Daniel Ricciardo - Birthday Boy

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A/N: Requested by @standgrandgirl . Was supposed to post this for quite a while but I had writers block half way through my initial idea :(

Warning: Language & NSFW

"Come sit in my lap."

It shocks me how my man is 30 years young today, I say young because first off he still acts like he's half his age and that too he still looks like he's 26.

Mama Grace and I had planned on throwing him a party since he's rarely home - it will bigger than usual - and of course since it's his birthday we all need to celebrate.

I haven't seen Daniel for almost 2 weeks since I was writing exams. I honestly forgot what it's like to have a social life again, it feels like I haven't left my house in forever.

I was ecstatic to fly out to Perth to finally see my ray of sunshine. I wished him at exactly midnight whilst on my flight, both of us very eager to see each other again.

When he picked me up from the airport it was something out of a movie, me running towards him as he lifted me up and spun me around. Long distance relationship things.

Their was still more than enough time until his party in the evening. I was in conversation with Michelle and his mum for almost 2 hours until he wanted to steal me. And by steal me I mean cuddle me on the couch.

It wasn't until an hour before the party that we all had started getting ready, everything was pretty much set up earlier so their wasn't anything left to do. Daniel let me be to get dressed whilst he went downstairs to greet guests.


After getting dressed and slipping into my black heels, I walked my way downstairs relieved to see familiar faces

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After getting dressed and slipping into my black heels, I walked my way downstairs relieved to see familiar faces.

I greeted his aunts and uncles, as well as his cousins. The younger girls pulled me aside to spill some tea since its been quite a while since I last saw them and they've grown so close to me that they tell me literally everything that happens in their life.

As the girls were telling me a story about their crush, not exactly getting to the point as they would start giggling in between, I heard a whistle from behind me. I turned around to notice Daniel amongst Michael and a few other friends, as they all were deep in conversation, he gave me a look from head to toe before meeting my eyes again and winking.

I couldn't help but smile and feel the heat rush to my cheeks. I pressed my lips together and turned around to the girls again.

After some time, Mama Grace announced that we should all gather around to sing for Daniel and for him to cut the cake.

It was cute to see him cut a slice of the cake to feed his parents, that was until my face dropped when he called me over in front of everyone. I get nervous when I know so many people are looking at me. I couldn't be a spoilt sport since he was the birthday boy so I walked over to him.

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