.

Now that I'm finally in Baku, I felt like the proudest girlfriend to watch him from the garage dominate in both practice sessions. That's my boy. Friday afternoon was good, after FP2 we went out for dinner, watched some Netflix and chilled for the rest of the evening.

FP3 on Saturday was just as great as he was the fastest in the session. Baku especially brought a lot of memories for Charles since he won in 2017 when he was in F2. He also finished in P6 last year with Sauber which was an amazing result for the team. I was just hoping that this year was going to be just as great.

Qualifying was going to be stressful to watch seeing how it was really easy for these drivers to make a mistake and depending what type of mistake, it may be hard to correct themselves.

Q1 was going fine until Robert crashed in Turn 8 which the red flags came out to stop the whole session. When the session resumed, I felt my nerves build up as we were minutes away from Q3.

That was until everyone in the garage including myself came to a stand still when Charles crashed in Turn 8 of Q2. Shit. I heard him through the headset, "I am a stupid" which shattered my heart. How dare he ? He easily got out of the car and was on his way to the pit box. I was at a loss for words.

When he was back at the garage, everyone's attention turned to him. He spoke to his engineer and shook hands with the pit crew, just when I thought I was able to talk to him he was already off to do interviews.

I waited patiently until he was back from doing interviews, he just nodded his head in signal to go which I followed without asking any questions. The whole drive to the hotel he didn't utter a word to me, I tried to grab his attention by entwining our fingers which he gladly did and after a while began to caress the back of my hand with his thumb.

When we were finally back at the hotel their was still silence. I suppose he needs some time to cool off but I mean he needs to talk to me at some time.

I decided to get changed into my pyjamas whilst he did the same. When I sat criss crosses on the bed, I watched him type away on his phone as he stood in the same spot. "Charles" I called out. "Hmm" he hummed as he continued to type. "Come cuddle me" I said as I patted the spot next to me. Still typing away, he laid down with his hand behind his head. "Eclair" I called this time. "Yeah" he answered uninterested. I rolled my eyes at him and thought of taking matters into my own hands.

I moved over to straddle his waist and grabbed his phone from his hand to place on the bed side table. "Look at me" I said as I cupped his face. "I am" he chuckled. "I know you're really hurt about qualifying today, I can understand how devastated you're feeling since the weekend was looking great for you but everyone makes mistakes baby" I said. "But I was stupid" he said as he lowered his eyes.

"Take those words back ! I will not allow you to trash talk yourself like that...Please don't ever call yourself stupid again, it hurts my heart when you're like this. I know you're the best, the whole world knows it, you have many more opportunities this season to give it your all as you always do so please don't feel down over a qualifying result. Dan went from P10 like you to winning the race in 2017. Anything is possible tomorrow. Now do I make myself clear ?" I questioned. He simply nodded his head. "Nope that's not good enough. I need to hear you say it and I want to see that smile as well"

"Oui, mon amour" he said as he caressed my cheek. "You aren't smiling but I think I can solve that" I said as my lips curled into a smile before leaning down to connect my lips with his.

When I broke away from our kiss, he was already smiling, "Much better" I said before giving his lips a quick peck. "You're the best, say it" I said as I placed my hands on his chest. "You're the best" he said before chuckling. "You think you're funny Eclair, you know what I meant" I giggled. "I am the best and that's because I have the best girlfriend. What would I do without you ?" He pouted as he pulled me closer to kiss me again.

He turned on his side so I could fall beside him, "Cuddling is just what I need after today" he said as he wrapped an arm around me. "I'm glad because I was going to cuddle you anyway" I said in an obvious tone as I wrapped a leg around his torso. "I love you" he mumbled as he pecked my forehead. "I love you more" I smiled as I pecked his nose.

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