Max Verstappen - #79 #80 #81

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A/N: Requested by @bluzklus . Hope you lovelies enjoy ! Be sure to vote & comment as always. Much love .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

79. "I could watch you ride me all day."

80. "Your head between my legs sounds good right now."

81. "If you dressed in a suit I would fuck you as an equivalent to you fucking me in lingerie."

The Spanish GP had came around quicker than we thought it would. Today was qualifying, a big day before the race as your finishing position is important.

I noticed how tensed Max was before qualifying, I thought the only way to calm his down is some words of motivation before the session begins. That's when I whispered into his ear before he got into the car, "Your head between my legs sounds good right now."

He gulped and gave me a look before getting into the car. Well that sure did the trick.

Once the session was over, he landed himself a good result finishing in P4. We didn't get to talk much since he was in a rush to do interviews. That's until he was back, I was waiting in his drivers room scrolling through old pictures to kill some time.

I spotted a picture of his that caught my eye, it was him dressed in a suit for a fancy party we went for. He just removed his SnapBack and was starting to unzip his racing suit. "If you dressed in a suit I would fuck you as an equivalent to you fucking me in lingerie." I said as I faced the phone at him to see the picture.

"Well I clearly don't have a suit on hand babe. Will this do ?" He asked playfully as he zipped his racing suit up. My lips curled up into a smile as I got up from the couch to walk closer to him. "I'll accept it" I grinned. He then closed the gap between us by connecting our lips. I closed my eyes as I took in the movement of our lips in sync. His one hand entangled in my hair whilst his other hand was placed on my hip. I cupped his face slowly creeping my handshis to the back of his neck to tug on strands of his hair.

His hands then moved along my sides, trailing to the hem of my blouse then slipping his hand underneath to feel up my rib cage before cupping my breasts.

He broke the intimate kiss to help me remove my blouse as I helped him unzip his racing suit then pushing it off his shoulders. He wasted no time to pull the straps of my bra off my shoulders then moving his hands behind me to unclip my bra.

He pushed me up against the wall as he began to leave a trail of kisses along my jawline down to stop at my cleavage. He held my neck to start nibbling on my sweet spot to mark himself. He then loosened his grip around my neck to cup my breasts in his hand and started nibbling on the soft skin of my breasts to leave more trails of his lilac bruises.

When he was content with his work of art, he instructed me to lay back on his massage bed whilst he removed his fireproof shirt. He pushed my skirt up to my waist and sat himself in between my legs.

"Remind me what you said earlier" he said as he began to caress my thighs. "I wanted your head between my legs" I said as I then pressed my lips together. "I think you've been good today despite the dirty words" he said as he traced his finger underneath the waistband of my panties.

"But I'll let them slide if this is what you really want" he grinned as he he hooked his fingers underneath my panties and pulled them off my legs.

I propped myself up on my elbows to watch his every move. He placed small kisses along my inner thighs before placing a kiss along my folds. My head fell back but I quickly looked back at him when he grabbed hold of my thighs and licked a bold stripe along my folds.

I let out a gasp then bit my bottom lip. He then began to work his tongue through my folds as I fell back on the bed then placed my hand at the back of his neck to pull him closer and get more pleasure. As he licked my clit, he then added a finger inside of me to increase the pleasure which made me roll my eyes back, "Fuck yes Max" I moaned.

I could feel myself getting close to my high when he added another finger inside of me and increased the pace. My walls clenched around his fingers and before I knew it I released myself all over his fingers. He then wiped his fingers on his fireproof pants,"Damn you're so hot" he said as he then placed his hand under my neck to make me sit up.

I noticed the evident bulge over his fireproof pants. I bit my bottom lip as I pushed him back against the bed and straddled his waist. I pulled his fireproof pants along with his brief to expose his hard length.

I began stroking his length from the base to the tip at a slow pace to build his pleasure and watch how impatient he gets. I then dipped my head lower to get a taste of his tip and slowly sinking all the way down. I stroked his length whilst sucking him off at the same time. I watched how he rolled his eyes back and cursed underneath his breath at the pleasure.

He grabbed a fistful of my hair to force me to increase my pace so he could reach his high sooner. Just when I felt him twitch underneath me, I stopped my actions so he wouldn't reach his high just yet. "Why did you stop ?" He asked as he sat up on his elbows to look down at me. "So I can finish you off like this" I answered as I aligned myself over his length before sinking down on him.

"Fuck" I moaned out. I began bouncing on his length at a slow pace to get used to the size of his length. "I could watch you ride me all day" he said in between breaths whilst watching me. "I don't mind riding you all day" I answered back in between breaths. He then gripped my hips to get me to increase the pace. I had my hands placed on his chest to balance myself whilst trying to go as fast as I could. When I straightened myself up to then lean back, this angle had him thrusting not just faster but deeper inside of me. I could already feel myself getting close to my high.

My words were inaudible at this point as I would moan in between. My moans grew louder at the satisfactory feeling of him hitting my g-spot each time he thrusted into me. "Baby I'm close" I cried out. "Just hold it little more babe" he said as he rolled his eyes back.

When his pace slowed down, I knew he was finally close to his high. I felt my walls clench around his length as he just then pulled out, both of us had came simultaneously. "Fuck that was hot" he huffed as he breathed heavily. "I should drop hints more often I guess" I smiled content with myself. "That's your job for race weekends and mine whenever I'm on a break" he smirked up at me. "Okay then, Verstappen. We have a deal" I grinned.

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