Daniel Ricciardo - Regret of a bet (Part 1)

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A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did writing it ! Shoutout to my girl, RuinaSantori for the request & for being my new friend. Please don't forget to vote & comment. Much love .xx

Warning: Language

It was the Singapore Grand Prix weekend, despite the scorching heat Daniel and I still held hands as we walked together through the paddock to the Red Bull garage.

We were greeted by the pit crew and after a while we were greeted by Max. "Hey (Y/N)" he said as he walked toward us. "Hey hey Max" I said as I left Daniels hand to hug Max. After our short embrace I was pulled back by Daniel as he wrapped his arms around my stomach and placed small kisses along the side of my neck.

"How's Dilara and Vic ?" I asked, as I had became friends with the girls from seeing them at the paddock many times. "They're good...I have a question though, when are you both not together" Max asked.

"Why can't we be together ?" Daniel asked from behind me. "No it's just that you both are always together and it's quite rare to see one of you alone, I think the only time (Y/N) is alone is when we have to race" he laughed. "Very true" I laughed back. "I bet you two can't be away from each other for a week" he challenged. "Deal" I said in a serious tone.

"Are you serious ?" Max asked in shock. "Well, I object" Daniel said as he stood between the two of us. I looked up at him and shook my head, "No objections, I think we can prove a point to Max here that we can stay away from each other for a week" I said as I folded my arms across my chest.

"Okay then I'm ready to also take on the challenge" Daniel said as he stood beside me. "Okay but their are conditions, you both can't have any sort of physical contact such as cuddling, kissing, sex and hand holding. Absolutely nothing. Loser or well, the one who breaks first owes me $1000 and $1000 to the winner" he said.

"Why are you getting $1000 ?" I asked in confusion. "Because I'm the one who came up with this. So deal ?" He said. "Deal" Daniel and I said in unison. We both shook his hand in confirmation of the deal, I can't believe this is actually happening. "Wait hold on" Daniel said as he held his hand up. He grabbed me by my waist and kissed me as if it was going to be our last. The familiar feeling of butterflies and sparks went off in my stomach but shortly came to an end when Daniel broke our kiss and slapped my butt.

"Okay the deal can start now" Daniel said as he looked back at Max in satisfaction. "My point exactly" Max said as he raised his brows. I laughed at his reaction, well this was going to get interesting...

Theirs no way that I'm going to lose this bet, I can't lose that much money and I'm sure I can prove Max a point that Dan, and I can do this.

I followed Daniel into his drivers room as he had to get changed for FP1 soon. As I sat on the couch I decided to distract myself by going through my phone. "I don't know how we're going to do this" Daniel spoke as he removed his shirt. I bit my lip as I stared at his v-lines and abs. Damn.

"Don't do that with your lip" he said sternly. "We're being tested on our self-control Dan" I said as I got up from the couch and stood in front of his semi-naked figure. "Teasing wasn't mentioned so I can do this all I want, it's up to you if you want to stop me or show that you have self- control" I said as I bit my lip again, I know how it turns him on and if it means that I'm closer to winning this bet then I shall continue.

"Fuck I forgot about teasing...well, this just got even harder" he said as he changed into his drivers suit. "I'll go easy on you so no worries" I winked and went back to sitting on the couch. "I know for sure that you aren't going to go easy on me, I can already see how sexually frustrated we are after 2 days" he said as he zipped up his suit and sat beside me to put on his shoes. "Well, we're just going to have to wait and see" I grinned.

Once Daniel was done we left his drivers room to go back to the garage, just before the session can start I always give Daniel a good luck kiss but looks like today he's not getting any. He sighed as he looked at me sadly and got into his car. "People are probably going to think we broke up and that we're now just friends with the way we're behaving" I laughed. "We've already got a few stares but I don't care, I just really would like your good luck kiss now" he whined. "You're such a child, love you dork but for now your just going to get air kisses. You'll do amazing. Kill it out there" I said and gave him an air kiss.

Once FP1 was over they had a break until FP2, I tried to keep myself busy and tried avoiding Daniel by walking around the paddock or trying to make a small conversation with people I met on the way. I made my way back to the garage and on my way had bumped into Lewis. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" I said as I looked up at him. "It's okay no worries, are you lost ?" He asked as he had his arm placed around my waist.

"No I was actually making my way back to see Daniel, I'm fine really Lewis don't worry" I said. "I can walk you to him if you'd like, I don't mind showing a beautiful girl like you around" he grinned. Perfect. "Aww thanks Lewis...Yeah sure, you can lead the way" I said. His arm was wrapped around my waist as he walked me to the Red Bull garage not too far away. We both got a few stares but I brushed it off because it wasn't as if I was cheating on Dan.

As we entered the garage, Dan immediately turned to look at the both of us, clearly frustrated and angry as he couldn't do anything. "Hey Dan" he said as he left my side to greet Dan. "Hey Lew. How you doing man ?" He said as they did a small handshake. They exchanged a small conversation amongst each other until they finally said their goodbyes.

As Lewis was walking out he stopped in front of me, "Bye (Y/N), it was a pleasure to escort you, hope to see you around more often" he winked and pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him as I would hug Dan, my arms were wrapped around his neck whilst his was wrapped around my waist. "Thank you so much and you'll definitely be seeing more of my face" I said as I waved him off.

As I turned to look back at Dan, he was staring back at me as he closed his eyes and shook his head. I smirked and walked up to him, "Better up your game because looks like I'm going to win this one" I said as I stood close in front of him. "We'll see about that babe" he said lastly as he walked off to his drivers room. I wonder what he has up his sleeve.

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