Pierre Gasly - Snow & Cuddles

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A/N: Thanks to FormulaFrost for the request, much love for you. Hope you all enjoy. Please don't forget to comment and vote. Xx

Spending a cold winters day in none other than Switzerland with my boyfriend couldn't be anymore perfect than this, especially with Christmas around the corner.

Pierre was on his 2 week break before the last and final GP for the season so he suggested that we spend this break going to Switzerland and staying in a cabin not far from the Swiss Alps.

We started dating 4 months ago through mutual friends, we became an official couple a month later but no one had known other than our close friends and family.

We haven't gone public yet as Pierre and I decided against it since Pierre didn't want me to receive hate, I totally understood but sometimes I would feel as if he didn't want to be seen with me. I try to brush away the negative thoughts but somehow they keep coming back.

Despite the cold temperature outside, the sun was still out and shining. I was turned to my side to face the window then grabbed my phone from the bedside table. It was 9:35 am, I hesitated if I should go back to sleep or if I should finally wake up and start the day. Pierre was still sound asleep beside me, I ran my fingers through his hair and gave him a kiss on his cheek, he wrapped his arms around my waist as he murmured "Good morning sunshine" in my ear.

"Morning to you too handsome" I said as I turned to face him. "Do you have a plan of what you want to do today ?" He asked as his eyes were still closed. "I was actually going to ask you that" I said. He finally opened his eyes and glanced at me, "Well, I was thinking of taking you to the Swiss Alps today we can spend some time playing in the snow and then maybe cuddle whilst we watch a movie of your choice. Sound good ?" He asked as he smiled."Sounds perfect" I smiled back which he pecked my nose.

"I'm going to shower, make some breakfast then after we can leave ?" I suggested. He nodded as he left my embrace and watched me walk to our en-suite.

I did my daily routine and got dressed into a grey sweater, black jeans and a pair of black ankle boots. As the heels of my ankle boots clicked as I walked back to the room to check up on Pierre, he was asleep. "Babe it's time to get up" I said as I shook him in attempt to wake him up. He just hummed in response and I decided to leave him as I made breakfast.

I was in the mood for pancakes and as well as a fruit salad. The table was already laid out for the 2 of us, as I flipped the last pancake I heard footsteps getting closer to the kitchen. "Breakfast is ready" I sang as I placed the food onto the table. He let out a laugh and sat opposite me. As we began eating it was a calming silence before I opened up, "We're not skiing there are we ?" I asked unsure. "Well, according to my contract I can't" he said as he looked at me whilst eating. I nodded in response, "Why ? Is something wrong ?" He asked in concern.

"Well I have a fear of heights and I don't want you to injure yourself so I'm just making sure" I said. He looked at me for a while before her said, "You're so damn cute babe." He smiled. After we were done with breakfast, I quickly tidied the kitchen and washed the dishes then we were on our way out.

Once we were at the Swiss Alps, we found a spot that wasn't that busy and thought of reserving it for ourselves. We spent a good half an hour or probably even 45 minutes having a snow fight and building numerous snowman's which we unsuccessfully didn't finish as we both broke each other's down. We eventually called it a day out in the snow when our clothes had gotten wet and more especially because my teeth had started chattering, not being able to bare the cold anymore as I wasn't used to these conditions.

Once we got back to the cabin we changed into more comfy and warm clothes. I just wore a burgundy oversized sweater and black knee high socks with my hair up in a bun. I joined Pierre or should I say Pear on the couch as he had the TV turned on for us to watch a movie. I sat beside him as I cuddled closer, my hand laid on his chest whilst my head laid on his shoulder. He placed a kiss on my head, "Mon amour" he said. I hummed in a reply. "I have something special to ask you" He said, grabbing my full attention I sat up straight to face him.

He pulled me to sit onto his lap, pushing a few strands of my hair back and then clearing his throat. "So I've thought about this, long and hard. It hurts me just as much as it hurts you not to be able to go out and show each other off. I want you to know that I'm not ashamed of you, this is only for your safety from media and fans. You know how much I love you and if you don't-" he stopped talking as he placed his lips on mine. His plump lips were soft against mine as they moved in sync. His hand cupped my face as my hand went to the back of his neck. I then straddled his lap as I played with the hair at the nape of his neck.

He broke our kiss to continue, "Kisses are not enough to explain my love for you but I think it's time to break the big news to you. Would you like to come to the final GP in Abu Dhabi as my girlfriend, it's about time I get to show you off to all of my friends" he said. "Omg really ? I'd love to !" I said enthusiastically as I engulfed him into a hug. "I love you my Pear" I said into his ear. "Je t'aime bébé" he said as he pulled my face back in for a kiss. His hands traveled to the hem of my sweater as he rode it up to my hips.

"A bit eager aren't we ?" I said against his lips. He looked at me as he smirked, "Well, if you're coming out here dressed like this then don't expect it to be on you by the end of the night bébé."

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