Charles Leclerc - A Paris Getaway

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A/N: Thank you to f1lovesme for the request ! Happy Bday to our cutie Charles. Please vote & comment as always. Much love .xx

Warning: None just really fluffy

Another day and yet another all nighter was pulled, as exhausted as I was I needed to push myself to study for finals as they're right around the corner. Stress was taking over me these past few weeks and as much as I would love to relax, and possibly give myself a break from time to time I feel guilty for not studying.

I was so into studying that I had totally forgot about Charles coming back home today. It had only hit me, when he hugged me from behind and placed a kiss on my cheek. "I missed you so much" he said. "I missed you too" I said back yet still trying to focus on studying.

"How's the studying going ?" He asked as he laid flat on the bed while staring back at me. It's as if my brain hadn't registered that he was speaking to me because I didn't end up answering him. "Babe" he called out. Still no answer. He let out a sigh and got off the bed, he pulled my chair back and swiftly turned me around so that my attention was on him.

"Did you hear what i said ?" He asked in concern. "You said something ? What did you say ?" I asked in shock. "Oh my god" he said as he shook his head and held his head in his hands. "What happened ?" I asked confused.

"Okay that's it...I'm taking you on a holiday. A getaway trip that you clearly are in need of" he said as he pulled me by my hands to stand up. "Babe are you crazy ? I have finals coming up, I can't leave the house and miss precious time of studying, I need to get good results" I said.

"(Y/N), I know you're a smart girl and you'll get through this. You've studied more than enough till now and it's about time you give yourself a break only for this weekend. Just get your mind off things and we get to finally catch up. I really missed you and your books are taking over you, you didn't even hear what I said 2 minutes ago" he said as he held my hands in his.

I smiled at the gesture, he's such a sweetheart. "Okay, I'll take your word for it...uhm by the way, what did you say 2 minutes ago ?" I asked as I tilted my head. "Forget about it, just pack your bag, I'll sort everything else out so don't stress" he laughed as he pushed me towards my closet.

He booked a weekend getaway to Paris, so romantic that I don't see how we'll be relaxing but we needed to catch up anyway.

Weekend away to Paris
Luckily from Monaco to Paris wasn't that far. We took an afternoon flight out and had landed an hour later. After landing we took a taxi to our hotel which was situated near the Eiffel Tower. After checking in to our room, Charles had suggested that we go out for dinner tonight rather than staying in as cold as it may have been.

I had a shower, did a subtle makeup look and brushed my hair out as it was already straight, sprayed on perfume and then only was I done.

Outfit for reference:

We held hands as we walked to a nearby restaurant

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We held hands as we walked to a nearby restaurant. The restaurant was situated at the top of the building which had the perfect view of the Eiffel Tower specifically at this hour.

As we were seated, I placed my hand on top of his and rubbed small circles on the back of his hand. "I can't thank you enough honestly, you keep spoiling me and as much as I appreciate it I feel I don't deserve it" I said as I sighed and looked down at the table sadly. He placed his finger under my chin and made me look up at him, "Baby don't say that, you're always their supporting me and always around when I need someone to talk to so I have to be their for you as well. You deserve this and I'm the most luckiest man alive to have you in my life" he said.

"You need to stop with your words because you're going to make me cry" I said as I wiped off the tear that was about to spill. After having our lovely dinner, we walked back to the hotel hand-in-hand, it was a calming silence between us which just felt right.

As we reached the hotel I removed my coat and tossed it onto the bed. I opened the doors to the balcony and leaned against the rail. I spotted a lady from where I stood on the balcony begin to play 'La vie en rose', one of my favourite classics, it's so beautiful that you feel the lyrics speak to you.

Charles came behind me and placed his head on my shoulder as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "One of my favourite songs...could I have this dance with favourite girl ?" He whispered in my ear which sent shivers down my back. I turned around and faced him, I wrapped my arms around his neck whilst his arms were still wrapped around my waist.

"I've always dreamt of having a moment like this with someone someday and you've made my dream come true" I said as I placed my forehead against his. "I've also dreamt of having a special moment like this and I'm glad I've got to share this moment with the girl of my dreams" he smiled as he looked down at me. "Awww. You really mean that ?" I cooed as I looked up at him. He nodded his head. "I love you" he admitted as he closed his eyes.

"You do ?" I asked in shock. He nodded his head again. "Always have been, just waited for the right moment to admit it and I thought that this here couldn't be any more perfect" he said as he spun me around and pulled me back closer to him. "I love you too" I smiled as I met his eyes. "I'm glad you feel the same way" he said as he slowly leaned in.

His lips finally met mine, they moved in sync and got heated very quickly. My fingers ran through his hair and tugging at times as it would make him moan. His arms around my waist loosened as his hands tracked down to my lower back and soon grabbed at my bum in indication for me to jump. As I jumped I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist. "What are we still doing out here ? I'm literally freezing" I said as I broke away from our kiss.

"Well, someone's eager. You'll be warm any second now" he said as his lips met mine again. He carried me to the bed and laid me down. "The only way we can keep warm is if we do cardio" he said as he stood before me and started to unbutton his shirt.

"Well, we cant run around Paris at this hour can we ?" I said sarcastically. "An alternative right now could be us carrying on and see where we go from there ?" He said as he smirked and climbed on top of me. His faces inches from mine, "Sounds good to me because I'm in desperate need for you right now" I grinned and connected our lips.

A/N: Shoutout to my main girl RuinaSantori as she helped me write this. Thank you babe and much love for you always .xx

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