Charles Leclerc - Love at first sight

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A/N: Thank you to @f1_girl97 for the request. Hope you all enjoy. My mood has been off for 2 days so that's why I haven't been posting - unless you guys can make me smile by dropping a funny comment then that would be great. Much love .xx

I couldn't have been happier at this moment to get a call from Maurizio himself to tell me I got the job as Charles Leclerc's press officer.

I've been watching F1 for the past few years and its always been a dream to work in the racing industry so I thought why not try my luck this year and see what happens because I would never know if I don't try.

Like people say, "You rather try and fail then fail to try." I applied for the job after hearing Charles announcement of moving to Ferrari, a great achievement for a young driver like himself.

I tried applying at quite a few teams but I got the earliest response back from Ferrari, I guess they liked my persona, I still laugh thinking back to the time I went for my interview and hearing one of the team members saying "She should be a good influence on him, I'm sure he'll be as bubbly as her after a month or 2. Mark my words"

It was finally 2019 and I couldn't wait for the season to start since I'll actually be starting the year as an employed adult for once. I was told that I would meet Charles and members of the team when they start testing this season in Spain.

Testing came around before I knew it, I hadn't received my uniform yet so I had no idea what to wear but finally settled on a black top, red pantsuit and a pair of black heels with my hair curled.


As I walked along the paddock I noticed Sebastian's press officer as I've seen her a few times during post-race interviews

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As I walked along the paddock I noticed Sebastian's press officer as I've seen her a few times during post-race interviews. "You look like you belong on a catwalk, might I say you're gorgeous you could be a model. You must be Charles press officer, I'm Britta" she said as she extended her hand for me to shake.

"Pleasure to meet you, I know who you are as I've seen you on TV quite a number of times. How'd you know that I was Charles press officer ?" I asked curiously. "Lucky guess...just kidding. I've seen what you look like and also you're wearing red so you must be on the Ferrari team, welcome to the family. I'll be training you before the season starts so you're aware of what your job entails" she said. "You have a point about the red. I'm looking forward to learning from you and also really excited for the season to begin" I said enthusiastically as I followed her along the paddock.

"They weren't lying about how bubbly you are, looks like you'll really bring a light up to the team" she said as she glanced at me for a brief second before walking into the Ferrari garage. "Thank you, I'm flattered" I said.

I had to meet a few members of Charles' team and after that Britta had taught me what I needed to know for my job which I'm glad I caught on fast.

Just as Britta was escorting me out, we walked into the garage and I spotted Charles just getting out of his car from testing. "Theirs your man" she said lowly enough for only me to hear her. Maurizio was busy talking away with him and just as their conversation ended, he turned around and spotted me. "Ahh (Y/N) perfect timing" he said as he signalled me to walk over to him and Charles.

I hugged Britta and said goodbye before walking over to Maurizio. "Charles, this is your new press officer (Y/N). She's a lovely young lady and I'm sure you both will get on well" he introduced us. We then shook hands as I said, "It's a great pleasure to meet you and I look forward to working with you this season" then gave him a smile.

"Vous êtes si belle (You're so beautiful)" he murmured. "Excuse me ?" I asked confused. "Nothing" He said plainly. "I guess I'll see you next month then ?" I said. I could slap myself right now for saying that because of course I'll be seeing him next month, that's when the first damn race of the season starts. "Yeah, I'll see you in Australia" he said. "Okay I should get going now, bye" I said as I waved him off. "Bye" he waved.

Yet again, time flew before my eyes and the season had begun. I flew out to Australia and boy was I stoked to travel throughout this year, it's a damn dream come true.

Thursday was the first day of the job as I had to attend the team debrief. Luckily I was early to the meeting, I was afraid I was going to be late as per usual. Charles entered the room with a guy following close behind him which I assumed was his personal trainer. I was seated in the front and surprisingly Charles took the seat next to me yet he could've sat literally anywhere he wanted to. "Hey (Y/N)" he smiled as he sat next to me. "Hello again" I smiled back. "This is Andrea, my personal trainer" he pointed to the guy next to him. "Ah okay, I'm (Y/N)" I smiled as I shook his hand.

Just as the meeting was over, I was ready to walk out to look for Britta to keep me company as I didn't have any other job really for the day. Just as I was about to walk out, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and yet again I was surprised to see Charles. He waved off Andrea and stood beside me as we walked out of the room. "So (Y/N), I'd like to learn more about you, tell me about yourself" he said.

"Well, I'm not going to tell you everything just yet. I'm sure you'll learn a lot about me in the next 21 race weekends. It will be boring for you to know everything about me and me not knowing much about you, not that I don't know anything about you, I feel I know you quite well but not personally if you get know what I should shut up" I said the last part sadly as I tried to avoid his gaze.

"I do get you and just like you said, I could say the same to you about learning a lot about me in the next 21 race weekends...also, please don't stop talking" he said lowly enough for me to hear. I felt a chill run down my spine from the last thing he said. A blush had now crept on my face but luckily the lighting inside was a bit dark so he couldn't notice. Just as we got to the garage, I thought it's sadly time to depart our ways for the day.

"Looks like that's your call to get back to work and mine to leave. I'll see you around ?" I hesitated to ask but of course I'll see him around because I work with him, ugh why do I keep embarrassing myself. "Yeah of course" he had a shy smile. Just as I waved him off and started walking away, I heard him call out my name then jogged towards me. "Can I get your number ?" He asked. "Yeah sure, I didn't think about it. If you ever need to contact me on work then I'm always free so don't hesitate to do so" I said as I typed away my number on his phone.

"What if I wanted to message you about things that aren't related to work ?" He asked as his hands reached for the back of his neck. "Like ?" I asked curiously. "What would you say if I asked you out for dinner, just the two of us ?" He asked. "I'd say yes, sounds good to me" I smiled. "Great ! I'll see you tonight at 7pm. I'll be picking you up" he grinned as he walked backwards. That was smooth.

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