Daniel Ricciardo - After Party

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A/N: Requested by formula1_fan & @Taaaaamz . Its been a while but I hope you babes enjoy .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

"mine" 'say it again'

"The skirt is short on purpose."

"Lay back and touch yourself. I want to watch."

Tonight was one to look forward to as it's one of my best friends bachelorette party. Quite exciting that she decided to be different and rented out a beach bungalow for the weekend. We've all been excited more especially this past week as we all hyped each other up on our group chat.

I spent the day trying to kill some time before getting ready at least 2 hours before hand so I'm on time to leave. Daniel was out for most of the day as he was busy training with Michael and ended up hanging out with his mates at last minute.

After having a shower, I did my makeup first before curling my hair. I spritzed on makeup setting spray as well as hair spray, then after getting dressed.


As I slipped on my skirt, I heard the front door unlock which means Daniels finally home

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As I slipped on my skirt, I heard the front door unlock which means Daniels finally home. "Babe !" He called as he dropped his car keys on the kitchen counter. He walked upstairs to our bedroom to see me all dolled up. "Oh hello. All for me ?" He asked with a cheeky grin as he walked up to me. "Not tonight babe" I laughed as I strapped my heels. "Then where are you going ?" He asked confused. "I told you this so long ago, it's Eva's bachelorette party tonight" I said as I stood up tall. "Oh that's tonight ? Damn" he pouted.

"Yeah... why, what's wrong ?" I asked as I walked closer to him. "I was hoping that you'd stay in with the way you're dressed tonight" he said as he looked at me from head to toe agonisingly slow. He whistled before his eyes met mine, "You like ?" I asked as I raised my brows. "I love...though the skirt is short on purpose" he huffed. "No it's not" I half laughed before looking down at how much shorter the skirt actually looks on me. "Okay maybe it is a teenie tiny bit short but it's all girls so" I shrugged my shoulders and placed my hands on his chest.

"Girls and not forgetting male strippers. They better keep their hands away from you or otherwise they're going to meet my fist down their throat" he emphasised. "Chill out hun because I'm only going away for a few hours. I already told Eva and the girls that I can't stay the weekend since knowing you, you'll probably die knowing I'm away with my friends and male strippers" I said as I stifled a laugh.

"True. You're mine" he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed his forehead against mine. "Say it again" I said as my lips curled into a smile. "You. Are. Mine. Never forget that" he said before starting to pepper kisses all over my face and down my neck. I started to giggle as his stubble tickled me. "Okay enough Dan, I'm running late" I said in between giggles. "I need to get a taste of you before you go" he said as he closed the space between us by placing his lips on mine.

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