Max Verstappen - Shower Arguments

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A/N: Requested by @Littlemissunnoticed . Hopefully you all enjoy this one. Be sure to comment and vote. Much love .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

I was furious at this moment, actually furious isn't even the correct word, gosh I can't explain how mad I am right now. Max and I go out to a party that one of his friends invited him to, he meets one of his old friends - specifically a girl whom I hadn't know used to like him - she was clearly flirting with him the whole night and he hadn't even bothered to tell her that he has a damn girlfriend.

I let it slide though, I had to keep my cool and I didn't want to cause a scene in public. The minute we got back to his apartment, I barged in without waiting for him and headed straight to his room. I
started to take off my jewellery and then put my hair up into a bun before Max came back in the room.

"What are you rushing for ?" He asked as he looked at me confused. "Don't talk to me" I said plainly. He knows now that something is wrong. "What's gotten into you ?" He asked as he placed his phone down by the bedside table and walked closer to me. I slipped the straps of my dress off my shoulders and moved my hands to my back to unzip my dress but I couldn't as Max caught me off guard as he pushed me up against the wall.

"Talk to me !" He yelled frustrated as his hands pushed my hips against the wall. "Think carefully about what happened tonight" I said sternly. My eyes then drifted down to his hands on my hips, "And don't touch me" I said as I released his grip off me. "Why are you being so damn stubborn ? Just tell me what got you in such a mood" he said as he watched me walk to the en suite.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face him, "I'm being stubborn ? I have every right to be bloody stubborn right now because I'm pissed off at you" I admitted. "What did I do ?" He asked in shock. "Go on. Continue talking to that friend of yours. I'm sure she still has the hots for you because you didn't even tell her you have a girlfriend. Yet when I talk to other guy friends who know that I have a boyfriend, it's a problem" I said.

"That's different, I don't like her and she doesn't like me but all of your guy friends still hit on you knowing that you're mine" he said as he began to grow angry. "Excuse you, are you damn blind ? Did you not notice the way she kept touching you and she was flirting with you too ! You know what fuck this, I'm done" I said as I walked away from him and stripped out of my dress to get into the shower.

"No, I'm not fucking done with you !" He yelled after me as he came into the bathroom. "I don't want to talk to you. Go away" I said as I rolled my eyes. "The feelings she had for me are in the past, we're just friends. Nothing more" he said. I ignored him and didn't bother to turn around to see him through the glass. Then why the hell didn't you tell me she liked you before, idiot.

I let the warm water hit my back before fully emerging myself under the shower head to wet my hair as well. I then felt a presence behind me, he wrapped his arms around my torso and placed his head on my shoulder, "Don't ignore me when I'm talking to you" he whispered in my ear. I tried to moved my head away and managed to release his grip around my waist. "I told you not to touch me" I said annoyed. "You don't want me to touch you or talk to you, I'm not getting a reply back from you so I had to try something princess" he said.

I pressed my lips together, I had to be silent. He wrapped his arms around my torso again and pulled me against his bare chest. His hands roamed from my midriff up to my breasts to cup them in his hands. His warm hands gave them a gentle squeeze which made me lay my head on his shoulder. I bit my bottom lip, "Max, stop" I said weakly. "Do you really want me to ?" He whispered seductively in my ear. He then began to massage my breasts in his hands whilst his lips lowered to my earlobe and tugged at it gently. I was weak by his touch, it's as if I forgot about what we were even arguing about.

"I'm trying to stay mad at you" I said as I held in a moan. His one hand massaged my breast whilst his other hand traveled down my midriff, his fingers brushed over my clit which made me gasp. "I'd like to see how long you can" he said as he placed kisses down the side of my neck, I leaned my neck to give him more access. I bit back a moan as he rubbed my clit in circular motions, "Shit" I moaned out. As his fingers brushed through my folds, without warning he inserted a finger inside me.

"Fuck baby" he said into my ear. He thrusted his finger in me at a faster pace before adding another finger. I felt my walls clench before coming undone on his fingers. He turned me around and grabbed my face in his hands to place his lips on mine. It was a hungry and needy kiss but also had us both fighting for dominance. He pushed me up against the glass as his hands cupped my breasts in hands again. His fingers pinched at my nipples which made me gasp into the kiss, he then slipped his tongue into my mouth to deepen the kiss. My hands moved to his hair as I tugged on his wet strands.

His hands then roamed down my bum and gave it a soft squeeze before moving lower to the back of my thighs, I then jumped in his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist with my back still against the glass. I then broke the kiss to nibble and place small kisses along his neck as well as on his collar bone.

I then looked down to watch him pump his length in his hand. He teasingly rubbed himself along my folds but not slipping himself in me just yet. "Don't be a damn tease" I said now sexually frustrated. His eyes then drifted between mine and my lips before thrusting himself into me. "Oh fuck" I moaned as my eyes rolled back. I ran my fingers through my wet strands to push it away from my face.

"Fuck princess you're so hot" he said as he pressed his forehead against mine. He lightly tug on my bottom lip teasingly before pressing his lips against mine again. His hands firmly gripped the soft skin of my bum to bounce me on his length. I was a mess as I couldn't even think straight about kissing him, the pain mixed with pleasure was driving me insane.

His hands moved down to the back of my thighs again to push me up against the glass so he can thrust himself in me instead. "Faster Max" I said as I could feel myself getting close to my high. He began to increase his pace with his thrusts which made me let out a scream. "Right there ! I'm so close" I cried out as I then bit on his shoulder whilst my arms were wrapped around his neck. "I'm close too" he murmured against my neck. I then felt my walls clench again as I came undone, he had also reached his high at the same time and came undone in me. He then slipped his length out of me and placed me back down but my legs were weak. "Fuck" he said lowly as he stood under the shower head to rinse himself off.

"Are you still mad at me ?" He asked with a cheeky grin as he pulled me towards his chest. "Not anymore" I said as I traced circles on his chest before meeting his eyes. "I should get you mad more often"
He said as he then bit his lip. "Are you trying to tell me this was planned ?" I asked as I began to grow angry. "No but damn I think I should plan more of these" he said as he looked down at my weak figure. My arms were wrapped around his neck for support as my legs felt weak. "I hate you" I said. "Sure you do" he smiled as he then pulled my lips in for another kiss.

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