Daniel Ricciardo - Eternal Love

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A/N: Thank you @AugustaChristensen for the request ! Hope you all enjoy .xx

Is it just me or has the recent trends been marriage, babies and more especially the age gap in todays couples. Like for instance, Sofia Richie and Scott Disick, also Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas, good on all of them for making their relationship last so long and proved a point that age gaps don't matter.

Occasionally I would feel insecure to be seen with Daniel but I try to stay positive and look past the negativity. I mean, I strongly believe I'm mature for my age and Daniel and I get along so well. That's all that matters anyway right ?

I begin to feel insecure when we're out in public as we do get looks from others, I can't tell if they're looking at us because of Daniel being his usual sexy self or if they're judging us for having a 10 year age gap and trying to figure out how long we would last, god only knows.

The final race of the season had just finished and I was currently in the garage accompanied by Daniel's parents. I was engaged in a conversation with them as its been so long since I last saw them, they asked about myself and my family which I had asked the same, more especially Isaac because I love that child.

"I really miss Michelle and especially Isaac, it's been so long since I've last seen him, he's absolutely adorable" I cooed. "We'd be delighted to have you over and especially Isaac since he always asks when you're coming to visit, all we tell him is that we have to wait for Daniel" Mama Grace said. Just then I felt a pair of hands go over my eyes, "I know it's you Dan" I said as I removed his hands from my eyes then looked up at him. "I heard my name" he said cheerfully.

"We were gossiping about you" I said. His parents began to laugh and I joined in by the looks of Daniel's face. "She's just joking with you, we were just telling her that she should come home soon since we all miss her but we have to wait for you" Papa Joe said. "Well, she's definitely coming over for the holidays that's for sure. You can't get rid of me that easily babe" he said as he nudged my arm. "Wasn't trying to" I smiled.

As the 4 of us continued our conversation, Daniel had mentioned about going to the Amber Lounge tonight for the after party which little did he know I began to grow hesitant. In this time Daniel had shared a special moment with his parents as they gave him some word of advice, told him how proud they are of him and hugged him.

We all went back to the hotel then parted ways as his parents were going to sleep whilst I was going out with Daniel, but we'll be seeing them tomorrow all day anyway so family time isn't being missed out on.

Just as Daniel closed the room door behind us, I engulfed him into a hug, "I'm so so proud of you, it's been quite a low season for you yet you still stayed positive. You needed to start a new chapter in your life and I'm glad that this shitty season is over so now we can enjoy the break" I said, he hadn't replied and just nodded his head. He placed a kiss on my lips before saying, "I love you so much and I'm so grateful to have you in my life. Hashtag blessed, copyright to Lewis", I began to laugh then shook my head.

"Well, lets get dressed, don't want to be late" he said as he began to dance his way to his luggage. I got changed into a tan coloured dress.


My hair was up in a ponytail but a few strands of my hair were let loose to frame my face

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My hair was up in a ponytail but a few strands of my hair were let loose to frame my face. I sat on the couch as I impatiently waited for Dan to get ready. My foot was tapping uncontrollably, why was I so nervous ?

"Ready to go ?" He asked from the bathroom as he sprayed on his after shave. I pressed my lips together as I didn't reply, I'm not ready to be in front of so many people and get judged yet again. I didn't mind the garage since I already knew so many of them there but at the Amber Lounge ? Nah I'm not ready.

Just as he stepped out of the bathroom, his jaw dropped as he glanced my way, "On second thought, we can always stay back because with you looking like that, I can't control myself" he said as he walked over to me. He pulled me up by my hands into his chest, I kept my gaze down and pursed my lips. "What's wrong ?" He asked as he placed his finger under my chin to meet his gaze.

"Dan I'm not ready for this" I said as I started to pace back and forth in the room. "Not ready for what ? Tell me what's on your mind doll" he asked as he sat down on the couch showing how serious he was about hearing me out. I stopped pacing and stood still with my arms crossed over my chest, "I'm afraid of what people will say about you being with me - I know I shouldn't be worried but I can't help but think about it" I frowned.

He looked saddened to hear those words come out of my mouth, "Come here" he said as he patted his lap. I walked over to him then sat on his lap, he turned my face towards him before beginning to caress my hand. "Stop worrying about what others say and worry about us. I love you with all my heart. No one can stop us from being together. As long as my family and I love you then that's all that matters. I couldn't care about our age gap, we have so much in common and you're perfect for me. We're here to stay no matter what. Now do you understand, Miss (Y/N) (Y/L/N) ?" He asked as he changed from his serious tone to a playful one.

I began to smile again, this boy will forever be the reason for my smile and I truly do love him. I nodded my head in a reply then pulled him in for a quick kiss which he returned. "Now is the time to celebrate" he said as he lightly slapped my bum then stood up with me.

Just as I closed the room door behind me, he stood before me with his hand held out. "I love you" I smiled. "I know" he said as he began to laugh. I rolled my eyes before placing my hand in his and entwined our fingers.

When we entered the Amber Lounge I began to feel a bit uneasy but Dan reassured me that it's okay as he gently squeezed my hand from time to time. I took a seat at an empty bar stool whilst he was busy talking to a few of the other drivers, I spotted him talking to Romain then waving him off as he made his way towards me. "Are you okay ?" He asked as he placed his hands on either side of me. "With you, always" I smiled then placed my hands on his face as I pulled him in for a sweet kiss.

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