Max Verstappen - Baby Duties (Part 1)

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A/N: Thank you to @lslotegraaf13 for the request. I hope you all enjoy. Much love .xx

I remember the day clearly like it was yesterday and now look where I am...

It had to happen that night after the Amber Lounge in Abu Dhabi. I was so proud of Max' achievements this season and I of course had to be there for his last race.

I was in the Redbull garage cheering him on with his family when we watched him finished in 3rd place. It was a long night ahead of celebrations but he deserved it as well as the other drivers on the grid.

Once he was done with his interviews, we went back to the hotel to get dressed for the Amber Lounge. He looked so fine as always and damn was he clingy that night.

We were having a great time, dancing, teasing each other and not forgetting we both ended up getting drunk. We both went back to the hotel and lost it the minute our door was shut. Our lips met each other hungrily, hands tangled in each other's hair, clothes being discarded faster than we thought...their was no time for foreplay that night.

It was the best I ever had that night and it was the last time we did it. That night explains why I'm currently sitting in the bedroom of his Monaco apartment with a positive pregnancy test in my hand.

For the past month I had been feeling different from my usual self, I had morning sickness, I missed my period and I was feeling fatigue which was strange since I'm active. Victoria was going to come in any minute to keep me company as Max headed out to the gym with Jake.

As soon as I heard a knock at the door I began to panic, I threw away the box for the test and cleaned up the pregnancy test to put it into my jeans pocket. I opened the door to meet Victoria, "How are you doing, Vic ?" I asked as I pulled her in for a hug. She hugged me back, "I'm doing great thanks, are you okay ? You look a bit worried" she asked with concern as she closed the door behind her and followed me to sit on the couch.

"No, I'm fine, what makes you think that ?" I asked uneasily but tried to sound confident. "You look pale" she said as she raised her eyebrows. I felt my hands grow sweaty and the room getting warmer, I held my head in my hands. "Vic I don't know what to do" I said as I let the tears fall.

"What's wrong (Y/N) ?" She asked worriedly as she soothed my back. I looked up at her which she could see my tear stained cheeks, she engulfed me in a hug as she soothed my hair. "I don't know how I'm going to tell my parents, your family and not forgetting Max" I said as I cried more into her shoulder. "Speak to me (Y/N) ! You're really worrying me" she said as she looked at me.

I gulped before finally telling her, "I'm pregnant." Her worried expression turned into a huge smile as she jumped up from couch and threw her arms in the air, "I'm going to be an aunt !" She yelled. "What are your parents going to say Vic ? Oh my god I'm going to die" I said as I shook my head and held my head in my hands. "They should be happy, I'm sure they'd love a grandkid, I'm so glad I don't have to wait any longer to be an aunt" she said happily.

"Fair enough you'll will be happy, what about my parents ?...oh gosh just imagine the look on your brothers face...he may not have the same reaction as you" I said as I gave her a worried look. A fear of being rejected. "Well if he's upset about it then I'll knock some sense into him because I'd really love to have a little niece or nephew to look after" she cooed. I finally smiled at her then looked down as I played with my fingers, "How about you speak to your parents first about it, then after you tell Max then we can tell my parents as well. I'll give you some time to figure things out" she said as she rubbed my arm before going to the balcony.

I gave my parents a call which they were surprisingly happy which I guess is all that matters, they were only upset at the fact that we weren't having a child after marriage but anyway it's done now. Just one more and the most important person I have to break the news to, I wonder what he'll have to say.

I told Vic about my parents and she was happy, we chatted away as we caught up with our gossip and talked about babies as well before Max got back.

Vic and Max hugged each other as he entered the apartment, "I should get going now" Vic announced as she gave me a look. "Why ? What's the rush ?" He asked. "I'm going out with one of my friends today, I'll catch up with you guys later" she said lastly as she gave me a hug then waved us off. Max then walked over to me and placed a kiss on my lips, "How's my princess doing ?" He asked as he titled my chin up. "I'm doing good" I faked a smile. "You're a bit warm, are you getting a temperature ?" He asked worriedly as he felt my forehead.

"I'm fine really, don't worry about me" I said as I placed my hand on his. "I'm going to have a shower and we'll head out soon okay" he said as he placed a kiss at the back of my hand as I nodded my head.

Whilst he was busy in the bathroom, I sat on the bed trying to think how I'm going to break it to him. I think I'm going to go straight for it. He came out of the bathroom in shorts and a T-shirt as he was drying his hair with the towel. "Max, I need to tell you something" I said as I grabbed his attention.

"Whatsup ?" He asked as he walked over to me then sat himself next to me. "Okay so I don't know how you'll feel about this. I have mixed emotions about it and I guess it's because I'm worried about what you have to say" I said as I got up from the bed and stood in front of him. "Babe just tell me what is it ?" He said as he interlocked his fingers as he looked up at me. I paced up and down for a while before stopping again in front of him. I was agitated.

I handed him the pregnancy test as I looked everywhere but his face, "I'm pregnant" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. He looked down at the test to see the result showing that I'm pregnant. "Are you serious ?" He asked as he looked up at me. I turned to look at him, "This is a serious matter Max, I wouldn't joke about something like this" I said.

"I don't know what to say right now, I'm just speechless" he said as he stood up and shoved his hands in his pocket. "I understand it's a lot to take in, it's just as hard for me as it is for you. If you don't want to be apart of my life and the baby then that's fine, I'll take my stuff and leave. Having a child right now is of course the last thing you wanted and especially at such a young age" I sighed as I looked down.

Their was a silence for a while which spoke for itself, I was on the verge of crying as I felt rejected and walked out the bedroom. He pulled me by my hand as he spun me around into his chest and engulfed me in a hug. "I want to be with you and our baby every step of the way. Theirs no way I'm letting you go and I want to teach baby Verstappen to be like his daddy" he said happily.

He held me around my waist as he spun us around, "I'm going to be a dad !" He yelled. "We're going to be parents !" I yelled back. He lowered me to wrap my legs around his waist as our lips had connected, this couldn't have gone better for me right now.

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