Sebastian Vettel - A dreamy race weekend (Part 1)

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A/N: Thanks to @JoZann for the request. Hope you all enjoy. Please don't forget to vote and comment.

Also...Happy haps to my main girl, my bestie, RuinaSantori ! I know how much she loves Seb so this is also dedicated to her. I hope you had a wonderful day love .xx

It was the weekend of the Australian GP, first GP of the season and my first time going. I was so stoked to go as I've always enjoyed watching F1 from a young age as my dad got my brother and I into it. It was a damn long flight to travel from home to Australia but it's all worth it and I'm sure the jet lag won't be affecting me as the adrenaline rush of watching them race will keep me wide awake.

My dad had booked tickets for the 4 of us as a Christmas present, the forth person being my best friend as he knows that I'd need a girl friend to keep me company. I started screaming when I found out we had paddock passes because that means we have a chance of meeting the drivers. Is this a dream ? Someone pinch me.

It was Friday, the hype before FP1 had started as everyone was buzzing about. It was minutes away before FP1 had begun, we were walking along the paddock until we saw Sebastian jogging to the garage already dressed with his suit up till his waist. My heart skipped a beat as my friend nudged me, "Look (Y/N) ! It's your husband" she said as she pointed at Seb, he turned around to take a look at who said that and I instantaneously covered my face with my hands.

"Why did you have to embarrass me like that, he even heard us ugh" I said as I shook my head. "It's the truth" she shrugged her shoulders. "You're too much babe" I then began laughing as she joined me. We then headed to the VIP lounge where we could overlook the paddock to watch them during FP1.

Once the session was over, we decided to take a stroll along the paddock again before FP2. My dad stayed back at the VIP lounge whilst my brother, best friend and I were walking together. I was busy scrolling through my social media and not even realizing where I was walking I bumped into a hard chest. "OMG I'm so sorry" I said as I then looked up to meet the stranger. Oh my gosh. The heart palpitations began. "Hey ! I know you" he said as he pointed at me, whilst my brother and best friend stood in awe at him before us.

"Uhh no you don't" I said as was about to cover my face with my hand. "How can I forget your beautiful eyes and not forgetting what your friend said" he said as he briefly looked at her then back at me. "Thank you" I said as I moved a strand of hair away from my face. "Can we please have a picture ?" my best friend asked enthusiastically. "Sure" he gave her a smile as he then removed his sunglasses. I took a picture for her and did the same for my brother but before I did, Seb removed the Mercedes cap my brother wore and tossed it to my friend.

"I'm disgusted that you're a Mercedes fan" he said as he ran his fingers through his hair after the picture. "Always have been and always will be a fan of the silver arrows" my brother laughed. I then handed the phone to my brother to take a picture, "Saved the best for last" he said as he showed off his cheeky smile.

"I ship them" my best friend said out loud which I then gave her a look. He placed his arm around my waist whilst my hand was on his back, "Please don't tell me you're also a Mercedes fan" he said as he then turned to look at me after the picture. "What would you have to say if I told you I am ?" I asked as I raised my brow.

"Then that would be a turn off for me" he said as he licked his lips. "I'm just kidding, I'm a big Ferrari fan, you can even ask her...actually never mind" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. "I like you even more, she's smart, why don't you be like her ?" he asked my brother as I tried to hold in my laugh. "She's a big fan of yours, she goes on every weekend about you-" she started but I quickly shut her up as i cover her mouth with my hand.

"That's enough from her for one day, we should get going" I said as I then removed my hand from her mouth and held her hand to start pulling her away with me. "Wait, I didn't get your name" he yelled after me. "(Y/N) !" I yelled back. He then began jogging towards us to catch up with our pace, "Can I at least get your number ? I'd like to see you around more, especially in the garage" he said as he shoved his hands into his shorts pocket.

"What ?" I asked in shock. "She would love to" my best friend answered for me. "Actually, are you busy now (Y/N) ?" he asked as he looked between us but his gaze fixated mainly on me. "Nope she's not" my brother answered for me. "I can answer for myself, thanks guys" I said as I gave them a look then looked back at him, "No, I'm not busy at all" I smiled. "Great, then would you like to join me in the garage up until FP2 is over ?" he asked as he looked into my eyes for an answer. "I would love to !" I smiled, "I'll see you guys later" I said lowly to my brother and bestie. They gave me a nod and I then proceeded to follow Seb.

"I'd just like to admit that I'm not as awkward as you may think I am, I'm much more loud and really bubbly once you get to know me" I said as I began to play with my fingers. "Awkward ? No. Cute ? Yes. I'm looking forward to getting to know that side of you" He said. Little did I know that this conversation was the start to not only a great weekend ahead but also becoming closer to Seb.

Race Day

To my surprise I ended up spending my race weekend in the Ferrari garage as I cheered Seb on. Qualifying may have not went his way as he finished in P3 but the whole garage had began applauding and shouting when the race ended with a 2-1 finish. I was so proud of him. I decided to stay back in the garage until he was done on the podium and then post-race interviews.

When I heard the cheering begin again, I looked up from my phone to see Seb entering the garage. "Hey champ ! Well done on your victory. I'm proud of you" I gave him a proud smile. "Thank you, I don't know about you but I'd say maybe you're my good luck charm. Are you free for the next 20 races ?" he asked as he grinned and then engulfed me in a brief hug. "Are you kidding me ?" I asked as I began to laugh. "Does it look I'm joking ?" he asked. "I don't even know with you anymore to be honest" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Okay forget about making yourself available for the next 20 races, are you free tonight for dinner ?" He asked as he ruffled his hair. "Hmm I'll let you know" I said as I bit my lip. "What could you possibly be doing later that you can't make it to go on a date with me ?" He asked in confusion. "I'm just kidding, of course I'm available to go out with you" I said as I began to giggle. "It's a date then" he showed off his all too famous cheeky smile.

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