Lando Norris - Unready

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A/N: Requested by @IzzieCxx . Hope everyone enjoys this one. Be sure to comment and vote. Much love guys .xx

This break was much needed for Lando and I to finally get to spend time together. After a hectic season for him fighting for the F2 championship, he may have not won but his performance through the season landed him a seat in F1 which I couldn't be more proud of him for.

It was a lazy Sunday at home, Lando was still sleeping and I didn't bother to disturb him so I got up, did my morning routine and padded my way downstairs to the kitchen.

I cut up fruit and placed them into a bowl then made myself a cup of tea before sitting at the dining table to have my breakfast. As I was eating, I was scrolling through my Instagram and checked my DM's to see that I got sent baby pictures from my best friend. She knows how much I love kids and she especially knows how bad my baby fever is right now. I liked the picture and replied to her DM, 'so damn cute ugh'. She read my message as soon as I sent it and just then I get a Face Time call from her.

"GIRLLL" she yelled on the phone. I burst out laughing at her greeting "Morning sleeping beauty" I smiled as I saw her still in bed. "Morning babe, I saw you're online and well I haven't seen your face in a while, I'm missing you so I said why not phone you" she smiled back. "Aww I miss you too, how are you doing ?" I asked as I then placed my phone against the vase on the table. "I'm doing gooood, would've been a lot better if I could see you so we can go out. BITCH I have so much to tell you" she said as she rested her chin on her knuckles.

"Spill ! Tell me everything, I'm all ears" I said as I leaned closer to the phone. "I can't tell you over the phone, it won't be as exciting. We need to go out" she said in an obvious tone. "I hate you, how can you just leave me hanging like that. Now I'm so curious, let's schedule a girls day out soon" I suggested. "Ugh yes please ! I'd love to. Anyways enough of that HOW CUTE ARE THOSE BABIES" she screamed.

"Girl don't even get me started. You're making my baby fever even worse than it was that I actually feel like having a baby now" I pouted. "Your boy is around, it can quickly be done and that too you have more than enough time to start trying from now" she smirked as she wiggled her eyebrows. "Would you shut up ? He can come down any second" I rolled my eyes at her. Little did I know he was hearing this conversation for quite a while.

"Ugh I can't wait to see you settled down, I can already see you married with a few cute babies in a few years" she cooed as she clapped her hands together. "Why me ? What about you ?" I asked confused. "Your life is more organised and you know what you want so that's why I think you might just settle down before me. It will be a damn miracle if it's me before you" she laughed. "I can't wait to settle down too but-" I stopped talking when I heard footsteps coming into the kitchen. "Hey I have to go, Lando's up now. Message me and we'll figure out a day to meet" I said as I finished off the last of the bowl of fruit. "Okay sure no problem. Love you. Bye" she waved before ending the call.

I took my bowl and mug into the kitchen to see him already dressed. "Morning babe, want me to make some breakfast for you ?" I asked as I then took a sip of my tea and placed my bowl into the sink. "No it's okay, I'm going to the gym now" he said as he grabbed his car keys off the counter and a bottle of water from the fridge. "How are you going to train on an empty stomach ? At least have something" I said as I trailed behind him. "I won't die chill out. Anyways bye" he said as he didn't bother to take a second look at me and walked out the door. Strange.

I tidied up the house first before deciding to chill on the couch and watch a movie. Just as I sat comfortably I heard the rev of the McLaren engine outside which of course he's back.

He dropped his car keys on the kitchen counter and headed straight for the stairs, "Where are you going ? Do you not want to eat something ?" I yelled as he jogged up the stairs. "No" he yelled back and didn't bother to glance my way yet again. What has gotten into him ?

I rolled my eyes and switched the TV off then headed up stairs. I laid down on the bed as I waited for him to finish have his shower.

He finally stepped out from the bathroom in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. "Do you maybe want to go out for dinner tonight ? Maybe get out of the house for once" I suggested. "No it's okay" he said uninterested and dried his hair with the towel. "What's wrong with you today ? You're always wanting to do things together and now you're turning down dinner" I said as I began to grow angry.

He bit on his bottom lip as he turned to finally look at me, "Please tell me what's wrong. Speak to me" I said as I stood up from the bed. "(Y/N)... I don't think we're right for each other" he said as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "What do you mean ?" I asked worriedly. "What makes you say that all of a sudden ? I always believed we were perfectly their some one else ? Their is someone else isn't their ?" I bombarded questions at him. "Babe would you just keep quiet for one second" he said. I nodded my head and sat on the edge of the bed. He sat next to me and his hand then played with the back of his hair, something he does when he's nervous.

"I don't think I can give you the life you want" he said as he held my hands. "What ? What do you mean the life I want ? I couldn't ask for more I mean I'm more than happy with my life" I said confused. "I don't think I'm the man for you. You want to do things that I believe I'm too young for and it's just not going to work out" he said as he shrugged his shoulders. "So you want to break up with me ?" I asked confused. He shook his head, "You're unbelievable" he said.

"I don't know what you're on about" I said as I held my hands up in defeat. "I'm not ready to settle down and have kids yet babe" he finally admitted. "Oh my this what you meant this whole time ?" I asked. "Yes" he said as he bit his lip. "Wait, you were eavesdropping on my conversation with (Y/F/N) ?" I asked. "I hate to say this but yes" he pressed his lips together. "You're an idiot" I said as I shook my head. "I'm an idiot ? Why's that ?" He asked in shock. "Don't you know me well by now ? What kind of a boyfriend are you ? I'm only 18, I have yet to achieve so much more in life and you thought that (Y/F/N) was being serious about me settling down now and having kids ?" I asked.

"I heard her, I thought she was serious since she sounded like it. I mean I'm only 19 and I myself have so much yet to achieve, I mean I'm finally in F1 now, having a kid and getting married is the last thing I'm thinking about. No offence" he said. "None taken. We're both so damn young. I can't believe you took that shit so seriously, it's only because of this baby fever that I've been dying for someone to have a baby or I'd joke about having my own if no one does it" I said as I caressed his cheek. "Makes sense now, I was a bit off the whole day thinking that we're going to have to end our relationship - which I wasn't ready to do - neither was I ready to settle down and have kids, I thought you really wanted that now and the image of you settled with another guy struck my mind" he said as he looked down.

"Who was the guy ? It better be you in the future because I can't imagine myself with anyone else" I pouted. "I think my future self is so handsome that I just didn't recognise it was me. Of course I'd love to settle down someday and have a lot of kids, more especially with you but I'm afraid love that's going to have to wait" he laughed. "That's okay, we act like children anyways" I said as I laid my head on his shoulder.

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