Charles Leclerc - Sleepover

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A/N: For @BernadetteJoey . My apologies for being MIA, I've been really busy lately so I haven't had much time to write. Hope you guys enjoy ! Much love .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

"You want to do this right now? Even though we could get caught?"

"I'm not wearing any panties"

I've always dreamt what my future husband would do when he would pop the question. To what extent is he going to go so that it's unforgettable.

I never thought I would meet the one, until I met Charles. He ticks every box off for me and I couldn't have asked for anyone more perfect.

After 4 years of dating I really didn't expect him to pop the question. I can still remember back to the night he lied that we had to rush home because Arthur wasn't doing well, I myself was worried and concerned since he's so young.

I rushed with Charles into the house in search for Arthur, screaming his name which Charles then caught me by surprise. "Arthur isn't sick. I lied. I actually have a surprise for you" he said as he grabbed hold of my hands. "Wait, what" I said in confused. He chuckled before saying, "I rather just show you" he then pulled me by my hand along with him to the lounge.

When he came to a stop, I was in shock at the view before me. Candles dimly lit the room with bouquets of roses in vases sprawled on the floor. Dozens of red heart balloons filled the room, the centre of attention being the white letters that were brightly lit up saying 'Will you marry me ♡'.

I stood in shock, hands covering my mouth at how beautiful this was. I was so distracted from taking in everything, I hadn't noticed Charles was already on one knee before me with an engagement ring in hand. "So will you ?" He asked with hope in his eyes. "OF COURSE !" I yelled in excited and pulled him in for a hug and kiss. Just then I heard screams and cheers going off behind me, I guess we had a crowd this whole time and I didn't even know.

I was in awe at how gorgeous the ring was, I still can't believe he did all of that. I never ever in my lifetime thought that I would get married so soon and to my best friend. In the past years I was starting to give up and was almost on the verge of giving my parents permission to find someone for me. Bad idea, but hey look what happened instead.

"Are you not going to profess your undying love for me ?" I teased him with a pout. "I'm saving my long speech for you on the wedding day" he winked and pulled me closer by my waist. "You really are full of surprises, you outdid yourself tonight" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Had to put in more effort than usual for the very special moments" he smiled, which I then placed my lips on his.

After the proposal, both of our family had suggested to have an overnight get together before the wedding. Even though they barely see us since most of the time Charles has to travel for races or events which I go with him at times. They ain't ready to let us go.

My parents had made the decision to host the get together at our house since we have a bigger family and more space for everyone.

The men of the family were gathered together on the couch watching football whilst us ladies were busy preparing the food in the kitchen. Whilst I was busy baking, I would occasionally take a spoonful of ice cream and sneak a glance at Charles. I guess I made it quite obvious because at the half time of the match he got up from the couch to walk into the kitchen.

"Shoutout to my brother-in-law for coming to help us" my sister yelled which everyone cheered. I laughed at her, "Yeah right. He can't even fry an egg" I said as I then glanced at him. "Hey ! I try" he defended himself and stood beside me. "But you'll be around to cook for me" he teased with a cheeky grin on his face. "In your dreams baby" I joked as I rolled my eyes and took another spoonful of ice cream.

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