Lando Norris - Seeking his attention

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A/N: Not requested but I thought of this after seeing his IG story. I had a feeling you guys would feel me & hope you all enjoy. Btw requests are still being worked with, I thought I should get this out of the way whilst it's fresh.

You know when you're around a guy friend or friends for that matter too much and you just need some girl time ? Well that time has come. I feel its been a while since I caught up with my best friend and I thought it would be fun if we have a sleepover.

At first it was supposed to be just her and I, but I thought why not invite Lando's sisters since I am quite close to them as well and besides that I need to take a break from their brother.

My bestie came in the afternoon to settle in and of course make herself feel at home, my parents were out of town anyways so it was the perfect opportunity.

When the doorbell rang, I assumed it would be no one else but the girls. I opened the door and was greeted by just who I thought it would be, "Hey girls" I smiled. "Hi (Y/N/N)" they greeted back as they gave me a hug. Lando stood behind them with a smile on his face. "They won't be staying the night" he said as he crossed his arms over his chest. Ciska rolled her eyes whilst Flo made her way into the house.

"Why not ?" I asked as I raised a brow. "They have some thing at school tomorrow morning" he said. "Ohh okay then that's fine" I gave him a small smile. "Yeah I guess I'll see you later then, have fun" he said as he ran his fingers through his hair. He was all dressed to go out and he didn't even mention a word about where his some best friend he is. "Thanks. You too" I waved him off as I went inside and shut the door behind me. Ciska and Flo stared at me as my back was against the door. "Tomorrow's Saturday" I said confused.

"That it is" Flo said. "Do you'll really have to go to school tomorrow morning ?" I asked in confusion. "Nope" Ciska answered. "Then what was his deal ?" I asked as I raised my hands. "You'll find out later tonight" Flo said as Ciska laughed. "Oh god well I hope you'll are right" I said as I shook my head and started walking to my room.

They trailed behind me which my bestie was quick to stand up and greet them since she was familiar with them. We decided to play a few board games such as Ludo and Monopoly which I won or dominated by the way. Oldies are goldies.

After playing a few games we decided on watching a movie, it was hard for all four of us to come to a decision but finally we decided to watch High School Musical for like the tenth time.

Just before the introduction I decided to scroll through my Instagram for a quick minute so that I didn't miss anything important.

Lando's Instagram story was the first to pop up on my list and I was lowkey eager to see what he was up to. He had posted a video of his friend trying to imitate him and surrounded by him were not only his guy friends but a few girl friends as well. My heart actually dropped at the thought of him being romantically involved with one of them and me not knowing all this time, especially thinking that I had a chance for the past 2 years.

Directly after he had reposted another girls Instagram story, it was her attempt of Carlos and Lando's 'beat drop challenge' which just made me cringe since the song didn't even get to the beat, and instead her and the friend in the video were just trying to look pretty...pathetic.

Me being curious, I decided to do some snooping through this girls account. I've noticed both Oliver and Lando follow her. Lovely. She appears to be a model, even better. Looking at a few of her posts I see that Lando already liked a few of them. One post she's seen to be naked and has a 'wet' look as if she just came out of the shower, mans had the audacity to comment a bathtub emoji on her post. Smh.

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