Charles Leclerc - Mini Leclerc (Part 1)

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A/N: For @musicalem21 . Hope you all enjoy. Much love .xx

Gosh I could never forget about celebrating New Years, it was quite the special night and a few weeks later I found out that I was actually pregnant. An amazing start to the year already if you ask me.

It was a hectic pregnancy journey with travelling and trying to be independent especially trying not to whine too much about the pain I was in. I managed to go to quite a few of the races to support Charles even though he had insisted I stay at home but he knows how stubborn I am so I went anyway.

It was only in the last 3 months of my pregnancy that I couldn't make it to go. The pain whenever this baby was kicking my ribs...gosh I can't even explain but it was the worst. I couldn't wait to finally see our precious baby and I think Charles was probably more excited than me, especially when he found out we're having a boy.

I was even more happy to have a boy because I've always wanted my future daughter to have an older brother since I didn't have one of my own. I'm sure Charles was thrilled to train him to be a mini version of himself, only thing is to find out if he's a mama's boy.

9 months down the line and I was finally due to be in hospital. I felt the contractions as I laid in the hospital bed and Charles immediately grabbed onto my hand. It was all so rushed in that moment when the doctor and nurses rushed to my side to help me push the baby out. I just remember being so relieved and panting after hearing the cries of our little baby boy.

After the nurses had taken him to give him a bath and change him into his clothes, my heart fluttered seeing them bring him back to us. I hadn't realised I was crying until I held him in my arms and felt a tear fall onto my arm. I wiped away the tear with my finger before placing a kiss on his forehead. I took in his small features, his small hands, his tiny feet and long eyelashes. A true prince like his daddy.

"We actually did that" I giggled as I looked up at Charles to see him staring down at us. "We did. We finally have a mini version of us" he said as he kissed my forehead. I handed him over to Charles and watched in awe at how he stared at him. The cutest father and son duo. We just couldn't wait to take him home.

When I finally got discharged and was able to bring our baby home, my family flew down to welcome the new member of the family. Charles family couldn't wait to see him as he told me, this kid sure was going to get spoilt.

As soon as we entered the house, both my family and Charles had rushed over to us as they were eager to see the little one in person. Before we were even greeted he was taken away from my arms, okay then. They were all clearly excited as its been a while since someone had a baby and I knew they were all counting on me to have one first. After greeting them all, I went straight to our bedroom and was shocked to see presents all over the bed. Even though we already shopped enough for the baby looks like our families didn't think we did.

I looked at some of the gifts and was stunned to see high end brands. Like for instance, I don't know who but someone got him a pair of Gucci shoes that he'll only be able to use in a couple of months time. Yeah...spoilt is an understatement.

They all couldn't get enough of him and I could tell since I haven't seen my baby in about an hour as I was packing away all the presents. Once I was done, I went back to the lounge to see everyone surrounding the carpet. They had him laid down on his receiver so everyone had a better look at him. Charles glanced my way and gave me a smile, I smiled back as I walked over to him, he wrapped his arms around my torso as we both watched our baby boy.

As it was getting late, both our families were saddened to say their goodbyes but they were sure to be back tomorrow. Each of them took their time to cuddle the baby then greeted Charles and I before leaving. Charles closed the door behind them as he escorted them out whilst I went back to our baby. "They can't get enough of you pumpkin" I cooed as I held him in my arms. "You're going to be breaking hearts baby" I giggled as I walked to our bedroom.

"Time to give you a bath" I sang as I laid him down on the bed. "I'll get the temperature right whilst you undress him" Charles said as he entered the bathroom. I removed his socks, his little hat and his romper before taking him into the bathroom. Charles helped to remove his vest before laying him down onto the bath stool. I put the soap on him as Charles had rinsed him off.

"All done !" Charles said happily. He wrapped him up in the towel and carried him into the room. "I'll prepare his formula whilst you can change him okay" I said as I walked out of the room to the kitchen. I mixed the hot water and powder formula then shook it up before testing if the temperature was right.

My heart fluttered again when I went back to the room to see Charles rocking him. "Can you stop being so cute ?" I asked as I walked over to him. He laughed at me, "I noticed he looks like you" he said as he smiled up at me. "His face will change everyday, perhaps tomorrow he will look like you" I said as I wiggled my eyebrows. He took the bottle from my hand and began feeding him. I sat beside him as I watched him feed him. "Baby fever is back" I said as I placed my hands on my heart. "I don't think it left you" he said as he then glanced at me.

Once he was done feeding him I handed him a face cloth to place on his shoulder so he could burp him. "What's the face cloth for ?" He asked confused. "Theirs a possibility of him to spill some milk if he doesn't belch" I said and just then he belched. "Looks like I got lucky tonight" he said as he let out a laugh. "You won't be lucky all the time babe" I said as I laughed with him. "I'm ready for my daddy duties" he said as he then pecked my lips. "And to also please my lady" he smiled. "Okay then" I grinned.

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