Daniel Ricciardo - Fender Bender

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A/N: Thank you to sof_f1 for requesting this. Just a heads up if you guys didn't know that I love writing fluff more than smut because I'm a hopeless romantic so I loved writing this one a lot. Hope you guys enjoy it. Be sure to vote & comment .xx

Since it was finally off-season, it's great to see Daniel in Perth for most of his break. I only stayed a few blocks away from him so it's just a few minutes drive to his house.

I sadly haven't seen Daniel in the past week even though we may live close, due to my work schedule and then having to cook for my family as soon as I get home since I finished earlier than them tired me out by the evening.

I had just finished my shift at work and unfortunately had to face Friday peak hour traffic. The only way for me to kill time is to blast some music. I had playing 'What the hell' by Avril Lavigne, one of my favourite songs growing up and well it really got me in the mood for this Friday evening.

I was getting pissed off by the second at the car in front of me since it hasn't moved for the past 5 minutes and there's clearly so much space for him to move forward but I'm assuming he's on his phone.

When he finally decided to move, he was driving at a relatively fast speed until he put dead breaks in the middle of the space in front of him. I managed to break just in time so I didn't knock him, the song playing in the background is really accurate at the moment to my mood because what the actual hell is this guy thinking.

Before I could even take notice of the car speeding behind me, he didn't break in time which he then hit at my back bumper quite hard which made me knock into the guy in front of me. I hit my fist against the steering wheel, "Are you fucking kidding me" I yelled out. I lowered the volume of the music then jumped out of the car. The guy who knocked me from the back came rushing to me, "I'm so so sorry" he said. I shook my head at him, "Well sorry ain't going to help now is it" I said frustrated. The guy who was in front of me jumped out from his car to join our conversation. "Why did you slam dead breaks all of a sudden ? This accident could've been worse" I said to which he didn't respond back.

"You were on your phone weren't you ?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. He pressed his lips together as he nodded his head. Both of these guys had to be in their mid 30's, "Unbelievable" I muttered lowly as I watched the traffic starting to move a little faster up ahead. "Anyways I'm in a rush to get home, let's just take each other's details down, insurance can sort this out" I said to which they both nodded.

We took down each other's phone number, registration and a picture of our license. Now all 3 vehicles had to be towed which one of the guys named Jason had called for. I decided to call my mum since I knew she'd be off work by now, I would've been at home cooking right about now had this accident not happened but I guess some people just don't listen when they're warned about texting and driving.

"Hey Mum ! Are you on your way home ?" I greeted. "Indeed I am darling" she said cheerfully. "Is it possible for you to pick me up ? I'm on the freeway and I just met in an accident a few minutes ago" I said as I started to pace along the side of the pavement. "Oh my god are you okay ?" She asked worried. "I'm perfectly fine but I can't say the same for the car unfortunately" I said as I pressed my lips and glanced at my car being towed. "I'm not worried about the car, your life is more important, are you okay ?" she asked again. "Yes mum, I can assure I'm 100% fine. Now can you pick me up ?" I asked and just then my phone had vibrated, I got a notification that my phone is at 10%. Oh just perfect.

"I'll try to get to you as quick as I can, I'll be there in a few" she said. "You unfortunately have to follow the route as we'd usually go home since I of course can't run across to the opposite side because of the railway. Also please drive safe" I said as I then sat down at the side of the road. "I know, I love you. I'll see you in a few" she said lastly. "Love you too, bye" I said sadly before ending the call. My phone was quite hot at the moment and my battery was already at 1%, how the hell do these things die so quickly ?

I started laughing at the thought of how Daniel would react when he'd hear about this. I probably have so many missed calls from him but I can't even check because my damn phone is dead. Traffic was now cleared out as peak hour was over and in about 15 to 20 minutes I'd say my mum was finally here. The 2 guys were still waiting for someone to pick them up, I was the better person to ask if they needed a lift but they kindly declined.

I got into the passengers side and sighed in relief, "Thank god you're finally here, I was getting tired of waiting" I pouted. "Well Daniel was phoning me since he was worried about why you weren't answering your phone" she said as she glanced at me briefly then back at the road ahead.

I hit my forehead, "My phone died...Please don't tell me you told him" I then turned to look at her as I waited for her answer. "I had to tell him" she said in an obvious tone. "Oh god no. You probably told him a dramatic version of what I told you. I bet he's already at our house pacing in the lounge as we speak" I said as I shook my head. "At least he's worried about you" she said. "I understand that and I really appreciate it but sometimes the way you guys react is on another level of extra" I said as I crossed my legs over. "You're not any less of a drama queen" she said as she glanced at me briefly. "Touché" I said as I let out a laugh. "Phone him" she said.

I dialled his number, "Hello" I said first. "Oh my god babe are you okay ?" He asked. "I'm fine Dan, my phone died by the way so that's why I didn't answer" I said as I pursed my lips. "What happened ? Are you sure you're okay ?" He asked again. "Gosh you sound like my mum calm down, this is why I was going to tell you later because I knew for a fact you'd react like her" I said which my mum slapped my arm. "You could've died and you're getting moody because I'm worried" he said. "But I didn't die so chill out, a guy knocked into me which made me knock into the guy in front" I said. "Okay thank heavens nothing happened to you, I'm on the way to your house so I'll see you just now" he said. "Okay love you" I said lastly. "Love you too doll" he said as I then ended the call.

When we finally arrived home I noticed his car outside, "Thought as much he'd be here, now watch...he's pacing in the lounge" I said as I closed the passenger door and walked to the front door. I pushed it open and walked to the lounge to see Daniel doing exactly what I told my mum. "What did I tell you" I said as I pointed at him pacing back and forth then briefly turned to look at her. He ran over to me and engulfed me in a hug, "Are you okay ?" He asked as his head was rested on top of mine. "I'm perfectly fine gosh how many times do I have to say that" I said as I looked up at him. "Thank god, I was worried sick for the past 45 minutes because I was phoning you and you didn't answer. Nor did you answer the house phone so I thought that I might as well phone your mum because she'd know about your whereabouts if I don't" he said as he looked down at me.

"I don't see why you guys are worried because I keep telling you all I'm fine but it's as if no one listens to me" I said as I pouted. He released from our hug to give me a look of disbelief, "You just met in an accident, how can anyone not be worried ?" He asked. "He has every right to be worried because I know I was, even your dad when I told him" my mum said. "I feel attacked right now" I said as I placed a hand on my heart.

"I was like oh shit I haven't seen her in almost a week, I hope this girl doesn't die on me because god I don't know what I'd do without you" he said as he pulled me in again for a hug. I softened in his embrace as I wrapped my arms around his torso, "You're over reacting now because you know that we would've went out today" I said as I looked up at him. He pecked my nose which made me scrunch it, "I didn't know if you were going to come back dead or alive" he said jokingly. I hit his chest playfully and tried to pry away from his embrace, "I'm kidding, I just missed messing with you and of course holding you" he said as his hands trailed past my bum to the back of my thighs to carry me.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, "I don't know if I can say the same about missing you" I teased. "What a lie, you know you missed these lips" he said as he pouted. I began to giggle, "You know me too well" I said before finally connecting my lips with him. Damn I really missed my man.

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