Charles Leclerc - Overprotective Boyfriend

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A/N: Requested by @IzzieCxx . Hope you all enjoy this as much as I did writing this. Be sure to vote & comment. Requests are almost done & should be open again soon. BTW if you haven't already checked out my book 'The Friendzone', the intro is up now and the first chapter should be up soon. Much love .xx

I still remember like it was yesterday when Charles had asked me out, I was flattered and speechless because I hadn't expect that to come from him when he asked for my number. I was just being nice to give my number for work since I was his press officer but he already had other ideas that day.

Our date went really well that night, he was surprisingly talkative, he had a great sense of humour and was just one of the sweetest guys I've ever met. We of course went on a few more other dates after that before he finally popped the question of asking me to be his girlfriend. I legit died inside.

It was the French GP weekend, Charles was thrilled to have his brothers visit this weekend as the last time he saw them was at the Monaco GP. I'm glad that I wasn't nervous anymore to meet them as I've met them before, they're so chilled and easy going which is great.

It was just before FP3, a few hours to go before the session had started. I was busy talking with Lorenzo and Arthur, they were telling me about their personal lives as I didn't get the chance to speak much with them back in Monaco.

"It makes me wonder what have you done to my brother, he's talkative around family but in public he seems a bit shy, what have you done to him ?" Lorenzo laughed. "Yeah man I mean it's great but it's weird you know" Arthur says. "May be I had an influence on him all these months but I was shocked when he decided to go straight ahead and ask for my number on the first weekend of the season which I thought was for work but he had other plans" I giggled as I thought back to the first weekend of the season.

"That's not our Charles" Arthur said which we all then burst into laughter. "Speak of the devil" Lorenzo said as I then felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist with his head on my shoulder. "Hello to you too" I said as I turned to look at him.

He placed a kiss on my cheek, "He never does PDA...yepp you definitely did something to him" Lorenzo laughed. "He's whipped" Arthur joined in on laughing. "Aww poor baby" I cooed as I cupped his cheeks. "I'll just get going, I'll be back" I said before I pecked his nose and left his embrace.

I thought of giving them some family time since he hasn't seen them for a while and besides that I was the only girl so it kinda felt awkward but I'm sure over time I'll get used to it.

I strolled to Sebastian's side of the garage in hopes of finding Britta so I could talk to her. I searched for the blonde woman but was surprised to be called over by another blonde. "Hey (Y/N) !" Seb yelled from where he was stood by his engineer.

"Oh hey Seb, how are you doing ? Its been a while" I smiled which he then engulfed me in a hug. Due to my work schedule I of course don't see Seb all the time so it felt nice to talk to him once in a while.

"I've been good, trying to stay focused on the championship. It has been a while but how are you ?" He asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. "That's good to hear and I'm doing great, I mean travelling around the world whilst being able to support my boyfriend at his races...I can't complain" I giggled.

Seb and I may have not seen each other as much, but when we do get the chance then it's a conversation that doesn't end unless someone is calling one of us. We got on really well and developed a good bond which is great so I know I'm not completely alone on race weekends - other than talking to Britta of course.

"(Y/N) !" I heard a familiar voice call for me. I turned around to see Charles waiting with no emotion on his face. "That's my call, I'll see you around and good luck Seb" I smiled before giving him a quick hug then walking over to Charles.

Just as I got closer to him he didn't bother to wait for me and continued to walk without me. What's his problem ? I followed him to his drivers room, I then checked the time to see that FP3 was going to start soon so he had to change for the session.

He didn't bother to hold the door for me and went straight in without a word or a look back at me. Strange. I didn't bother to say anything as I closed the door behind me and sat on the couch. I pulled out my phone to keep myself busy but every few seconds I would glance back at Charles in hopes of him saying something. "Why call me if you're not going to talk to me ?" I decided to break the silence.

"Theirs nothing to talk about" he said as he pulled his suit up to his waist. "What do you mean theirs nothing to talk about ? Their clearly must be something on your mind to call me whilst I was talking to Seb and your mood clearly changed so tell me what's the matter" I questioned as I crossed my legs over each other.

"I don't want to say it but I'll get over it" he said as he tied his shoe laces. "We need to be honest with each other so please tell me what has gotten you in such a mood, it actually hurts to not see you as happy as you were about an hour ago" I frowned. "I'm jealous okay" he admitted as he stood up and finally made eye contact.

"Jealous ? Who could you be jealous of ?" I asked in confusion. "Seb" he said plainly. "Seb ? You're jealous of him of all people. Oh my gosh babe he's a married man" I said as I began to laugh but he was still sulking. I stopped laughing, as I saw this was beginning to get serious. "And you're jealous why ?" I asked as I raised my brows.

"You both get on so well and you didn't come back which got me worried so yeah" he said as he then bit on his bottom lip. I stood up and walked over to him to wrap my arms around his neck. "You have nothing to worry about, I ain't going anywhere. I only have eyes for you, Seb is like a brother to me and you know that I truly love you...You do know that right ?" I laughed at the end and raised a brow. "I'm afraid I don't, looks like you're going to have to show me" he grinned as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

"You can get a kiss for now but-" I was cut off by a knock at the door. "Charles, its time" said a voice behind the door. I shrugged my shoulders and released my grip from him. "Let's go" I said as I held his hand and walked out of the room to the garage.

He zipped up his suit, then grabbed his helmet but before putting it on he walked over to me. "Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great out there. It's only practice, the real show time is during qualifying so don't stress" I reassured him. "Merci, mi amour" he smirked as I then pulled him in for a quick kiss. "You didn't finish what you were saying not so long ago" he said. "Ohh I was saying you can get a kiss for now but I can show you some other type of love later" I winked. He pulled me in for another kiss, "By the way, you're cute when you're overprotective and jealous" I grinned. He gave me a wink before putting on his helmet and getting into his car. My heart just melted.

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