Lando Norris - #6

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A/N: Requested by @Jhawker123 . Hope you all enjoy ! Be sure to vote & comment. Much love .xx

6. "I just need a hug."

It was yet another Sunday that I had to sadly stay at home to study for my upcoming exams and finish off my assignments that were due soon. I felt bad that I couldn't be at Billy's race today at Donnington Park but he understood how serious I take my school work, damn he's lucky that he's excused from having to deal with this work load.

It sucks that Billy and I are fraternal twins, he gets more recognition and doesn't have to deal with school whereas I'm in the total opposite position, but then again I can't complain because it's not like I had to choice to have Billy Monger as my brother.

I was in full study mode, my phone was on silent, I had snacks to keep me going and the house was quiet since everyone left for the race whilst I had to sadly stay back at home. I'm trying to take full opportunity of this moment because I know the minute the family is back home I'm going to be distracted and not forgetting how noisy they are, I just won't be able to concentrate.

The peace and quietness of the house was almost too good to be true as after an hour and a half of studying, the house phone rings. I dropped my pen in frustration, groaning as I left my room to answer the house phone. "Hello ?" I answered as I rolled my eyes. "Sweetheart, what were you doing ? The whole family and I have called, and also texted you numerous amount of times in the last 5 minutes" my mum said hurriedly. "I was busy and my phone was on silent...why, what happened ?" I asked concerned. "Billy just met in a serious accident on track, he's currently being rushed to the hospital as we speak, meet us over there. I'll text you the details. Anyways love you, bye" she said lastly as she ended the call.

I felt my heart drop and tears begin to well up in my eyes. I rushed to my room to check my phone to see that I have 15 missed calls and 23 unread messages from the last 5 minutes. I let the tears fall as I read all the messages about Billy's accident. My hands started to shake and I couldn't control it. It took me a while to make a call to Lando to take me to the hospital. Lando's the first person I could think of in this hard time, he's not only my best friend but also my boyfriend, I know this boy would do anything for me in a heartbeat.

"Babe" Lando greeted in his cheerful voice. "Lando" I answered in a trembling voice. "Babe are you okay ? What's wrong ?" He asked worriedly. I started to sniffle as I tried to build the courage to break the news to him, that's also his friend involved in an accident. "Speak to me babe" He said as he slightly raised his voice. "Billy met in a serious accident, my mum just called and said to rush to the hospital. Please can you take me ?" I asked in between cries. "Oh damn I'm so sorry to hear that. I really hope he'll be okay. I'll be there to pick you up in 10 minutes, okay ?" He reassured. I nodded and then realised that he couldn't see me, "Okay" I sniffled. "I love you, see you just now" he said as he then ended the call.

When he hooted outside my house, I grabbed just my phone in a rush and the house keys. I quickly locked the house before jumping into the passenger seat. He gave me a small smile when I entered the car before driving off to the hospital. The tears had welled up in my eyes yet again, I couldn't hold them back and just let them fall. Lando noticed me wipe away my tears, he grabbed a hold of my hand and intertwined our fingers. I gave him a small smile at the gesture but my heart fluttered when he kissed the back of my hand, a gesture as small as that helped me forget about my worries.

When we reached the hospital, I sprinted to the front desk to ask about my brother and luckily the secretary didn't question me...I guess they were expecting me. Lando held my hand and led the way to where Billy's room was, he was admitted into ICU as he was critical. I hugged my mum and couldn't help but cry on her shoulder, she rubbed my back to try and calm me down. This is my twin involved, I don't know what I would do without him.

"The doctors have said he's going to need surgery, it's the only route we can go for right now as Billy is critical" my mum said. I nodded my head and released from our hug, I then wiped away my tears and took a step back. As Lando greeted my mum and the rest of my family, I felt I needed to be alone and away from the crowd.

I took a seat at a nearby couch and stared off into the distance, I felt myself getting emotional again and before I knew it I was in a deep slumber. I hadn't realised I fell off to sleep until I was woken up by Lando. "I got worried that you weren't alive" he sighed as he placed a hand on his heart. I gave him a small smile for his effort in trying to make me laugh. "Your mum said I should check up on you since you've been asleep for about 4 hours now... do you want me to get you anything ? Possibly something to eat or maybe some tea ?" He asked. "I just need a hug" I pouted at him. "Awww babe, well how about a cuddle ?" He suggested as he wiggled his eyebrows. "Cuddling in the hospital ?" I asked in confusion as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah, why the heck not ?" He said in an obvious tone before taking a seat next to me on the couch. "Come here you" he said as he held his arms out for me. I scooted closer to him and laid my head on his lap as he started to play with my hair. I turned to look up at him which stopped his actions, "Thank you for being here for me and especially for picking me up at such short notice. I don't deserve you but damn I love you" I smiled up at him. "Don't say that again because I swear if you do-" he said but I cut him off, "You'll what ?" I asked as I wiggled my brows. "I'll stop you" he said in an obvious tone. "How so ?" I questioned playfully. "By kissing you" he said as his thumb traced over my bottom lip.

"Okay great then...I don't deserve-" I started but I didn't get to finish as he placed his lips on mine. "I warned you" he said after he broke away. "Wow I was so scared" I said as I placed my hands over my heart. "You know what, just go back to sleep" he said as he shook his head at me and chuckled.

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