Charles Leclerc - An Unhappy Eclair

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A/N: Thank you to @f1_girl97 for requesting. Hope you all enjoy. Be sure to vote & comment. Much love .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

It was the Monaco GP weekend, a special one since not only is it his home GP but he also had a winning car so this was his chance to give it his all and bring it home.

It was finally race day, as excited as Charles may look I'm sure he was also really nervous and him being nervous made me nervous. I was positive throughout this whole weekend and I believe in him getting that 1st position or even just standing up there on the podium.

I stood in the garage with his brothers and his mum, we all had on our headphones as the race was just about to begin any second - they were just finishing their warm up lap - before we knew it the 5 red lights were out and they were off.

Charles had already pitted and it's now half way into the race. My heart dropped to see a Ferrari slowing down. "Gearbox is gone" he said on the radio. "Sorry that we're going to have to retire the car" his engineer replied back. "It's fine" he said lowly, his voice almost cracked which broke my heart, I dreaded the day to see him like this because it also hurts me. He parked the car off and the camera panned back to the race. I sighed and removed the headphones, now we wait for Charles.

When he finally came back in the garage everyone rushed to his side, he removed his helmet and balaclava then handed it to Andrea, he walked over to the pit wall to speak to his engineer and Mattia. After talking to them he walked into the garage, Arthur and Lorenzo walked towards him in hopes of possibly calming him down I guess. He hugged them as well as his mum with Andrea following close behind him. After releasing from the hug I watched him walk right past me to his drivers room with Andrea. The hell ? What did I do that he just ignores me ?

He walked out of his drivers room changed into a pair of shorts and his team shirt, his press officer followed him and just as he was getting closer to me I reached out for his hand, "Are you okay ?" I asked a bit worried. "Yeah" he said plainly and pulled his hand away from my grasp then continued walking with his press officer to finish his post-race interviews.

I walked over to his brothers, "What's wrong with your brother ?" I asked Lorenzo. "Me ?" Arthur asked in shock. "No, not you" I laughed. "Charles ? I think he's just in a mood" Lorenzo said as he shoved his hands into his pocket. "He talks to all of you except for me...I don't recall doing something wrong" I said as I shrugged my shoulders. "That's strange, well you can ask him for yourself later" Arthur said. "It's not like him but I mean if he's going to be mad at me for no reason then I'm going to ignore him too" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Sounds like a war to me" Lorenzo said. "I may as well just leave since I don't think he'd care either" I faked a smile. He could've gotten a hug or a kiss but he damn ignores me. "Aww don't leave" Arthur said. "Sorry Arthur but nothing is going to change my mind, I'll see you guys later" I said. I hugged them both and greeted their mum as well before leaving. Out of spite I decided to take his Ferrari home so he's going to have to get a ride from Lorenzo. I feel evil but I mean at the same time it felt nice to be naughty for once.

Its been about 3 hours and I tried to make use of the time I had alone to myself. I ate, watched TV -
not the rest of the race because I'm too mad at Charles to even see him right now - and even though it was still bright out, I changed out of my clothes into my short black satin pyjama set.

I heard the front door close and I was in bed scrolling through my phone at the time. He unlocked the room door to look at me which I couldn't help but glance at him for a brief second before looking back at my phone. He removed his shirt and went into the closet to pick another before walking back into the room. "We're going out to eat" he said as he slipped the shirt over his head. "Okay" I said plainly as I continued to scroll through my phone. "So get dressed and let's go" he clapped his hand. "I'm not coming" I said in the same plain tone. "Why not ?" He asked with his hands on his hips. "Because I don't want to be around you for the rest of the day and I'd rather spend the day alone" I said as I turned to look at him.

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