Daniel Ricciardo - #77

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A/N: Requested by @emagrande92 . Happy June y'all ! This is the last request. Hope you babes enjoy this one of my fave. Vote and comment ! Much love .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

77. "You're literally perfect."

I understand that with pregnancy comes a mix of emotions and mood swings. I didn't think it would still effect me after giving birth.

Since having a baby, I haven't been able to keep myself fit and toned like I once was. It lowkey hurts to see myself in the mirror everyday and not love my body or be confident like I was before being pregnant.

The best feeling after a long day with the baby is giving him a bath and putting him to bed. It's about time I need some rest.

Going back to our bedroom and stripping off from my clothes, standing in just my underwear. 6 weeks post partum and a small bulge was all that was there. Well not forgetting the stretch marks and scar from surgery.

So deep in thought about how my body isn't perfect I hadn't realised Daniel came into the room until I felt his arms wrap around my waist from behind. "Hey sexy" he whispered into my ear then pecking my cheek. I lightly smiled but I wasn't feeling like it. "I'm not" I said as I tried to fake a laugh to brush it off.

He turned me around to face him, he pushed a strand of hair away from my face before. "How can you disagree ? You're a hot mom. Mother of my 2 beautiful baby's and not forgetting you're mine" he smiled proud. I pressed my lips together and looked down. "Dan...for over a month now I've been depressed with the way I look" I said as I played with my fingers. "What ! Why ?" He asked concerned. "Look at me Dan ! I'm not like how I used to look before" I said as I looked up to meet his eyes.

"You're literally perfect" he said as he cupped my face. "I have stretch marks, I have this bulge, I feel disgusting and ugh. I just hate myself" I felt as if I was on the verge of crying. "No no no, don't say that. So what if you have stretch marks and a bulge ?It's normal. I still love you no matter what. Your size doesn't change my love for you okay ?" He said which made my lips curl into a genuine smile after a long time. "Let me show you how much I love you" he bit his bottom lip. I nodded my head as he slowly leaned in to connect our lips.

Our lips moved in sync, we started off the kiss slow and sensual. He pulled me closer to his chest so that theirs no space between us. I played with the strands of hair at the nape of my neck and tugged on it a few times. "You talk too much babe" he murmured against my lips. He then slipped his tongue into my mouth to deepen the kiss. We both had fought for dominance, as I moaned into the kiss he unexpectedly placed his hands at the back of my thighs and carried me over to the bed to lay me down.

He broke the kiss to remove his shirt and toss it to the floor before slowing leaning down and connecting his lips with mine. His hand reached for the back of my hair as he lightly tugged on it. I then gently bit his bottom lip to leave him wanting more.

He began peppering kisses from above the waistband of my panties all the way up to meet my lips again. "You're so gorgeous doll" he murmured in between kisses whilst slowly pushing the straps of my bra off my shoulders then unclipping my bra from behind.

He cupped my breasts in his hands and began to massage them in circular motions. He gave me a quick glance before taking my breast into his mouth to begin sucking on my nipple whilst massaging my other breast with his other hand.

He switched between both my breasts, giving me much attention as possible. My nipples were hard from his sucking and little nibbles in between. He then started sucking on the soft skin of my breast to leave a trail of love bites.

He felt up my sides, his hands trailing slowly along my rib cage to hook his fingers underneath the waist band of my panties. He looked up at me for approval which I simply nodded my head.

He left a trail of kisses from my lower abdomen down to my clit. I felt a shiver run along my spine when his kisses had gotten dangerously close to my clit.

I shuddered underneath him when he kissed my clit again. I arched my back and pushed my hips up closer to his face craving more from him.

My eyes had rolled back when he rubbed a finger along my folds teasingly slow. "Oh fuck" I muttered under my breath. He smirked in satisfaction to see the effect he had on me. He caught me by surprise when he thrusted a finger slowly inside of me.

I sat up on my elbows to watch his actions intently. He started thrusting his finger inside of me at a slow pace before gradually increasing his pace. With his increased pace came with another finger thrusted in me and his tongue working along my folds which I was a week mess beneath him. "Ugh Dan" I cried out as my eyes were shut closed.

"You close doll ?" He asked in between licks through my folds. I nodded my head before moaning out, "Yes !"

The pleasure was intense and increasing by the second but I needed more. "Dan I need more" I said as I looked down at him. "Tell me what you want baby" he said as he stopped his actions to rub my clit in circular motions. "I think I need you inside me now" I admitted with no shame.

"You think ?" He smirked. "Don't make me beg, I want you inside of me because I need more" I huffed. "If that's what you want, then that's what you'll get doll" he said as he pulled his hand away from my clit. He unbuttoned his shorts, pulling them off along with his briefs to toss them across the room. He then balanced himself on his forearms on either side of my head.

I connected our lips again, getting a taste of what he got a few minutes back. His tongue had traced along my bottom lip to deepen the kiss whilst he aligned his hard length at my entrance. He did as I asked him and slowly thrusted himself inside of me. I broke the kiss as my head rolled back at the sudden pain that ran in me. He bit his bottom lip and pressed his forehead against mine.

He started his thrusts off slow for me to adjust to the feeling of him inside of me. When he noticed my pain had turned into pleasure from my moans, he gradually increased the pace of his thrusts inside of me. "Damn you're so sexy doll" he said in between breaths before kissing me hungrily.

My moans had turned into cry's as I could feel myself getting close to my high once again. I ran my long nails along his back leaving my trail of scratch marks from trying to grip onto him too tight. "Right there Dan!" I cried out as his thrusts had gotten deeper and hit my g-spot.

"I'm close baby girl" he groaned. "Me too babe" I breathed heavily. It felt as if he increased the pace of his thrusts as I could feel a newly found pleasure run in me.

Just as I felt my walls clench around his length, he pulled out in time to cum as I did the same. I was breathing heavily as so was he when he fell beside me on the bed. He glanced at me as I turned to my side to face him.

He covered us both with the duvet and pulled me closer to his chest. I traced patterns along his chest whilst he ran a hand through my hair. "I really do love you" I smiled as I then looked up at him. "I love you more. Please don't think otherwise about yourself. If you ever do, please tell me. I'll be more than happy to show you how much I love you" he smiled back at me.

"I think you're going to have to remind me again how much you love me" I said playfully with a cheeky grin on. "Are you sure you're ready for that ?" He asked as he furrowed his brows. "Want to try me ?" I asked as I raised a brow. "Okay then, it's on" he smirked as he connected his lips with mine once again.

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