Sebastian Vettel - Kiss and Make Up

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A/N: Thank you to MariGraceRose for requesting this. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it. Vote & Comment. Much love.xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

I'm so glad that it's off-season now as Sebastian is home and I don't have to feel saddened about him not being around. Even though he may be at home now, I unfortunately still have to go to work but its all good, as long as I'm going back home knowing he's there.

It was quite gloomy this morning, my kind of weather, it only began to rain when I just left work. I called Sebastian as I usually did after work and more specifically to tell him to get the clothes off the line.

"Hello" he answered cheerfully. "Hey babe, what you up too" I asked as I left the parking lot of my work building. "Well I'm almost home, just went for a run" he huffed. "Aren't you soaking wet by now ? Its been raining for quite some time" I asked. "It only started drizzling a few minutes ago here but now it's getting heavier. I have my hoodie so I'm fine" he said. "Ahh okay, speaking of the rain...Please can you take the clothes off the line as soon as you get home before they get soaked ?" I said as I stopped at a traffic light
"Sure no worries. See you in a few, Schätzchen" he said. "See yah babe" I said lastly before ending the call.

As I pulled up to the front of our house, I spotted him kneeling down and looking at something on the grass. I locked the car door and held my arm over my head in hopes of not getting wet - lets face it that we all do this and it doesn't help - I turned to look at him, "What are you doing out in the rain ?" I asked. My white blouse was starting to stick to my skin as it was getting soaked by the second. "Look what I found" he said as he stood up and held a frog in his hand. "Are you kidding me right now ? You're out here because of a frog. Wait a second... did you even take the clothes off the line like I asked you to ?" I asked as I was beginning to grow angry. The smile was off his face, he pressed his lips together before saying,"No."

"Sebastian ! I don't ever ask you to do anything and this one time I do, you couldn't even do that. Ugh...just don't talk to me right now" I said frustrated as I stomped into the house. My heels clicked against the hard wood floor when I entered, I removed them and placed them aside so that I wouldn't mess the house. Theirs no point carrying an umbrella outside since my blouse was already soaking wet that you could see my bra through it.

I padded outside and heard the front door close behind me, "Liebling" he called after me. "Don't Liebling me, I'm tired and I'm cold, just don't talk to me okay" I said furiously as I grabbed a basket and stomped outside. I tossed the damp clothes inside the basket as he leaned against the door watching me whilst he tried to hold in his laugh. I didn't look at him as I walked past him into the house, he tried to grab hold of my hand but I pulled my hand away. "You can't be mad at me" he said as he let out a laugh whilst following closely behind me. "Then I guess you don't know me that well" I said with a straight face as I glanced at him briefly.

"I know you well enough to know that this will only last a few minutes before you forget all about it" he grinned. I ignored him as I put the clothes into the dryer. I was starting to get goosebumps from my wet blouse so I removed it and put it into the washing machine, I could feel his eyes staring at me almost as if burning holes at the back of my head.

I turned around to see him biting his bottom lip. He looked at me from head to toe as I rolled my eyes and yet again walked past him. It ain't the first time he saw me like this.

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