Charles Leclerc - Birthday Sex

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A/N: Requested by artvlewis & f1_girl97 . Hope you babes enjoy and I'm so sorry this is so late .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

"Are you sure? Once we start, i might not be able to stop."

"Come sit on my lap."

With Charles birthday being right around the corner, he had no idea that we, as in his friends and I, had planned to have a party for his birthday.

Knowing his hectic schedule and pressure of the race weekend, we got lucky that he had a week off until the next race so it was the perfect opportunity to celebrate.

Especially since Arthur's birthday is before his, this called for a double celebration over the weekend which is going to be one hell of a party.

I didn't see Charles for over a week due to studying for upcoming exams, that way I can party on the weekend without feeling guilty and devoting one day for travelling since I unfortunately don't live in Monaco.

I left on Friday evening and reached on Saturday morning, not telling Charles a thing since this all has to be a surprise anyway. Bless Marta for letting me stay at her apartment for the day so we could get ready and leave together.

It felt like ages until we were going to leave for the party but it came around sooner than we thought, time is flying. I didn't reply to Charles messages for the remainder of the afternoon so he assumes that I'm busy.

The party only starts at 8 and we started getting ready from 6 so we weren't late. I had a shower first before curling my hair and then attempting a smokey evening look to tie it all together. I actually had heart palpitations when Charles started to call me whilst I was getting ready but I continued to ignore him, I'm sure he can wait.

I slipped into my dress and silver heels, running my fingers through my hair once I was happy with the final outcome.


I grabbed a hold of my purse and phone, then linking arms with Marta as we walked downstairs to where Riccardo, her boyfriend, was waiting for us

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I grabbed a hold of my purse and phone, then linking arms with Marta as we walked downstairs to where Riccardo, her boyfriend, was waiting for us.

Once we were seated in the car he asked, "Ready ?" as he raised his brows. "I believe so" I smiled from the back seat. "Okay good because he's getting suspicious and impatient" he said before stifling a laugh. "Oh gosh I can tell...he actually tried phoning me and I couldn't answer" I said as I looked at his notification on my lock screen. "Shame, he misses you" Marta smiled. "Well, not for long" I said as we were on our way to the venue.

The party took place at Jimmy'z, it's known to be a night club in Monaco and quite famous too. When we pulled up outside the club their was no sign of his Ferrari around so it's just perfect that he isn't here yet. Once we walked inside the music was blasted and the club was already filled with Charles, as well as Arthur's friends.

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